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MNG XXXXXXXXXXSP5 Workbook Rubric Each section of the workbook is allocated a certain number of marks, with the total adding up to 400, pro-rated to equal a score out of 40. In addition, each...

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Each section of the workbook is allocated a certain number of marks, with the total adding up to 400, pro-rated to
equal a score out of 40. In addition, each criterion is assessed based on the degree of sophistication demonstrated. The
number of points for each section is:
1 Topic 1: Project Management Introduction, Charter and kick-off Max Score
1.1 Project Selection Prioritization Matrix 8
1.2 Scope Overview (word limit: 150) 8
1.3 Milestone Schedule and Deliverables 8
1.4 Initial Risk Identification 12
1.5 Resources Required 8
1.6 Initial Stakeholder Identification 12
1.7 Team Operating Principles 8
1.8 Lessons Learned 12
1.9 Commitment 4
2 Topic 2: Communication plan, WBS, and RACI
2.1 Stakeholder Prioritization Matrix 20
2.2 Project Communications Matrix 20
2.3 Work Breakdown Structure 20
2.4 The RACI chart 20
3 Topic 3: Time management and Cost Management
3.1 AoN 8
3.2 Time estimation 8
3.2.1 Time estimation – Enumeration method 12
3.2.2 Time estimation – Two Pass method 12
3.3 Critical path 8
3.4 Resource Loading 12
3.5 Gantt chart 8
3.6 Resources and cost to activity 12
4 Topic 4: Progress reporting scope change, and crashing
4.1 Crashing your project
AoN (two-pass, including resources) 24
Gantt chart 36
Budget graph 20
5 Topic 5: Risk management, and Quality management
5.1 Risk identification I 8
5.2 Risk identification II 32
5.3 Risk identification III 20
5.4 Quality tools 20
Total points 400
The number of points awarded to each criterion is as follows:
Does not meet
Meets criterion at a
very basic level
Meets criterion in
such a way to
Meets criterion in a
way that
Meets criterion in a
way that

Student Workbook for MNG91217
Project Management Assessment II
This workbook accounts for 40% of your final grade. The workbook has five topics, each topic is worth 80 points, adding up to 400 points. Your total point tally will be divided by ten to determine your grade. For a detailed scoring table per question, please see the ‘Assessment 2 - Ru
ic’ under ‘Assessment Tasks and Submission’ > ‘Assessment 2 – The Workbook’.
1    Topic 1: Project Management Introduction, Charter and kick-off    4
1.1    Project Selection Prioritization Matrix    4
1.2    Scope Overview (word limit: 150)    7
1.3    Milestone Schedule and Deliverables    8
1.4    Initial Risk Identification    8
1.5    Resources Required    9
1.6    Initial Stakeholder Identification    9
1.7    Team Operating Principles    9
1.8    Lessons Learned    9
1.9    Commitment    10
2    Topic 2: Communication plan, WBS, and RACI    11
2.1    Stakeholder Prioritization Matrix    11
2.2    Project Communications Matrix    11
2.3    Work Breakdown Structure    12
2.4    The RACI chart    13
3    Topic 3: Time management and Cost Management    14
3.1    AoN    14
3.2    Time estimation    14
3.2.1    Time estimation – Enumeration method    15
3.2.2    Time estimation – Two Pass method    15
3.3    Critical path    15
3.4    Resource Loading    15
3.5    Gantt chart    16
3.6    Resources and cost to activity    16
4    Topic 4: Progress reporting scope change, and crashing    17
4.1    Crashing your project    17
5    Topic 5: Risk management, and Quality management    18
5.1    Risk identification I    18
5.2    Risk identification II    18
5.3    Risk identification III    18
5.4    Quality tools    19
Topic 1: Project Management Introduction, Charter and kick-off
Project Selection Prioritization Matrix
Below is an example of how calculations in a trade-off matrix are performed:
    Project/Selection Criteria
    Criteria A
    Criteria B
    Landscaping project
    (5*7=) 35
    (5*10=) 50
    (35+50=) 85
Using the example, score each of the projects in the table below. Based on the score, which project would you choose?
    Project/Selection Criteria
    Potential Monetary Gain
    Success Probability
    Social Opinion
    Construction Project: International Hotel, Hawaii
    Construction Project: Local Hotel, Brisbane
    Infrastructure Project: High Speed Rail – Sydney to Melbourne
    Investment project: The Old Farm House
· _________________
Based on the prior Project Selection Prioritization Matrix, you undoubtedly have surmised that the Old Farm House investment project is the best option for you at the moment. Following this decision, the following business case below has been developed for you:
Old Farm House Business Case
You have inherited a century old farm house and acreage in a rural area. You have visited the site and made an inspection. The house needs a great deal of repair work to get it marginally liveable. You have itemized the most important things that need to be done and estimated the time required as shown below.
You plan to use this house for vacations and as a rental property through Ai
nb. In fact, your work colleague as already expressed interest in staying over as soon as the property is finished. Your parents have sponsored you with a personal loan of $10,000 - that will give you enough money to buy the supplies and have a spending budget on help from a local contractor and two of his apprentices. You yourself have committed to working 80 hours over your vacation to fix up the house, but you are te
ible at carpentry and painting. Your vacation of two weeks starts on Monday the 1st of June, and you prefer to be present when the contractor is on site. Assume you, the contractor and his apprentices[footnoteRef:1] all can work up to 8 hrs per day, 5 days per week. [1: For this case the contractor does not need to be present to have an apprentice working on site]
You expect that within 2 years of renting the property you will have earned enough money to repay your parents.
Each activity is to be performed by one person only.
Continually ask yourself the question “when this is done, what else can I start now, or which things can I do at the same time?”.
    Supplies needed
    Can do all jobs except carpentry and painting
    $125 per hou
    Expert in carpentry
    Apprentice I
    $60 per hou
    Expert in painting
    Apprentice II
    $40 per hou
    Can do all odd jobs (except carpentry and painting)
Please note while working on this project, many assumptions are made that appear unrealistic, such as for example the wages, or constraints around who can do what. The main reason behind these decision has been to create an example that is easy for you to work on, while keeping it within small boundaries.
The following List of Most Important Fixes and Project Customer Trade-Off Matrix are provided to you as background to the project; they are part of the Business Case.
    List of Most Important Fixes (not necessarily in order of schedule or priority):
    Purchase supplies
    Hang new curtains
    Repair wooden shutters
    Paint shutters
    Hang shutters
    Repair wooden porch
    Paint porch
    Repair wooden floo
    Sand floo
    Refinish (paint) floo
    Paint ceilings
    Paint doors
    Paint interior walls
    Paint exterior walls
    Wash exterior windows
    Wash interior windows
Project Customer Trade-off Matrix
    Old Farm House
    Cannot go over $10.000
    Spend full budget to save time
    Save time (you are allowed to spend the full budget if it enhances time finished)
    Must finish in two weeks (10 business days)
    Must meet
    Must meet
Scope Overview (word limit: 150)
Use your own words to convert the project
ief (business case) in a short scope overview:
Type your
ief in this text box
Milestone Schedule and Deliverables
Based on the project
ief and the list of work packages, please list the milestones you would identify for this project. The first and last are already given for you. Estimate a completion date for each milestone, as well as what the acceptance criteria would be. Also think about who should judge whether or not the criteria have been met.
    Completion Date
    Acceptance Criteria
    Stakeholder Judge
    Charter signed off
    Project completion
Initial Risk Identification
Based on the project
ief, examples from the book and your own interpretation, please identify at least four potential risks to the project.
    Project (Potential) Risks
    Risk Owne
    Contingency Plans
Resources Required
Based on the project
ief, examples from the book and your own interpretation, please identify the funding, workers and equipment required for this project, as well as potential other resources. Don’t overthink this exercise and keep it short and simple.
Initial Stakeholder Identification
Based on the project
ief, examples from the book and your own interpretation, please identify at least four stakeholders to the project, their interest and priority to the project.
    Interest in Project
    Priority (High/Medium/Low)
Team Operating Principles
Please list a minimum of three Team Operating Principles you believe are important for your project (refer to textbook):
· _________________
· _________________
· _________________
Lessons Learned
Please list a minimum of three Lessons Learned you believe can contribute to your project:
· ________________
· ________________
· ________________
Fill out the first column of the table below:
    Department / Organisation
    Project Manage
    Department / Organisation
    Core Team Membe
    Department/ Organisation
Topic 2: Communication plan, WBS, and RACI
Stakeholder Prioritization Matrix
Based on the project
ief, examples from the book and your own interpretation, please identify as many stakeholders as possible. Rank their power, Interest, Influence, Impact, Urgency and legitimacy on a scale of 1 to 3 (1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high) and add them in column ‘Total’.
    What is the stakeholder’s main interest?
    Priority (a score of 6-9 = low, 10 to 14 = medium, 15 to 18 = high))
    Example: Stakeholder A
    A clean, quiet environment
Project Communications Matrix
Based on the project
ief, examples from the book and your own interpretation,
Answered Same Day Jul 31, 2021 MNG91217 Southern Cross University


Swati answered on Aug 04 2021
144 Votes
MNG91217 Gantt
    Farm house renovation project                    Resources available    Code    Cost per hou
                        You    Y    $ - 0        Instructions:
                        Contractor    C    $ 125        To allocate a resource in column F, click the cell and choose the resource from the drop-down box.
                        Apprentice I    A1    $ 60        To create the bar, insert a number "1" (without quotation marks) in the cell.
                        Apprentice II    A2    $ 40
                        You + Apprentice II    Y&2    $ 40
                        Apprentice I + II    1&2    $ 100
                        Contractor + Son    C&S    $ 150
    Schedule            ACTIVITY    PLANNED    PLANNED    RESOURCE    PERIOD (HOURS)
                    START    DURATION        Week 1                                                                                                                                                                Week 2
        cost ($)                            1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30    31    32    33    34    35    36    37    38    39    40    41    42    43    44    45    46    47    48    49    50    51    52    53    54    55    56    57    58    59    60    61    62    63    64    65    66    67    68    69    70    71    72    73    74    75    76    77    78    79    80
    Purchase supplies    0        2    0    8    Y    Y    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
    Repair Shutters    450        3.1    2    3    C&S    C                                    1    1    1
    Paint Shutters    120        3.2    3.1    2    A1    C                                                1    1
    Hang Shutters    80        3.3    3.2    2    A2    C                                                        1    1
    Repair porch    900        4.1    2    6    C&S    C                                                                1    1    1    1    1    1
    Paint porch    240        4.2    4.1    4    A1    C                                                                                        1    1    1    1
    Repair floor    900        5.1    2    6    C&S    C                                                                                                        1    1    1    1    1    1
    Sand Floor    80        5.2    5.1    2    A2    C                                                                                                                                1    1
    Paint floor    480        5.3    5.2    8    A1    C                                                                                                                                        1    1    1    1    1    1
    Paint ceilings    480        6.1    5.3    8    C    C                                                                                                                                                                1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
    Paint doors    240        6.2    6.1    4    A1    C                                                                                                                                                                                                1    1    1    1
    Paint interior walls    480        6.3    6.2    8    A1    C                                                                                                                                                                                                                1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
    Paint exterior walls    480        6.4    2, 3.3, 4.2    8    A1    C                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
    Wash exterior windows    80        7.1    2, 4.2, 6.4    2    C    Y                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1    1    1    1
    Wash interior windows    80        7.2    2, 6.3    2    Y&2    Y                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1    1    1    1
    Hang curtains    80        7.3    2, 6.2, 7.2    2    Y&2    Y                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1    1    1    1
                        Cost Per Hour        $ - 0    $ 450    $ 120    $ 80    $ 900    $ 240    $ 480    $ 80    $ 900    $ 480    $ 240    $ 480    $ 480    $ 80    $ 80    $ 80    $ 150    $ 150    $ 150    $ 150    $ 150    $ 150    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 150    $ 150    $ 150    $ 150    $ 150    $ 150    $ 40    $ 40    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 125    $ 125    $ 125    $ 125    $ 125    $ 125    $ 125    $ 125    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 60    $ 125    $ 125    $ 125    $ 125    $ 40    $ 40    $ 40    $ 40    $ 40    $ 40    $ 40    $ 40    $ - 0
                        Cumilative Cost        $ 5,000    $ 5,450    $ 5,570    $ 5,650    $ 6,550    $ 6,790    $ 7,270    $ 7,350    $ 8,250    $ 8,730    $ 8,970    $ 9,450    $ 9,930    $ 10,010    $ 10,090    $ 10,170    $ 10,320    $ 10,470    $ 10,620    $ 10,770    $ 10,920    $ 11,070    $ 11,130    $ 11,190    $ 11,250    $ 11,310    $ 11,460    $ 11,610    $ 11,760    $ 11,910    $ 12,060    $ 12,210    $ 12,250    $ 12,290    $ 12,350    $ 12,410    $ 12,470    $ 12,530    $ 12,590    $ 12,650    $ 12,775    $ 12,900    $ 13,025    $ 13,150    $ 13,275    $ 13,400    $ 13,525    $ 13,650    $ 13,710    $ 13,770    $ 13,830    $ 13,890    $ 13,950    $ 14,010    $ 14,070    $ 14,130    $ 14,190    $ 14,250    $ 14,310    $ 14,370    $ 14,430    $ 14,490    $ 14,550    $ 14,610    $ 14,670    $ 14,730    $ 14,790    $ 14,850    $ 14,975    $ 15,100    $ 15,225    $ 15,350    $ 15,390    $ 15,430    $ 15,470    $ 15,510    $ 15,550    $ 15,590    $ 15,630    $ 15,670    $ 15,670
Cost Overview
Cumilative Cost    5000    5450    5570    5650    6550    6790    7270    7350    8250    8730    8970    9450    9930    10010    10090    10170    10320    10470    10620    10770    10920    11070    11130    11190    11250    11310    11460    11610    11760    11910    12060    12210    12250    12290    12350    12410    12470    12530    12590    12650    12775    12900    13025    13150    13275    13400    13525    13650    13710    13770    13830    13890    13950    14010    14070    14130    14190    14250    14310    14370    14430    14490    14550    14610    14670    14730    14790    14850    14975    15100    15225    15350    15390    15430    15470    15510    15550    15590    15630    15670    15670    Cost Per Hour    0    450    120    80    900    240    480    80    900    480    240    480    480    80    80    80    150    150    150    150    150    150    60    60    60    60    150    150    150    150    150    150    40    40    60    60    60    60    60    60    125    125    125    125    125    125    125    125    60    60    60    60    60    60    60    60    60    60    60    60    60    60    60    60    60    60    60    60    125    125    125    125    40    40    40    40    40    40    40    40    0    
Contractor    0    4    5    6    1    7    0    0    4    0    Days
Apprentice 2    0    2    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    7    Days
You    8    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    7    Days
Son    0    4    5    6    0    0    0    0    0    0    Days
Apprentice 1    0    2    3    1    6    1    8    8    3    0    Days
Sheet 3
    Old Farm Hous Project                Resources available    Code    Cost per hou
                    You    Y    $ - 0
                    Contractor    C    $ 125
                    Apprentice I    A1    $ 60
                    Apprentice II    A2    $ 40
                    You + Apprentice II    Y&1    $ 40
                    Apprentice I + II    1&2    $ 100
                    Contractor + Son    C&S    $ 150
                START    DURATION        Week 1                                                                                                                                                                Week...

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