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Assessment Plan and Record Sheet BSBINN301—Promote innovation in a team environment Assessment – Activity Tasks Candidate name Email Assessor name Eileen Golding Date Due 4 April 2018 Email XXXXXXXXXX...

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Assessment Plan and Record Sheet
BSBINN301—Promote innovation in a team environment
Assessment – Activity Tasks
    Candidate name
    Assessor name
    Eileen Golding
    Date Due
    4 April 2018
    Unit Code & Title
    BSBINN301—Promote innovation in a team environment
    Task Description / Instructions
· Your assessment will be based on your own workplace and the team in which you work.
· Write a report answering each of the questions below. Your report should be between 1,000 and 1,500 words and be a reflection and road map for future innovation within your own work team in accordance with your organisation’s policies and procedures.
· The Project will be completed as part of your assessment.
Task 1
This task assesses Elements of Competency: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4
Describe the ways in which your work team’s contribution to innovation and creative problem solving and improvement processes can be maximised.
Task 2
This task assesses Elements of Competency: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5
Explain the procedures that you might follow to ensure that your team members work together and understand their roles and responsibilities.
Task 3
This task assesses Elements of Competency: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5
How can you, as a team leader, support and guide your team to be involved and proactive in innovative and creative problem solving?
Task 4
This task assesses Elements of Competency: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5
How is it possible for you to monitor your work team and to reflect on how well it is working? How will you communicate this back to your team so that it will serve as an opportunity for continuous improvement or reward and recognition?
This project assesses Elements of Competency: 1, 2, 3 and 4
In point form, answer each of the questions below.
1 Recently the production levels of your work group or team appear to have decreased. You need, therefore, to increase the quality and quantity of outputs.
2 Describe, in detail, the procedures you could use to solve this problem. Consider the various approaches you could take and the ways in which you can generate the most innovative problem solutions.
3 Explain the strategies you might use and give reasons for using these methods. Why do you consider that they are the most efficient and effective ways of involving the team in the problem solution? How should you ensure that the team members cooperated and collaborated?
4 How could you encourage the team to look further than the immediate problems and to consider innovative improvement activities that could be built into future work initiatives?
5 How would you reward and recognise innovative ideas and contributions from team members and why is it necessary to do this?
6 Would you give feedback to team members who made suggestions that were not feasible or could not be used? How? Why?
    Unit requirements
    Did the candidate competently demonstrate the required skills / abilities?
    Assessor Signature
    Create opportunities to maximise innovation within the team
    Organise and agree effective ways of working
    Support and guide colleagues
    Reflect on how the team is working
    Other Notes / Comments / Recommendations / Further Assessment Options
    Candidate Signature
    Assessor Signature
© Wodonga Institute of TAFE
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Answered Same Day Mar 27, 2020 BSBINN301


Karan answered on Mar 28 2020
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Promote Innovation in a Team Environment
Table of Contents
TASK 1    3
Ways in which team’s contribution to innovation can be maximised    3
TASK 2    4
Procedures to ensure that team members work together and understand their roles and responsibilities    4
TASK 3    5
Ways to support and guide team to be involved and proactive in innovation    5
TASK 4    6
Ways to monitor the team working and reflect how well it is working    6
Innovation and creativity are considered as one of the key drivers that enable successful growth and development of the organisation (IRINA, 2016). Teams are often formulated within the organisation in order to successfully and effectively accomplish their goals and objectives. Therefore, it is essential to promote innovation and creativity in the team environment so that individual within team easily manages the problem-solving situation or any other situation. The present report focuses on different activities that support the team contribution to engage in innovation and creativity.
Ways in which team’s contribution to innovation can be maximised
Team working plays the significant role within the organisation as it focuses on delivering quality results and activities that support in attaining the desired goals and objectives of the organisation (Salas et al. 2015). Thus, team working often results in the arising situation of conflict and dispute among the team members as all individual have different attitude and behaviour towards performing the activities. Therefore, to engage in dispute and conflict situation team must be capable enough to handle the problem and improve the overall process so that it might not lead to dispute and conflict (Gilson et al. 2015. For this certain ways are discussed in which team contribute to the innovation and creative problem solving and improvement process. The ways are as follows-
· Open and collaborative environment- In order to ensure team contribution to the innovation and creativity in the problem solving it has been assessed that management must engage in building trust and persuade a safe and open environment among the team so that individual may easily share their thoughts and ideas related with solving problem or improving processes (Ghaferi & Dimick, 2016) .
· Actively listen to each and every team members- Another effective way in which team contribution to innovation and creativity in problem solving technique is maximized through enabling active listening of each and every individual those who are link with the problem.
· Monthly meetings with the team- Team’s contribution to innovation and creative problem solving and improvement processes can be maximised when the leader or manager would engage in conducting monthly meetings with the teams (Haslam et al. 2014). Through monthly meetings, it assists the individual team member to put forward their suggestions and activities through which working process in the firm can be easily improved. Meetings with the team members enhance the communication level along with managing the relationship with each other so that it may not lead to the situation of problem.
Procedures to ensure that team members work together and understand their roles and responsibilities
In order to promote teamwork within the organisation as a manager, I must engage in devising the procedures that would assist me in ensuring that team members collaboratively work together towards accomplishing the goals of the organisation (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015). The procedures mainly include monitoring and supervising the activities of team members, setting standards to measure the individual performance with...

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