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In your journal, detail how your knowledge of performance management has transformed since Week 1. Are you now able to successfully apply best practices in your organization? Or do you feel the need...

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In your journal, detail how your knowledge of performance management has transformed since Week 1. Are you now able to successfully apply best practices in your organization? Or do you feel the need to learn more in the area of performance management? Feel free to detail your concerns in your private journal.
Answered Same Day Jun 17, 2021


Somudranil answered on Jun 18 2021
157 Votes
Running Head: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT         1
Performance management is an important aspect of management needed by the managers and leaders of an organisation or business to assess the quality of performance of the employees or the workers. Successful performance management by the managers or leaders need certain level of training and guidelines to abide by, so that the elements of the management system are effective and value oriented. Production management is a critical aspect of any initiative and making it effective is one of the top goals to achieve for any managerial authority for an organisation.
Incorporating the system of effective performance management in an organisational system is theoretically straight and easy, yet it is easier said than done to be integrated into the core working capability of a company (Schwartz, 2011). Along with the formal ways of performance management, informal processes of extracting the optimum level of performance from the employees are also very important. It is important for the leaders or the managers to adapt to all kinds of resources available to the work force of the organisation, such as, the employees, resources, the working systems and the objectives to be met. If these resources are well adapted to by the leaders, new systems and policies can be incorporated into the core system of the company. The most important principle to abide by for a strong management is the motto that, things are to be done no matter what the shortcomings.
    An a
ay of indicators and goals are to be set to obtain the highest level of performance from the employees and the managers and leaders have to work in close connection with all the grassroots...

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