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Microsoft Word - Writing Assignment 1 Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein Writing Assignment: Each student is required to write a...

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Microsoft Word - Writing Assignment
Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness by Richard H. Thaler
and Cass R. Sunstein
Writing Assignment:
Each student is required to write a 5-page paper discussing 2 Chapters of Nudge:
Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R.
Sunstein. Several copies of the book are available on hold in the li
Students may choose to write about:
• The Introduction and Chapter 1
• The Introduction and Chapter 2
• The Introduction and Chapter 3
• Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 (For those of you who like to skip to the end of a book.)
The write-up should be 5 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1 inch margins,
Times New Roman font. It is due on Thursday March 16th at 5pm. To hand in, put an MS
Word or PDF formatted paper in the dropbox folder in D2L. (10% of your grade) There
are 5 categories that are graded, each worth 20% of the grade. See the Paper Grading Ru
for more details on how the grade is calculated. Be specific and reasoned in your discussion to
eceive full credit.
The Introduction introduces some terminology and lays out the basic ideas of the concept
of a nudge and how nudges can or should be used to affect people’s choices. Each of the first 3
chapters’ focuses on a different behavioral trait in which nudges may be implemented to change
an individual’s choices. Chapter 4 and 5 conclude the first section arguing for when and how to
implement nudges.
Your paper is only 5 pages so focus your essay on the stories, topics, or examples that are
most interesting to you. Discuss the authors’ definition and examples of nudges. Describe and
analyze the authors’ stories of our behavioral traits. Examine their arguments regarding these
traits and the benefits of a nudge in the various situations discussed. Use examples or stories
from the chapter, your own experience, and/or other sources in your discussion. The essay must
e in your own words.
Questions to Think About for Your Essay
Are the examples that the authors discuss realistic?
Are nudges a realistic way to change human behavior?
Do people need or want to be nudged in their choices?

Do you agree or disagree with the authors’ arguments about the benefits of nudges?
Are there times when the theory regarding nudges holds and times when it doesn’t?
Are nudges relevant for society today? In your life today?
Is a nudge the only or best way to alter our choices?
Final Draft – formatting
Each essay must include

1. An introduction – Introduces your essay and the topics that you are planning to focus on
2. Body - Summary and Discussion, Descriptions, Arguments supported with facts,
quotes, anecdotes (in your own words)
3. Conclusion - Drives home your main points

Citations and References

Be clear on which ideas are yours and which ideas you have developed from another source
• If you don’t it is plagiarism and you will receive a Level 1 or Level 2 University
Academic Integrity Sanction. (https:
o All text that is closely paraphrased from the book also must include an in text
• If you include other sources besides the Nudge book, you need to list them in a
ibliography section at the end of the essay and include a citation within
the text.
o The citations and references
ibliography can be in any standard format, i.e.
APA, Chicago, etc. and do not count toward the 5-page limit.
• All direct quotes must be in quotes and include an in text citation, i.e. (Author, page
number) or footnoted citations, after the quote.
o Direct quotations should not exceed 10% of the paper - it needs to be in your
own words. If there are excess quotations, the student will receive a failing
• Wikipedia is not a valid source.

Graphs and Figures

Graphs and Figures can be added to illustrate your arguments. They do not count toward the
5-page limit.

Writing Centers
Writing Outpost
102 Q, R, S Edmon Low/ XXXXXXXXXX
• 30-minute walk-in consultations for writing projects are offered on a first come-first
served basis on Monday-Thursday evenings 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.

Writing Center
440 Student Union/ XXXXXXXXXX
• The Writing Center helps writers throughout the composing process; plan to visit early
and often throughout the semester, not just the day before an assignment is due. Tutors
work with students to improve
ainstorming, organizational, and composing

Writing Center West
• 30-minute walk-in consultations for writing projects are available Monday-Friday from 11:30
a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Grading Ru
ic - writing assignment
Grading Ru

% of Grade Metric Maximum Points (20) Partial Points (14) Minimum Points (0)
1 20 Formatting/Length 4 ½ to 5 ½ pages in
Times new roman
font, 12 point, double
spaced, 1 inch
approximately 4 to
4 ½ pages
or 5 ½ to 6 pages
or long heading
with formatting
generally co
less than 4 pages in
or more than 6
pages in length or
non-standard font
and/or margins, and/or
not double spaced
2 20 Student’s
Student’s perspective
and/or position is
clearly stated
Student’s perspective
and/or position is stated,
ut not clearly
Student’s perspective
and/or position is not
3 20 Supporting data,
evidence, anecdotes
Evidence, examples,
anecdotes, and/or data are
clearly presented, carefully
examined, and sources are
properly cited
Evidence, examples,
anecdotes, and/or data are
presented, but not clearly,
not carefully examined
Supporting evidence,
examples, anecdotes, and/or
data is not provided
4 20 Organization Paragraphs are clearly
organized and there are
appropriate transitions
etween topics.
Paragraphs are not
clearly focused,
and/or organization
is weak.
Paragraphs rambling,
unfocused, no clear
overall organization OR
paper is overly cluttered
with citations.
5 20 Style and/or
ect mechanics,
clear writing, appropriate
vocabulary, variable
sentence structure
Some improper
mechanics, but still
Frequent, improper
mechanics, difficult to
understand OR paper is
overly cluttered with
Directions for Applying the Grading Ru

1. The rows in the table represent the 5 categories which make up the final paper grade.
2. Each category is worth 20% of the overall grade.
3. The table contains an explanation for each of the five categories for each of the 3 grades (pass, marginal pass (MP), fail (NC).
4. For each category a pass is worth 20 points, a marginal pass is worth 14 points and a fail is worth 0 points. The final grade is
calculated by adding up the total points earned in each category.
FEEDBACK in dropbox
5. In the comments section of the dropbox folder, there is a number followed by one of the following codes: MP (marginal
pass), NC (fail).
6. If you received full credit in that category, then there will be no feedback in the dropbox folder.
a. For example, if you received full credit on categories 3, 4, and 5 and a MP on categories 1 and 2 – your feedback will be:
1 MP 2 MP.
. You score will be XXXXXXXXXX + 20 = 88.

LENDER: NED :: Snell Li
TYPE: Book Chapte
BOOK TITLE: Nudge : improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness / Richard H. Thaler, Cass R.
USER BOOK TITLE: Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness
CHAPTER TITLE: Biases and Blunders
PUBLISHER: Penguin Books
YEAR: 2009
PAGES: 17-39
Processed by RapidX: 2/26/2018 7:38:09 AM
This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code)
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Answered Same Day Mar 07, 2020


Priya answered on Mar 12 2020
144 Votes
Biases and Blunders
    Biases and Blunders    2018
Nudge is a behavioral scientific concept that can influence people’s capacity of making decisions, this is a subtle policy which persuades people to make decisions generally in their self-interest. As further stated by Thaler and Sustein, “nudge is any aspect of choice architecture that can alters the behavior in a predictable way without fo
idding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives” (Sunstein, 2009).
Example: People opt to shop during the sale period as they think that they get better deals and it helps them save money, instead they end up spending exo
itant money as they end up buying things which they really do not need.
The examples given by the author are realistic as they well describe the mindset of the people when they made decisions or come to conclusion over anything.
The concept of Nudge is the moral evaluation of actions and policies and it is planned to pickup effective persuasion that preserves freedom of choice, thus it fundamentally arises from the conditions required to preserve the freedom of choice. Nudge is therefore an attempt to make choices and judgments easier, therefore the nudges are realistic way to change the human behavior if it is small, easy and done in a timely manner and then it affects the decision of the participants.
In my opinion nudge is a realistic way to change the human behavior like everyone understands the benefits of eating healthy but they opt to do so only when it is driven from a reason. Generally looking attractive becomes the biggest driving force to make food choices specially among the youngsters. Many girls start to quit sugar after realizing that they do not fit into their clothes anymore rather than focusing on the harm the sugar does to their body internally. So a model promoting the health benefits of having ‘Green Tea’ seems to be more effective when it is shown with the need of an attractive figure and beautiful curves rather than just promoting the health benefits it does to the body from within.
Nudges greatly influence the human behavior as every decision made by a person is persuaded with little change. Nudge is being greatly used...

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