Learning Outcomes:
After completing the module, you should be able to:
1) Critically evaluate major theoretical perspectives of leadership.
2) Critically analyse leadership situations through engagement with real-life
scenarios at workplace.
3) Assess the impact of disruptive technologies in the workplace and the
emergence of disruptive business models from unexpected competitors
leading to change.
4) Audit an organisation to identify challenges to successful transformation.
5) Effective Communication. Communicate effectively both, verbally and in
writing, using a range of media widely used in relevant professional context.
Be IT, digitally and information literate.
Assignment Task - Leadership portfolio
You are required to submit a leadership portfolio based upon a case study of a
transforming organisation that you are familiar with (use of the case study will be
subject to your tutor’s approval). The portfolio will comprise of three parts:
Organisational Audit, Personal Development Plan (PDP)
Part 1 – Organisational Audit
Task: To conduct an audit of a organisation undergoing change and evaluate the
organisation’s current state of leadership readiness and capabilities.
Your audit should include a brief overview of the case organisation, analysis
of the current state of leadership of the organisation, identify and discuss key
strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of both the internal and external
environment and identify some of the key leadership challenges faced by your case
organisation in successfully transitioning to accommodate necessary change.
For this part of the assignment, you must draw on relevant theories and concepts that
were explored in the module materials to underpin your analysis. Your report should
also be informed and underpinned by relevant academic literature.
Part 2 – Personal development plan (PDP).
To produce a detailed personal development plan (PDP) supported
by reflections from the case study and work experience (if relevant).
You should identify development areas, skills and experiences
that you will require in order to forge a career as a business leader in a changing
environment. Your PDP should be informed by theory and practice based literature.