I need 2 responses to these discussion board post, 100 words min to each discussion board with references.
Veronica Juarez
What is an organizational learning disability?Give an example.
Good afternoon class,
An organizational learning disability can be defined as a challenge that an organization phases when they do not create the conditions for active learning and growth;therefore,falling behind competitor's in being able to deliver constantly improving their service and thriving in the business.An organization must be set up to actively learn, and structurally apply that knowledge to sustain the performance in the organization, otherwise the organizational learning environment can hinder progress for the entire group.(Haas, 2011) An organization that does not realize that they have a learning disability cannot handle nor correct the deficiency, therefore like mentioned, can fall behind other organizations.
An example of an organizational learning disability is when people in an organization focus too much on their own position and purpose within the organization that they lack the bigger picture. This is often seen with new employees in the organization who tend to focus due to their new dedication. The problem with this is due to the employee focusing on their own goals within the organization that they fail to recognize the greater collective and lack of team spirit hinders organizational learning. It ultimately makes the employee blind to the greater causality given that their actions affect the entire organization. A way to resolve this organizational learning disability is to make the new employees aware of these things before it hinders the organization from its greater potential and working with them to be naturally inclined to think of their position not only as one, but as a whole - for the greater of the organization's success.
Haas,M XXXXXXXXXX, November 10). Institute of Management Consultants USA. Retrieved from http://www.imcusa.org/blogpost/334056/134141/694-Can-You-Diagnose-an-Organizational-Learning-Disability
Michael Lopez
According to the text, mental models are deeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or even pictures or images that influence how we understand the world and how we take actions (Senge, 1990, p. 8). These preconceived assumptions may influence the way we approach others in the organization, including biases in favor of or in opposition to certain individuals.
For example, we may notice that a coworker drives a very expensive car, and we say to ourselves that this person is high-maintenance. In a management setting, we may notice that someone who always dresses in a suit and tie, and assume that they are company person.
We may notice that someone that drives a 20 year old beat-up car, and we say to ourselves that this person is “trash”. In the management setting, we may notice that someone always shows up late to meetings, and think to ourselves that this person doesn’t care about anyone but themselves.
Trying to identify your own mental models starts with turning the mirror inward (Senge, 1990, p. 8). What this means is learning to “unearth” these internal pictures we have of the world, bring them to the surface, and hold them rigorously to scrutiny (Senge, 1990, p. 8).
Part of the unearthing process includes having healthy and meaningful conversations, where people feel safe to share their own thoughts freely and respectfully. Approaching these conversations with an open and accepting attitude is essential, with the potential to be influence by the thoughts of others. The balance of “inquiry and advocacy” is essential to “learningful” conversations (Senge, 1990, p. 8).
Senge, P.M. (1990). The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. New York: Doubleday Publishing