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MBA401_T2_2020_Assess_1 Page 1 XXXXXXXXXXKaplan Business School Assessment Outline , Assessment 1 Information Subject Code: MBA401 Subject Name: People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership Assessment...

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Page 1 XXXXXXXXXXKaplan Business School Assessment Outline

, Assessment 1 Information

Subject Code: MBA401
Subject Name: People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership
Assessment Title: PART A – Group In-Class Activity
PART B – Individual Report
Assessment Type: In-Class Activity and Individual Report
Word Count: 1500 Words (+/-10%)
Weighting: 30 % - PART A (10%) and PART B (20%)
Total Marks: 30
Submission: PART A – In-Class Activity (Submitted via Moodle)
PART B – Individual Report (Submitted via Turnitin)
Due Date: Week 5, Monday at 11.55pm

Your Task
There are two core components to this activity: to develop a draft report framework (plan) as a group in-
class activity and then using that framework (plan) create an individual report based on the
organisation’s/companies organisational performance relating to: organisational/workforce performance
and cultural change.
Assessment Description
PART A (In-Class for both Face-to-Face and Online Students Draft Report Framework)
In Week 3/4 during class, groups (of 4 students) will be formed and the group will need to select an
Australian Publicly listed company/organisation from one of the following industries: Tourism, Media and
Entertainment, Healthcare, Mining, Agriculture and Manufacturing. The list of companies are available via
the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). You can find the list of companies at https:
You should confirm your choice with your Facilitator before commencing your Assessment
As part of the in-class activities, you will develop a group draft report framework (that is approved by your
Facilitator) to assist you in preparing your individual report. Attendance is compulsory for this in-class part
of the assessment (face-to-face and online). Each student will individually submit a copy of their group
framework via Moodle and their individual report via Turnitin.
PART B. (Individual)
By looking at the organisation/company’s website, business articles and Annual Reports, you will be able
to see whether it is possible to access enough information about its organisational practices to address
the following:
1. Identify how your selected organisation/company is seeking to improve the performance of its
workforce? Using at least TWO performance related initiatives discuss the ways that the
organisation/company might measure the success of the initiatives?
2. Identify the key components of the “corporate culture” of your selected organisation/company and
using at least TWO culture-based initiatives discuss how they are trying to improve its culture and
how they might measure the success of the initiatives?
The group-work in-class component (conducted face-to-face or online) will provide you with an opportunity
to assess your choice of organisation/company and its Human Resource practices.

Page 2 XXXXXXXXXXKaplan Business School Assessment Outline

Assessment Instructions
• You MUST use the same organisation/company as you used in Part A (Group Work)
• Using a Report Format, include the following components:
o Introduction (150 words)
o Performance Related Initiatives (600 words)
o Culture Related Initiatives (600 words)
o Conclusion (150 words)
o Reference List (using the Harvard Referencing Convention throughout your report and
eference list at the end)
• You should refer to at least two theories to support your discussion of the Performance Related Initiatives
and at least two theories to support your discussion of Culture Related Initiatives. You should include a
minimum of 5 references (contemporary business articles, news items and/or comparison websites). While
many of your references will rely on the organisation/company’s website, you cannot use this as your only
source of information.
• Please refer to the Assessment Marking Guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.

Important Study Information

Academic Integrity Policy

KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences
of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct

What is academic integrity and misconduct?
What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties?
How can I appeal my grade?

Click here for answers to these questions:

Word Limits for Written Assessments

Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point
at which that limit is exceeded.

Study Assistance

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the
esources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.

Page 3 XXXXXXXXXXKaplan Business School Assessment Outline

Assessment Marking Guide

Criterion Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
In-Class Draft Report
(10 marks)
No contribution to in-class
activities and development of
the draft framework. No
approval of the choice of
organisation/company within
the required industries
Minimal contribution to in-class
activities and development of
the draft framework. The choice
of organisation/company within
the required industries
Very good contribution to in-class
activities and development of the
draft framework. The choice of
organisation/company within the
equired industries approved
Consistently high levels of
contribution to in-class activities and
development of the draft framework.
The choice of organisation/company
within the required industries
Exceptionally high levels of
contribution to in-class activities
and development of the draft
framework. The choice of
organisation/company within the
equired industries approved
(5 marks)
The initiatives and
measures are either not
present, not related to
performance and/or generic
in nature
No examples/initiatives
discussed or integrated
No use of theories to
support the discussion
Initiatives and measures are
present but are neither
clearly linked nor worded
Minimal examples/initiatives
discussed and integrated
Minimal use of theories to
support the discussion
Linkages between the initiatives
and measures are obvious but
could be better explained.
2 examples/initiatives well
discussed and integrated
Good use of 2 theories to
support the discussion
The initiatives and measures are
explicitly connected and are worded
in a very clear and professional
2 examples/initiatives very well
discussed and integrated
Very good use of 2 theories to
support the discussion
The initiatives and measures are
very strongly connected and well
worded but also supported by
2 examples/initiatives were
discussed and an excellent level
of integration provided
Excellent use of 2 theories to
support the discussion

of the success
of performance
(3 Marks)
No discussion of the ways
that the
organisation/company might
measure the success of the
performance related
The ways that the
organisation/company might
measure the success of the
performance related initiatives
are minimally discussed.
The ways that the
organisation/company might
measure the success of the
performance related initiatives are
discussed and well-integrated
The ways that the
organisation/company might measure
the success of the performance
elated initiatives are very discussed
and well-integrated
The ways that the
organisation/company might
measure the success of the
performance related initiatives are
excellently discussed and very well-

(5 marks)
The initiatives and type of
corporate culture are either
not present or inaccurate.
The effort is below that of a
postgrad standard.
No examples/initiatives
discussed or integrated
No use of theories to support
the discussion
Only limited details are
provided on the type of
corporate culture and initiatives,
and improvements to wording
are needed.
Minimal examples/initiatives
discussed and integrated
Minimal use of theories to
support the discussion
The initiatives and type of corporate
culture are solid but could be
communicated in a more articulate
and succinct manner.
2 examples/initiatives well
discussed and integrated
Good use of 2 theories to support
the discussion
The initiatives and type of corporate
culture are excellent, connected and
worded well. Only minor
improvements needed.
2 examples/initiatives very well
discussed and integrated
Very good use of 2 theories to
support the discussion
The initiatives and type of corporate
culture are not only accurate and
expertly worded but also supported
y research.
2 examples/initiatives were
discussed and an excellent level of
integration provided
Very good use of 2 theories to
support the discussion
Page 4 XXXXXXXXXXKaplan Business School Assessment Outline

of the success
of Culture
(3 marks)
No discussion of the ways
that the
might measure the
success of the culture
elated initiatives
The ways that the
organisation/company might
measure the success of the
culture related initiatives are
minimally discussed.
The ways that the
organisation/company might
measure the success of the culture
elated initiatives are discussed and
The ways that the
organisation/company might measure
the success of the culture related
initiatives are very discussed and
The ways that the
organisation/company might
measure the success of the culture
elated initiatives are excellently
discussed and very well-integrated

Overall academic
structure (2 marks)
The introduction, conclusion
and academic structure are
either missing or have failed
to meet the minimum
standards of postgraduate
Introduction, conclusion and
academic structure are minimal
ut sufficient but improvements
Introduction, conclusion and
academic structure are very good
ut could be
Answered Same Day Aug 08, 2021 MBA401


Sanjukta answered on Aug 12 2021
155 Votes
Management (People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership)
Name of the student
Name of the lecture
Table of Contents
Part A    3
Part B    3
Introduction    3
Discussion    3
Performance related initiatives    3
Culture related initiatives    5
Conclusion    7
References    8
Part A
The company that is considered for ca
ying out this entire task is AVITA Medical. The areas that will be covered in this particular report includes a basic overview of the company, the performance related initiatives that is considered by the firm for enhancing the employee productivity, culture related initiatives for improving the productivity and enhancing the
and image. Furthermore, 3 theories each will be used with regard to the performance and culture related initiatives.
Part B
AVITA Medical is a commercial and clinical firm that is marketing and developing various regenerative and respiratory products. The proprietary technology of this firm has evidence for extra applications of skin beyond treating burns, for instance traumatic and chronic wounds, vitiligo as well as scar revision. The company came into existence in the year 1993 and their main products include ReGenerCell, ReCell along with ReNovaCell (Avita, 2020).
However, in the era of globalization as well as modernization it is vital that the managers and leaders of a company must maintain healthy and good relationship with workers as they work for the development and growth as they work for development and growth of the consumer satisfaction and the firm. All the information presented in this report was extracted from the company’s website, journals etc.
Performance related initiatives
This particular section will be composed of three main components which are regarded as important component for the success and productivity of AVITA Medical. Performance initiatives tend to refer to a project undertaken for enhancing the efficiency, achieving same objectives of the workforce or reducing the costs. This particular organization has one of the main goals that understand the employees and making them understand the firm values (Cappelli and Tavis, 2016).
Employee assistance program
The firm believes that one of their greatest assets is their workers so they have introduced the Avita Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and it is information along with consultation service that is accessible to all of their workers along with their family members in terms of main causes of stress. It is the initiative considered by the firm for enhancing the mental well-being of the workers that will be enhancing their performance. One of the main aims of this specific program mainly revolves around helping to resolve personal or work-related issues that are faced by workers, who are regarded as the most valuable assets of this firm. These issues tend to affect the performance of the workers as well as their efficiency. The program also helps the worker in terms of keeping their passion for work and makes sure that they make more valuable contributions toward AVITA Medical. On the other hand, AVITA Employee Assistance Program also tend to provide the managers with some of the tools that can be used by them in an active manner and it also offer support for a lot of issues, that consists of those that concern workers.
This is based on the Theory of Performance     (ToP) and it is developed and related with six basic...

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