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I need 5 slides with speaker notes for the attached report you did. Please find below the requirements of the University. Please note my deadline is on Thursday so I need this by Wednesday the 4th of...

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I need 5 slides with speaker notes for the attached report you did. Please find below the requirements of the University. Please note my deadline is on Thursday so I need this by Wednesday the 4th of April.

Part B. Oral Presentation

Develop a brief presentation with the summary of the findings in your report about remuneration as a corporate governance issue

The presentation should be between 3–5 minutes and use five slides. You are required to use the PowerPoint template provided on the subject website.

  • Audience engagement and timing (30% of available marks): Articulate plain-speak oral presentation aligned to report taking into account audience profile with correct duration
  • Content (45% of available marks): Content, coherence, flow, and application of principles and theory
  • Slides (25% of available marks): use of 5 slides with appropriatestructure.

You must submit the presentation deliverables in two parts:

  • record and submit your oral narration via the student learning portal
  • submit your slides and slide notes as a PDF document
Answered Same Day Apr 02, 2020


Shashank answered on Apr 03 2020
143 Votes
Importance of Corporate Governance
Importance of Corporate Governance
Presented By
Student Name
Corporate governance is a way an organization is governed, and that requires to establish a balance between the management and the shareholders of the company.
What is Corporate Governance
To protect the interest of the shareholders and to improve the shareholder’s wealth
They help in evaluating the performance of company and compensation of the executives is decided on the basis of that.
Lets understand first what Corporate Governance is. It is a way an organization is governed, and that requires to establish a balance between the management and the shareholders of the company.
It aims to protect the interest of the shareholders and to improve the shareholder’s wealth.
There are a variety of measures that an organization can use to evaluate the performance of the company and the board selects the beneficial measure to pay huge compensation to these executives
They hold high importance because they help in evaluating the performance of company and compensation of the executives is decided on the basis of that.
Rules governing Executive Remuneration
The Act poses a restriction on the compensation paid to the CEO and other top executives of the company.
It says executives of the company should not be paid compensation for their risk-taking ability and without providing the result that is expected by the company.
Shareholders of the company should vote for the say on pay and the golden parachutes
2 types of executive compensation disclosures exist. One is pay vs performance, and other is the ratio of compensation of CEO and the median compensation
Form 4 filing with the SEC is providing a restriction on the companies that are making use of stocks to pay the...

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