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I have attached the file below plzz read it carefully and fullfill the requirements and the words is of only 900

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I have attached the file below plzz read it carefully and fullfill the requirements and the words is of only 900
Answered Same Day Jul 24, 2020 MKT00128 Southern Cross University


Soumi answered on Jul 26 2020
149 Votes
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Table of Contents
a. The chosen Advertisement for the Assignment    3
. Statistical Data and Analysis of Queensland, Australia    3
c. Type of Visitors Visiting Queensland, Australia for Touring    4
d. Use of Three Marketing Theories for critically evaluating the chosen Advertisement    5
Use of AIDA Model    5
Use of Colour Theory    6
Advertising Appeal    6
References    7
Appendix    8
a. The chosen Advertisement for the Assignment
The title of the chosen advertisement of the assignment is “Discover Queensland... Beaches & Beyond” (Refer to the Appendix).
. Statistical Data and Analysis of Queensland, Australia
The chosen advertisement promotes the tourism enterprise of Queensland Australia, which is the source of employment for nearly, 137600 people. The tourism sector of Queensland contributes a staggering $12.6 Billion per year.
    Contribution to Economy of Queensland
    $12.6 Billion
Table 1: Contribution of Tourism in Queensland’s Economy
(Source: Tourism Research Australia, 2017)
The Australian tourism sector is very active in terms of the visiting frequency of the visitors in the day as well as night. The number of visitor visiting Australia during night time has increased 3% than the previous year and reached 269 million. As a result of the increased percentage of visitors in Australia the spending rate has also reached $42.3 Billion, which is 6% increase than the previous year.
    Increase comparison to Previous yea
    Actual Amount
    8.3 Million
    269 Million
    $42.3 Billion
Table 2: Increase in Visitors, Nights and Spend in Australia Tourism Secto
(Source: Tourism Research Australia, 2018)
A closer observation show that, the number of visitors in Australia come from China and form majority in terms of contribution in growth of the tourism sector.
    Name of Visitors’ Country
    Percentage of Contribution in Growth
    Other Countries
Table 3: Contribution of China and Other Countries in the Growth of Australia’s Tourism Secto
(Source: Tourism Research Australia, 2018)
Australia has a very well organised tourism sector, which not only retains its tourism spots maintained but also provides excellent services to the tourists, which makes the experience worth repeating. It is observed that the number of repeated tourist in Australia is more than the number of people visiting it for the first time.
    Number of Visitors
    1st Time

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