Guide to Community Prevention Services (2016). 2016 Annual Report to Congress, Federal Agencies, and Prevention Stakeholders. Retrieved from
Guide to Community Preventive Services XXXXXXXXXXIncreasing physical activity. Accessed on July 14, 2016 from
Kahn, E.B., Ramsey, L.T., Brownson R., Heath, G.W., Howze, E.H., Powell, K.E., Stone, E.J., Rajab, M.W., Corso, P. and the Task Force on Community Preventive Services XXXXXXXXXXThe effectiveness of interventions to increase physical activity: a systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 22(4S), XXXXXXXXXXRetrieved from
Task Force on Community Preventive Services XXXXXXXXXXRecommendations to increase physical activity in communities. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 22(4S), XXXXXXXXXXRetrieved from
Optional Readings
Committee on Health and Behavior: Research, Practice, and Policy, Board on Neuroscience and Behavioral Health XXXXXXXXXXFindings and recommendations. Health and behavior: The interplay between the biological, behavioral, and societal influences (pp XXXXXXXXXXWashington, DC: National Academy Press. Retrieved from
I need 3-4 paragraphs, APA, 2-3 in-text citations, and 2-3 References