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in question number 4, you have to take one similar dashboard from the google and provide the answers for the question according to the marking criteria please

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in question number 4, you have to take one similar dashboard from the google and provide the answers for the question according to the marking criteria please
Answered Same Day May 29, 2020


Ashish answered on May 31 2020
151 Votes

Dashboards Design
Dashboard is the platform to see the visual representation of live performance. It exactly work as the car dashboard where driver can see the speed, fuel position, etc. same as with the business dashboard, on business dashboard owner can see the profit, loss, revenue, and many more. Dashboard is the best solution to check the business performance, through business dashboard it become easy for the businessmen to analyze the business performance by seeing data on the dashboard. Thus, dashboard is very reliable and helpful concept.
Dashboard can be used in business either small or large, but mostly used by the large organizations. Dashboard can be used in any level of business operation, but mostly used by CEO and higher rank officers. Higher rank officers like manager and other officials have to respond quickly whatever is happening in the company, to analyze and to respond quickly, to make quick decision and for that dashboard is the best example.
Dashboard is very useful to provide very useful information. As discussed above, the business information which is very useful to make quick decision is provided by the dashboard. Digital dashboard helps officers to monitor different department of the company.
Visual objects which are used in dashboard are follows;
1) Bar Charts: Bar charts are most important visual object of the dashboard. Bar chart is used to visualize series of data.
2) Line Charts: Another important visual object of the dashboard is the Line chart. Line chart is used to track the changes in data over the period of time.
3) Spark lines: Spark lines are another important part of the dashboard it is used to analyze the trend on a single data set.
4) Color pellet: Color pallet is used to visualize the performance over the charts and to be color blind friendly.
A good design gives the better experience to analyze the data and information of business and it also makes easy to make quick decision.
Qualitative and Quantitative are the two important parts of the dashboard. The measures which are reported in the dashboard are as follows;
1) Qualitative research is used for gathering, analyzing, observing and organizing the data into themes or into a pattern. Qualitative dashboards can increases the business actives by analyzing daily performance of business. As discussed above, by gathering, analyzing, observing and organizing data on the daily basis the business can be increased. This is little different in this you have to think why people react or behave in such way. To find out why customer decided to do business with you etc are some of the important case of Qualitative dashboards.
2) In Quantitative dashboards researches numbers are used to measures variables for examples concepts. It is actually the number used to get the data on how actually people behave. Analyzing how customer using the product, which features are customer using etc are some of the important cases of the Quantitative dashboards.
Important tools which are used for the Qualitative and Quantitative dashboards are as follows;
1) Qualaroo
2) Kissmetrics
3) Typeform
4) Google Analytics
5) Crazy Egg
A dashboard can be keep in the good category when it decreases the complexity, clearly describes information, provides details as needed, and clearly defines the meaning of the data and information. Following are the ways through which dashboard can be improved
1) Choosing right data visualization
2) Minimalism
3) Logical Layout
Dashboards are the popular and highly used concepts now a days because it provide the necessary information at a glance the. Choosing right visualization is very important in the in the Design of Information dashboards. Dashboards are designed in many ways or dashboards can be designed according to the need, there is no wrong or right ways to design the dashboards. The two important scenarios of the dashboards are Push and Pull.
In Push scenario, the information is pushed to the user where as in the pull scenario users used dashboards to get the necessary information. Every time dashboards are not as much sufficient as we are thinking, sometime dashboards gives the poor performance not because of technology but due to the bad design. Dashboards are totally depends on the design that how well they are designed not on the technology that how the great technology is?
There are many tech giants who provide the dashboards design software. From the above discussion we can says that dashboards plays an important role to enhance the business and a better design is useful in analysis and to make quick decision.
1) https:
2) https:
3) https:
4) https:
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