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CW (40% of the module) - Assessment Brief
Read this assessment
ief carefully, it tells you how you are going to be assessed, how to submit your assessment on time, and how (and when) you’ll receive your marks and feedback.
    Module Code
    Module Title
    Work Experience in Biomedical Science
    Shpresa Haliti (ML), Radhika Bhandari (L) Claire Atkinson (L), Mehwish Khalid (HPL) Janki Kavi (HPL) Stefano Tambalo (HPL) Yvonne Obiajulu (HPL) Nikos Trasanidis (HPL) Joaquin Caro (HPL)
    % Of Module Mark
    23rd January 2023
    Submission Method
    Submit online via this Module’s Moodle site – E-portfolio
Face to Face assessment – skills
    Submission Deadline
    E-portfolio - Friday 12th May 2023 – 11:59 pm
Skills assessment – viva (oral examination) . Feedback on the same day – via Moodle.
    Release of Feedback
    E- portfolio - feedback will be available online from 30th May 2023
    Release of Marks
    Provisional marks will be available in the Gradebook on Moodle from (both CW components) - 30th May 2023
E-portfolio – each student will complete a portfolio and upload on Moodle for marking.
Viva – oral examination
Assessment Details:
Assessment of your work will conside
1. Content, quality, and organisation of your scientific writing – e-portfolio.
You have an opportunity to apply the subject knowledge that you have acquired and reinforced during the semester in this module.
This will be assessed according to the following standards (see the marking criteria at the end of this document):
0. Research
Use of academic and relevant resources to write the reflective included in the e-portfolio.
0. Subject Knowledge
Understanding and application of subject knowledge. Contribution to subject debate by updated research
0. Critical Analysis
Analysis and interpretation of real case studies (viva)
1. Practical Competence.
Skills to apply theory to practice – skills assessment (viva)
1. The quality of your scientific writing – e-portfolio
Structure, quality, and clarity of argument, coherence, use of evidential support and referencing, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. This will be assessed according to the following strands:
1. Communication and Presentation
The clear intention in communication -work is well structured in the portfolio.
1. Academic Integrity
Acknowledges and gives credit to the work of others follows the conventions and practices of the discipline including appropriate use of referencing standards for discipline.
    Skills assessment (50%)
Coursework 1 (50%) : Demonstrate practical skills including quality assurance for pathology services in the UK – skills assessment– oral assessment.
Pass mark = 40%
Oral assessment 4 stations – sections assessed by different lecturers:
1. Specimen reception and patient confidentiality – 25%
2. Analytical (including authorisation) – 25%
3. Quality control – 25%
4. Health and safety – 25%
Feedback given on the day – final marks to be uploaded on Moodle .
*Provisional marks will be available in the Gradebook on Moodle from (both CW components) - 30th May 2023
    E-portfolio (50%)
Students will compile a portfolio evidence, which will include evidence of work undertaken, nature of tasks, witness statements from employers, a reflective evaluation of the ways in which the work experience (module) has enhanced the students employability, and a careers action plan including an updated CV and cover letter, to further their employability skills following graduation.
Pass mark = 40%
The following information will be included in the e-portfolio for assessment:
1. E-portfolio content page (student name; ID; course title; module title; school name ) = 5%
2. Answers only 20 training questions from the list (appendix 8). = 30%*Note: answers to Qs should be not more than half a page . Using visulas i.e tables, flow charts when answering Qs will be useful.
3. A personal statement on any of the practicals (template - appendix 1) – not more than 1 page = 5%
4. One witness statement signed by the module lead and one of the NHS staff assessors (template – appendix 2) = 5%
5. Chose a quality control case scenario from the list (appendix 3) and interpret/annotate the results (it can be an IQC/EQA/vertical or horizontal non-compliance etc.) = 10%
6. Chose a set of patient results from the list (appendix 4) and interpret/ annotate findings i.e reporting of critical values, test reference range, patient confidentiality etc. = 5%
7. Risk assessment – choose one of the following activities from appendix 5 and complete a risk assessment - include it in your e-portfolio
= 5%
8. Specimen Reception - select one case from the list (appendix 6) and describe actions taken e.g sample mismatch; inco
ect sample tubes etc. = 5%
9. Learning reflective report (max = 2500 words) – in your own words reflect on what you learned in this module and how it will help you for the future employment (use template in appendix 7 to write the report) = 20%
10. Include an up to date CV and Cover letter in the portfolio =10% *Note: You can get help from XXXXXXXXXX on how to write your CV and Cover Letter.
E-portfolio will be assessed by the ML and other lecturers – Provisional marks will be available in the Gradebook on Moodle from (both CW components) - 30th May 2023
Extra notes:
· Visuals i.e. figures, pictures, graphs and tables used to help explain concepts and summarize information in e-portfolio should be numbered and fully labelled
· Written work i.e. reflective report and answers to questions - must be referenced (in the text and a list) using the Harvard system.
· All work included in the e-portfolio should be written in Arial font size 12 (or larger if you need to), with a minimum of 1.5 line spacing.
    Harvard Referencing should be used when writing short assays; reflective reports etc see your Li
ary Subject Guide for guides and tips on referencing.
    Make sure you understand the University Regulations on expected academic practice and academic misconduct.
Note in particular:
· Your work must be your own. Markers will be attentive to both the plausibility of the sources provided as well as the consistency and approach to the writing of the work. Simply, if you do the research and reading, and then write it up on your own, giving the reference to sources, you will approach the work in the appropriate way and will cause not give markers reason to question the authenticity of the work.
· All quotations must be credited and properly referenced. Paraphrasing is still regarded as plagiarism if you fail to acknowledge the source for the ideas being expressed.
TURNITIN: When you upload your work to the Moodle site it will be checked by anti-plagiarism software. 15% Turnitin score is the maximum allowed.
· Lectures
· Tutorials
· NHSi platform
· Virtual training
· Laboratory Health and Safety SOP
· Laboratory Risk Assessment document
· Laboratory study guide document prepared by lecturers
· Health and Care Professions Council. Guidance on Conduct and Ethics for students. Cu
ent Edition: Health and Care Professional Council
· Ahmed, N., Glencross, H and Wang, Q. Biomedical Science Practice: Experimental and Professional Skills. Cu
ent Edition: Oxford University Press.
· Institute of Biomedical Science. Get started in your biomedical science career eStudent - Institute of Biomedical Science (
· Medical Laboratory Accreditation in UK-
· Ha
ison, M.A (2018): How to Get Hired: An Insider’s Guide to Applications, Interviews and Getting the Job of Your Dreams
· Innes, B. (2016): The interview question & answer book, 2nd Ed. Pearson
· Rook, S (2016): Work experience, placements & internships, McMillan Education
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and understanding:
· Apply scientific skills to a real work situation and appreciate their own role within the organisation as a whole.
· Produce reliable and scientific sound results which contribute to the goals of the employer.
Intellectual skills
· This unit will provide the student with an opportunity to put into practice the intellectual skills acquired in levels
· It will test the students’ ability to process the information that has been taught in other units and apply it to “real-life” situations.
Practical skills
· Develop essential professional skills in biomedical science.
Transferable skills
· Learn to organise their schedules to complete a given task within a given time scale and meet deadlines.
· Co-operate with team members to plan and complete assigned tasks
How to get help We will discuss this Assessment Brief in class. However, if you have related questions, please contact the Module Leader via MS TEAMS site or email as soon as possible.
Appendix 1. Personal statement template
Personal statement - Record
    Students name:
    Date of evidence:
    Details of testimony:
1. Give a short description of any activity that you performed in the professional skills session.
2. What did you learn from this activity ?
3. How will you use this learning in the future?
    I can confirm the candidate’s evidence is authentic and accurate.
    Assessor signature:
    Student :

Assessor : XXXXXXXXXXSignature:
Appendix 2. Witness statement template
Appendix 3. Quality control – cases
EQA Scenarios. Choose any of the EQA results below and annotate the results explaining what each element of the EQA report means.
IQC Scenarios. Choose any of the IQC charts below and annotate the results below explaining the e
ors at different times.
Appendix 4. Interpretation and annotation of patient results – cases
From the 7 example Biochemistry patient sample results below, annotate at least one and include it in your e-portfolio
Appendix 5. Risk assessment – choose one of the following activities (1-5) and complete a risk assessment - include it in your e-portfolio
    Who might be harmed?
    What is the hazard and potential consequence
    What control measures are required or are in place
(Score 1-5)
    Severity (score 1-5)
    1. Wrong patient sample type was received in the specimen reception
    2. Lifting and ca
ying bulky or heavy loads, boxes of paper, moving heavy equipment, and storage of objects at height
    3. Lone working in a clinical laboratory
    4. Wrong disposal of glass or sharps
    5. Making a cup of coffee at work
    The average score for likelihood and severity
Risk score (Likelihood x severity) =
For reference
Appendix 6. Patient sample handling – cases (we will upload more )
· Scenario 1: Audit – Waste (Example with model answer & marks)
You are completing a waste audit and find Sharps in the clinical waste, clinical waste in the domestic waste, and confidential waste in the domestic waste. Explain what actions you would take on finding the e
ors and what actions may need to be done to complete the audit process. Purpose: To identify the apprentice who understands waste streams, and the audit process and can communicate with colleagues.
Model answer = marks
Note: if you wish you can answer all the scenarios but only one is to be included in the E-portfolio
Scenario 1- You are working in the specimen reception, and you have received 2 sample tubes from A&E. Tests requested – check table below. Describe what actions you would take. (5 marks)
    Sample tube
    Test requested
    Comment - actions taken
    Tube 1 – SST (yellow)
    Glucose, Creatinine, Urea, and Liver Function Tests
    Tube 2 - Purple
    Electrolytes, FBC
Scenario 2. The order of blood sample drawn . A clinician has requested the following tests: FBC; Blood Culture; U&E, LFT and Creatinine. Put the sample tubes that you have received in order to co
espond with the tests requested above. Explain why this order and which department runs these tests. ( 5 marks)
Scenario 3. Patient sample identification (5 marks)
1. List three essential and three desirable patient sample identifications prior to running the tests
2. List at least 5 essential identifications and 5 desirables to be included in a patient request form
Scenario 4. Inco
ectly labelled samples.
You are working in specimen reception for a while, and you have noticed that multiple samples are coming from a specific ward labelled inco
ectly. How would you investigate this and what co
ective action could you take to resolve this issue? (5marks)
Scenario 5. Patient confidentiality
You receive a phone call in the department that is from a patient asking for their test results. They explain that they have been given the number from their GP and are entitled to receive their results over the phone. How do you proceed? ( 5 marks)
Scenario 6. Specimen receipt e
or (5 marks)
You are working in the specimen reception and receive two patient samples and request forms. You noticed
Answered 1 days After May 11, 2023


Dr Shweta answered on May 12 2023
32 Votes
Appendix 1: Communication, leadership, teamwork, emotional intelligence, organisational skills, time management, adaptability, and problem-solving are some of the professional skill activities that may be learned in professional skill sessions. When working as a quality control manager, having abilities such as these helps with the management of a wide variety of scenarios.
Appendix 2: Can be completed by student only
Appendix 3: Quality control of the cases
1. External quality Assessment [EQA] results with and annotation of results explaining the meaning of each EQA report element:
UK NEQAS for Bullos Dermatosis:
The UK National External Quality Assessment Societies (NEQAS) are the members of a charitable consortium. In this report they performed the quality assessment for Bullos Dermatosis. Chronic bullous dermatosis of childhood, also known as CBDC, is an immunobullous condition that affects the subepidermal layer of the skin. It is distinguished from other subepidermal immunobullous disorders by its distinctive clinical manifestations as well as the presence of linear IgA accumulation at the basement mem
ane zone on direct immunofluorescent inspection of perilesional skin. The main cause of linear IgA bullous dermatosis (LABD), also called bullous dermatosis associated with IgA, is IgA anti-basement mem
ane zone antibodies that target the 97 kDa part of BPAG2 (bullous pemphigoid antigen 2, also called BP180) in the lamina lucida. The BPAG2 molecule contains a well-known NC16A domain, which is where the 97 kDa component may be found. Bullae are elevated, fluid-filled lesions 10 mm in diameter. Epidermis biopsies and immunofluorescence examination of the epidermis and serum are used for diagnosis. Initially, local and systemic forms of corticosteroids are used. A number of immunosuppressants have the potential to be used for long-term maintenance therapy, which is necessary for the majority of patients. The most prevalent treatment is the pill form of prednisone. However, prolonged exposure can increase the risk of osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, and infection. In the given report 148 participants out of the 177 selected took part with a response rate of 83%. Among these participants, the serum of one of the donor patients was found to be positive for Pemphigus vulgaris when assessed by autoantibodies (abs) against desmoglein and BP180 respectively by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) test. Pemphigus vulgaris [PV] constitutes a blistering condition that, in around eighty percent of patients, presents itself on the mucosa of the mouth. These intraoral blisters rupture frequently, leaving behind excruciating erosions. Following the presentation of the initial oral blisters, cutaneous lesions may develop in approximately 75% of patients diagnosed with PV. autoantibodies (abs) against desmoglein 1, 3 (DSG1/3) and BP180/BP230, respectively. A novel mosaic to indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) In this the analytes detected in the serum was Desmosome or desmoglein and Basement mem
ane BP-180. A positive result indicates the presence of antibodies to recombinant DSG1 and DSG3 and does not specifically identify a certain type of pemphigus.  The response of the test result was positive for Desmosome and negative for BP-180 that confirms the presence of Pemphigus vulgaris in the patient’s sample.
2. Analysis of IQC charts:
During routine usage of an analytical method over extended periods of time, internal quality control (IQC) guarantees that the factors driving the level of uncertainty do not vary. This makes the results of the analysis more reliable. In order to conduct an analysis of a control chart, we verified that the oscillations occu
ed in a random manner around the goal value: the higher or lower trend, the decreasing or increasing trend, one point that was within the warning limits and the limits of control, and the last point that was outside a control limit. In the given IQC charts the detected e
ors at different time intervals are: too na
ow control limit for level 1; too wide control limit at level two; over control at level 3; i
egular increasing trend at level 4 and overcrowding at level 5.
Appendix 4. Interpretation and annotation of patient results
This is a report of the kidney function tests that were performed on the patient to determine how well their kidneys are functioning. According to the study, the patient's serum was analysed for the levels of several different components, including salt, potassium, chloride, urea, and creatinine, all of which are critical indicators of how well the kidneys are performing. The patient whose blood was drawn has normal sodium levels but elevated potassium and chloride levels, which point to hyperkalaemia, or a state in which there is too much potassium for the kidneys to eliminate, as well as disorders such as kidney disease. A blood test called a serum creatinine test can be used to assess the quantity of creatinine that is floating around in the circulatory system. The level of creatinine in the serum will increase when the kidneys are not performing as well as...

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