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Final exam PICT 3012: Intelligence Policy Final Examination—S1 2020 Please note the following instructions: This exam consists of answering two essay questions. I have written the exam to take about...

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Final exam
PICT 3012: Intelligence Policy
Final Examination—S1 2020

Please note the following instructions:

This exam consists of answering two essay questions. I have written the exam to take
about three hours total, but you are free to spend as little or as much time on it as you
wish between now and the due date. The exam must be submitted through TurnItIn by

Each question is worth 50 points, so be sure to budget your time accordingly. I highly
ecommend that you take time in the beginning to read through the entire exam and
decide which two questions will best showcase your learning, and that you plan your
answers by going through the course materials and writing a
ief outline.

Each essay should run about XXXXXXXXXXwords. You are not expected to do the formal
eferencing for this exam that you would for a paper.

The exam is open-book and open-note: you can use any class materials. You may use the
materials on our class’s iLearn site, but you may not use other parts of the internet or
other outside materials for this exam.

You are expected to complete your own work for this exam.

For your convenience, a list of the semester’s readings has been provided on the last
pages of the exam.

Finally, please be sure to take a deep
eath and relax. When you are ready to do so, just
turn the page and answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

Good luck! J

SECTION I: Essays (100 points)

Please answer TWO of the following questions in essay form. In your essay
you are expected to draw on relevant materials from the course readings,
class discussions, and other class materials. Each essay is worth 50 points,
so please budget your time accordingly. Be sure to answer all parts of the

1. During the semester, we have talked about the many issues intelligence analysts face
and the many kinds of problems within the intelligence community more
(cultural, organizational, social, moral, etc.). In your view, what are the top three
iggest challenges that intelligence officers face? At least one of the problems you
discuss must be specifically about intelligence/policy issues, such as relationships
etween intelligence and policymakers, the budget, policymaker concerns, etc. Why did
you select these problems? How can those problems be fixed—or can they be fixed at all?
Has taking this class changed your perspective about the CIA and/or the intelligence
community? If so, how, and if not, why not? (It’s okay if your perspective hasn’t
changed, but give a reasoned discussion about why.)

2. Given what you have learned this semester about intelligence work and intelligence
policy, what might winning the Global War on Te
or look like? I’m not expecting you to
ewrite national security policy here; I’m more interested in how you apply the practical
material we have read and talked about this semester to this abstract problem. There are
no right or wrong answers here—only good and bad ones.

3. What has been the most significant new learning for you this semester? I’m serious
about this question: I want to know whether and how your thinking has changed over
the last four months about any of the issues or perspectives we have discussed. Feel free
to talk about just one thing, or about as many as four different things. Be sure to ground
the bulk of your discussion in what we have read and talked about in class. You can also
connect your discussion to the ways in which you now read about/discuss/think about
ent events in America and around the world.


Week 1: Course Introduction
uary 24
No readings are assigned for the first class meeting.

Week 2: Introduction to the American Intelligence Community
March 2
1. Watch Top Secret America, a Frontline documentary on the intelligence community post-9/11,
at https:
2. Lowenthal, Ch. 1 and 2.
3. August 6, 2001. Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US. President’s Daily Brief Memo.
*An optional but helpful resource: “How the Intelligence Community Works,”

Week 3: Introduction to Intelligence Policy
March 9
1. McLaughlin, 2008. “Serving the National Policymaker.” in George Bruce (eds.), Analyzing
Intelligence: Origins, Obstacles, and Innovations. Georgetown University Press.
2. Petersen, 2011. “What I Learned in 40 Years of Doing Intelligence Analysis for US Foreign
Policymakers.” Studies in Intelligence, 55(1), pp. 13-20.


Week 4: Intelligence-Policy Relationships
March 30
1. Brian Katz. (2019). “Policy and You: A Guide for Intelligence Analysts.” War on the Rocks:
2. Brian Katz. (2018). “Intelligence and You: A Guide for Policymakers.” War on the Rocks:

Week 5: Collection and Analysis
April 6
1. Lowenthal, Ch. 5 and 6

Week 6: NO CLASS—Easter Monday
April 13
No readings are assigned for this week.

Week 7: Culture Clashes between the IC and the Policymaker
April 20
1. Lowenthal, Ch. 9
2. Jervis, 2010. “Why Intelligence and Policymakers Clash.” Political Science Quarterly, Vol.
125(2), pp XXXXXXXXXX.

Week 8: Ethical Dilemmas
April 27
1. Lowenthal Ch. 8 and 13
2. Leopold, 2014. “A Justice Department Memo Provides the CIA's Legal Justification to Kill a
US Citizen.” Vice News, https:

Week 9: Culture Clashes within the IC
May 4
1. Dissertation, Ch. 3.

Week 10: Intelligence Budget
May 11
1. Adams, Bent, and Peroff, 2017. “The Office of Management and Budget: The President’s
Policy Tool.” In The National Security Enterprise: Navigating the Labyrinth (George and
Rishikof, Eds.), pp XXXXXXXXXXGeorgetown University Press.

Week 11: Five Eyes
May 18
1. Dailey, 2017. “The Intelligence Club: A Comparative Look at Five Eyes.” Journal of Political
Sciences and Public Affairs, 5:261.
2. O’Neil, 2017. “Australia and the ‘Five Eyes’ Intelligence Network: The Perils of an
Asymmetric Alliance.” Australian Journal of International Affairs, 71(5), pp XXXXXXXXXX.

Week 12: Future Directions
May 25
1. NATO Association of Canada, 2018. The Future of US Intelligence: Challenges and

Week 13: Guest Speaker on the Australian Intelligence Community
June 1
No readings are assigned for this week.
Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2021 PICT3012 Macquaire University


Rupsha answered on Jun 04 2021
156 Votes
Winning Battle against Te
Table of Contents
Q.2    3
Introduction    3
Why is it necessary?    3
How can it be done?    3
By Tracking and Stopping Funding    4
Stopping Illegal Sale of Weapons    4
By Tracking Hideouts    4
Conclusion    5
References    6
The act of counter te
orism has a very important role for intelligence and policy making. When the entire globe is fighting with the problem of te
orism the fact that intelligence is a key to counter te
orism is gaining importance every day. Realistic approach for analyzing and understanding te
orist groups is a very important way of combating the problem of te
orism that the world is facing today. This article shall discuss the various implementations of the policies of intelligence that take place in the act of counter te
orism all around the globe. With a number of evidences it shall be shown why the detailed study of intelligence policies are required for the act of counter te
Why is it necessary?
With the advent of the twentieth century a number of te
orist organizations grew up in the Middle East and the eastern countries. 20th century has seen and upsurge in te
orism like no other era. From that point on it became clear that without counter te
orism or efficient methods of combating te
orism the world would face a serious problem in the years to come. From that time on the acts of counter te
orist groups became prominent and intelligence policies became more important in the modern world. As opined by MacKay (2017), the war is difficult and the time to be taken is long but the authorities must plan on winning this war for the sake of humankind. The global battle against te
orism has dated back for a long time but with the evolution of organized te
orist groups it has become more of an international conflict. That is why winning the battle against te
orism is very important in today's world and must be taken seriously by all nations.
How can it be done?
A number of policy making organizations in terms of intelligence are playing their part in combating the growing problem of te
orism. These organizations have made it their motto to make sure that every te
orist activity is tracked and stopped within a stipulated time. The most...

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