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MGT501_ Assessment 2_Internal and External Stakeholder Analysis Page 1 of 6 ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEF Subject Code and Title MGT501 Business Environment Assessment Internal and External Stakeholder Analysis...

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MGT501_ Assessment 2_Internal and External Stakeholder Analysis Page 1 of 6
Subject Code and Title MGT501 Business Environment
Assessment Internal and External Stakeholder Analysis
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2,500 words
Learning Outcomes This assessments addresses the following Subject Learning
c) Analyse and synthesise the fundamentals of business in
the contemporary environment.
d) Construct and Justify a professional value proposition
as a business practitione
Submission 12 Week Delivery: By 11:59pm AEST/AEDT Friday of
Module 5.2 (week 10)
Intensive Class: Due By 11:59pm AEST/AEDT Friday of
Module 5 (week 5)
Weighting 50%
Total Marks 50 marks
Business stakeholder analysis is a technique for identifying stakeholders and analysing their roles.
The aim of the analysis is to map out the stakeholders’ level of influence and degree of interest with
egards to the business. Stakeholder analysis can also be used to assess the relationships between
different stakeholders and the issues they care about most.
Internal stakeholders are individuals or groups who are directly involved in the business, such as
owners, board members, managers, employees, and investors. External stakeholders are indirectly
influenced by the business activities, like customers, suppliers, competitors, society and
By understanding both perspectives, the business can engage and enhance communication with
elevant stakeholders, reduce or prevent risks, identify business opportunities, improve internal
stakeholders’ commitment in the business and the reputation of the business amongst external
In this assessment, you will examine a business in an industry that you have either previously
worked in or would like to in the future. Leading up to the assessment submission, you must
MGT501_ Assessment 2_Internal and External Stakeholder Analysis Page 2 of 6

participate in the Assessment 2 weekly discussions in the Discussion Forums on Blackboard. You will
locate this discussion forum in the Assessment Area of blackboard. Weekly contributions are
equired in Modules 2-4.
Please Remember your contributions to the discussion topics are one of the assessment attributes.
(LMS please create an Assessment 2 Discussion Forum separately in the Assessment area of
lackboard as students are required to participate in this to complete the assessment)
Presenting a business example and contributing to the discussion forum, you will:
• identify and analyse functional areas in the business
• identify and analyse the internal and external stakeholders
• compare two industries with each other
• create a stakeholder matrix
• discuss chosen stakeholders and industries in the context of relevant theories and
Suggested format
Your individual stakeholder analysis should follow standard report structure and include the
• Cover page
• Executive Summary
o A concise summary of the main report in bullet points
• Introduction and background information on your business example
• Main body
o Identify functional areas
o Identify internal and external stakeholders and their roles
o Identify the nature and degree of main stakeholders’ interests, and implications of
conflicting interests
o Identify the level of main stakeholders’ influence
o Create a stakeholder matrix
o In the discussion forum, choose an example from your peers and compare the
industry your business operates in with their industry, identify the main points of
stakeholder dissimilarities and analyse the differences in stakeholder interests and
• Conclusion
• References
• Appendices (if necessary)
Support your observations and statements by incorporating links to theory and conceptual
frameworks. Please ensure your sources are referenced clearly in the APA 6th style both in-text and
in the reference list.
It is essential that you use the appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see
more information on referencing here
MGT501_ Assessment 2_Internal and External Stakeholder Analysis Page 3 of 6

Tips to get started:
PESTLE is a good tool to use to help you identify all stakeholders. By considering political, economic,
social, technological, legal and environmental/ethical factors and how they relate to the business,
it’s easy to identify stakeholders.
Submission Instructions:
Submit your Assessment 2 Internal and External Stakeholder Analysis in the submission link in the
main navigation menu in MGT501 Business Environment by the end of Module 5.2 (week 10).
Intensive Class: Due By 11:59pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 5 (week 5)
A ru
ic will be attached to the assessment. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the
Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Marking Ru
Your reports will be marked against the ru
ic, which is shown on the next pages. Please ensure that
your submission addresses all five of the Assessment Attributes in the ru

MGT501_ Assessment 2_ Internal and External Stakeholder Analysis

Learning Ru
ic: Assessment 2 Internal and External Stakeholder Analysis
Fail (Unacceptable)
75 -84%
High Distinction

Knowledge and

Understands theory
and concepts

Percentage for this
Limited understanding
of required concepts
and knowledge.

Key components of the
assignment are not

Knowledge or
understanding of the
concepts and theory.

Resembles a recall or
summary of key ideas.

Often confuses assertion
of personal opinion with
substantiated by
evidence from the

Thorough knowledge or
understanding of the
concepts and theory.

Supports personal opinion
and information
substantiated by evidence
from the research/course

Demonstrates a capacity
to explain and apply
elevant concepts.

Highly developed
understanding of the
concepts and theory.

Discriminates between
assertion of personal
opinion and information
substantiated by robust
evidence from the
materials and extended

Well demonstrated
capacity to explain and
apply relevant concepts.

A sophisticated
understanding of the

Systematically and
critically discriminates
etween assertion of
personal opinion and
substantiated by robust
evidence from the
materials and extended

Mastery of concepts and
application to new

Contribution to the
discussion forum

Percentage for this
Never or rarely posted
messages with very
little or occasional

Simple entries lack
insight, depth or are

The entries are short and
are frequently i
to the events.

Entries show some insight,
depth and are connected
with events, topic or

Entries are typically short
and may contain some
elevant material.
Entries show insight and

The content of posts is
connected with events,
topic or activity.

Entries show insight,
depth and

The content of posts is
connected with events,
topic or activity, and are
MGT501_ Assessment 2_ Internal and External Stakeholder Analysis

They do not express
opinion clearly and show
little understanding.

There are some personal
comments or opinions
which may be on task.

These entries may
contain some i
material but are for the
most part on task.

supported by evidence
and examples.

Entries are relevant with
links to supporting

Analysis and
application with
synthesis of new

Demonstrates a clear
understanding of the
practical applications
and implications of
elevant concepts

Percentage for this

Limited synthesis and

Limited application
ased upon analysis.

Demonstrated analysis
and synthesis of new
knowledge with

Shows the ability to
interpret relevant
information and

Well-developed analysis
and synthesis with
application of
ecommendations linked
to analysis/synthesis.

Thoroughly developed
and creative analysis and
synthesis with
application of pretested
models and/or
independently developed
models and justified
ecommendations linked
to analysis/synthesis.

Highly sophisticated and
creative analysis,
synthesis of new with
existing knowledge.

Strong application by
way of pretested models
and/or independently
developed models.
Recommendations are
clearly justified based on
the analysis/synthesis.
Applying knowledge to
new situations/other


eport with a clear
line of reasoning
Difficult to understand
for audience, no
logical/clear structure,
poor flow of ideas,
argument lacks
supporting evidence.

Audience cannot follow
the line of reasoning.
Information, arguments
and evidence are
presented in a way that
is not always clear and

Line of reasoning is often
difficult to follow.
Information, arguments
and evidence are well
presented, mostly clear
flow of ideas and

Line of reasoning is easy to
Information, arguments
and evidence are very
well presented; the
presentation is logical,
clear and well supported
y evidence.

Demonstrates analytical
Answered Same Day Aug 15, 2021 MGT501 Charles Sturt University


Parul answered on Aug 16 2021
148 Votes
Stakeholder analysis of 7-Eleven
Stakeholder analysis of 7-Eleven
Executive Summary
A partner also refe
ed as partner is an individual who has an enthusiasm for the organization, IT administration or its ventures. They can be the workers of the organization, providers, merchants or any accomplice. They all have an enthusiasm for the association. Partners can likewise be a financial specialist in the organization and their activities decide the result of the organization. Such partner assumes a significant job in characterizing the eventual fate of the organization just as its everyday operations.
Greater part of time, achievement of an association relies more upon partners and various stakeholders than completing on schedule, financial plan, and extension. Partners of an association are people those are effectively engaged with the task, or whose interests might be influenced because of association and execution of its exercises. Partners are each one of the individuals who should be considered in accomplishing venture objectives and whose cooperation and backing are urgent to its prosperity. Partner recognizable proof and partner investigation are significant exercises of the venture chief to guarantee venture success. By the virtue of this assignment, I am able to comprehend the organisation 7-Eleven where I have worked before much better since I got the opportunity to analyse it from a different light. Furthermore, in the report you will find the detailed analysis of different stakeholders that play a critical role in the organisation.
Stakeholder contributes the equity and endorsement is the same amount of about co
espondence, training, and perceivability all things considered about key a
angement (Gross, D., 2018). Partners must have the option to rapidly and effectively comprehend where another undertaking or venture fits into the bigger business picture. A partner examination permits you to outline and build up the proper degree of co
espondence with your partners comparative with their impact and enthusiasm for your task. An insightful partner investigation will prime you for the backing you require or set you up for the restriction you envision.
Executive Summary    1
Introduction    4
Stakeholder Analysis of 7 Eleven    5
External stakeholders in 7 Eleven:    7
Internal Stakeholders in 7 Eleven:    8
Analysis of Business of 7-Eleven    9
Conflicting Interest of Different Stakeholders of 7-Eleven    10
Conclusion    12
References    13
7-Eleven Inc. is an American universal chain of accommodation stores, headquartered in Dallas, Texas. The chain was established in 1927 as an ice house customer facing facade in Dallas. It was named Tote'm Stores somewhere in the range of 1928 and 1946. After 70% of the organization was procured by Japanese member Ito-Yokado in 1991, it was rea
anged as an auxiliary of Seven-Eleven Japan Co., Ltd in 2005, and is cu
ently held by Chiyoda, Tokyo-based Seven and I Holdings Co., Ltd. 7-Eleven works, establishments, and licenses 71,100 stores in 17 nations starting at July 2020.
7- Eleven has more than 700+ convenience stores across different states of Australia (VIC, NSW, WA, ACT). Later 7 Eleven in Australia came into a binding agreement with Mobil Oil Australia PTY LTD to acquire its retail fuel business which gave a massive and determined expansion of retail businesses.
The 7 Eleven chain function as a franchised business, where the 7 eleven itself finds the location and do the market study to find the appropriate location. 7 Eleven store is a cynosure for all the lives residing in the area because of the best products and deals. The Mobil sites was converted into 7 Eleven stores later gave the chance for franchisees which gave a supply chain efficiencies and greater buying and marketing power for 7-Eleven. The first 7 Eleven store in Australia was opened in Oakleigh, Victoria. Most of the stores opened in the main Central Business District areas. The stores in subu
s were opened with petrol stations.
Mission of the Organisation - At 7-Eleven, we are on a mission to make life a little easier for our guests
Vision of the Organisation - Vision of the company is be the Best Retailer of Convenience
The main selling point of 7 eleven is Coffee, 7 Eleven is the coffee
eak for most of the lives in Aussies. While a coffee
eak, they even fill petrol as they offer a good deal. 7 Eleven also distributes basic essential food like
ead, milk, and egg. Everyday 7 Eleven
ings offers which give our clients to make every visit an exciting. As a one-dollar coffee makes a tremendous charge over all during winter, Slurpee is other selling point during Summer. 7 Eleven also developed the application where the customer gets instant offers and deals like lock-in price for petrol, gets coupon for a free coffee for a drive as well. The 7 Eleven growth is determined by its tagline “Give the customers what they want, when and where they want it.”.
Stakeholder Analysis of 7 Eleven
Analysis of different stakeholders and their contributions in the organisation is critical to comprehend the priority and curate the actions of business accordingly. In other words, Stakeholder analysis is a piece of investigation of the executives and a significant procedure for partner recognizable proof and the examination of their needs. Evaluation and examination of stakeholder is a significant piece of partner the board. There are many framework and tool that is utilized in numerous situations and fields. As a rule, while
eaking down an issue or circumstance, a partner investigation comprises of gauging and adjusting all the opposing needs of everybody professing to be included. The specific strategy may contrast per circumstance. A partner examination is led in a wide range of circumstances: from venture the executives to budgetary administration, and from emergency or calamity circumstances to significant changes that are being actualized inside associations. Stakeholder is a wide term and various individuals are seen as partners in various circumstances and settings. Partners of an association could incorporate representatives, clients, providers and substantially more. These are only a couple of gatherings of partners. In a crash, for example, there could be different partners or included gatherings, for example, the drivers, spectators or proprietors.
It is utilized to distinguish every single key partner, who have a personal stake in the issues with which the undertaking is concerned. Essential partners are the individuals who are most influenced either decidedly or adversely by the task. Optional partners are those in a roundabout way influenced. There can be tertiary partners, who are affected the least. The point of the partner investigation...

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