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Hello,Need help doing chemistry Lab report for Titration curve experiment. Need someone who is very familiar with the concept and done enough lab reports.You are doing Short Report for this work....

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Need help doing chemistry Lab report for Titration curve experiment. Need someone who is very familiar with the concept and done enough lab reports.You are doing Short Report for this work. Manual and other important datas and references on writing short report are attached. For procedure section of lab report , use pages 85-92.
Answered 3 days After Apr 12, 2024


Dr Shweta answered on Apr 15 2024
12 Votes
Titration Curve Experiment
1. Purpose of the experiment: This experiment aims to determine the concentration of an acetic acid solution by monitoring its pH as a base is added. Additionally, the experiment demonstrates how the strength of the acid utilized influences the shape of the titration curve in an acid-strong base titration, as well as how the acid strength utilized in the titration also influences the pH at the equivalence point.
In order to determine the equivalence point in an acid-base titration, the pH of the reaction mixture was monitored in relation to the quantity of titrant applied. A curve is produced by a relationship between pH (y-axis) and volume of applied titrant (x-axis) whose precise shape is determined by the acid and base concentrations utilized.
We titrated a strong acid (hydrochloric acid) with a strong base (sodium hydroxide) in the initial portion of this experiment. The sodium chloride salt generated during this reaction, being a salt of a strong acid, does not undergo hydrolysis. At the equivalence point, only water, sodium ions, and chloride ions are present:
HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)
(hydrochloric acid) (sodium hydroxide) (sodium chloride (salt of a strong acid))
At the equivalence point, the reaction mixture possesses a pH of 7.0 under such circumstances.
During the subsequent phase of this experiment, a weak acid (acetic acid) was titrated against a strong base (sodium hydroxide). In this...

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