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I think you will need to open my canvas for more info. Everything you need is in Module 5. User: mtanawan Pw. Lolako@051698 After you log in go to modules and go to...

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I think you will need to open my canvas for more info. Everything you need is in Module 5.
User: mtanawan
Pw. Lolako@051698
After you log in go to modules and go to module 5.
I would like to change my topic and use this one
Should Teenagers Get High Instead of Drunk?

Since you will need 3 articles.
Should Teenagers Get High Instead of Drunk?
Making gun use safer
Preventing cruelty to farm animals
Answered Same Day Apr 18, 2020


Soumi answered on Apr 19 2020
122 Votes
Last Name:    5
Title: Persuasive Essay
Annotated Bibliography of Articles related to “Making gun use safer”
Annotated Bibliography: Making gun use safe
Kitman, Jamie Lincoln. “Guns and Their Users Should Be Regulated Like Cars and Drivers Are” The New York Times, 29 Apr. 2016. The Opinion Pages [Room for Debate], https:
    The chosen article by Kitman focuses on the topic of ‘Making gun use safer’ and is titled as “Guns and Their Users Should Be Regulated Like Cars and Drivers Are”. The author of this article draw a very fancy comparison between the possession as well as usage of guns and automobiles. According to his viewpoints, both cars and guns can be detrimental for lives if used recklessly, misused or possessed with intended malice. However, he also draws the dissimilarity, immediately to the context, in the sense that there are no rights or obligations for driving a car, while it is for owning or using a gun. Since, the dangers of using guns are more as compared to that for cars; therefore, in the view of the author, it is highly required to implement stricter rules for gun ownership.
    Hence, based on this viewpoint, my position is also in support of the same. The constant parallelism drawn between the car and the gun has inculcated this sense in my to take the position because the safety norms of driving a car are many, while that for the gun often goes unnoticed. It is so because driving a car is considered as a supra-right, while using a gun is liable to legislative justifications. Besides, the effect of alcoholism also might lead to the misuse of guns, just similar to the case of drunk-driving, which is why the author also suggests to separate the use of guns when using alcohol, as its impact is more detrimental and certain than the probability of causing death due to drunk-driving. A quote supporting this viewpoint is “I’m not here to...

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