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Module 2 - Background Conflict Management Approaches & Human Behaviors Please review the following materials in this order and access via ProQuest where no link is provided: Shachar, M. (2011)....

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Module 2 - Background

Conflict Management Approaches & Human Behaviors

Please review the following materials in this order and access via ProQuest where no link is provided:

  1. Shachar, M. (2011). Conflict Resolution Management (CRM). Textbook. Chapter 3.
  2. Power Point Presentation: Foundations of Conflict Resolution: Module 2
  3. For your Case Assignment:
    Jameson, J. K. (1999).Toward a comprehensive model for the assessment and management of intra-organizational conflict: Developing the framework.International Journal of Conflict Management; Bowling Green; Jul 1999; Note: Article is offered with the author's permission as of 19SEP11.

I need 3-4 paragraphs, 2-3 in-text citations, APA, 2-3 references

Answered Same Day Mar 08, 2020


Meenakshi answered on Mar 09 2020
143 Votes
Conflict Resolution
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Authors’ Note
    Conflict resolution management as per Shachar is also about dispute resolution where an effective end result is expected (Shachar, 2011). It is the responsibility to the managers to look after conflict resolution so that the work process and the work result along with the employee base stay perfect (Shachar, 2011). The managers need to manage the conflict which can arise from various situations in the work environment among the employees and this is known as conflict resolution management. This as per Shachar can be done through advising,...

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