MN5054 Essential Psychology for Managers
Assignment XXXXXXXXXXwords):
Your report needs to be based on the case studies distributed in the sessions
Kantor, J. and Streitfeld, D XXXXXXXXXXInside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Nov. 2017]
The situation needs to be discussed and analysed using 3 relevant psychological topics and theories that were discussed between the weeks 7-10 to explain what has happened (motivation, groups & teams, social influences).
Make recommendations based on theories discussed.
You can use diagrams, picture, tables, or other illustrations to showcase your understanding of psychological theories and concepts. Make sure you reference them properly.
Recommended structure:
Introduction to case study and theories
Discussion of relevant theories and concepts
Analysis using 3 theories
Recommendations based on theories
References in Harvard Style
Make sure you submit the report by week 12 via Turnitin.
Marking criteria:
Extend to which you have researched psychological topics (minimum 5 references)
Extent to which you demonstrate that you understand relevant psychological theories
Extent to which you have analysed the incident and linked it with relevant psychological theories
Appropriate use of academic citations and professional presentation