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Goal: To communicate your understanding of project management and apply this to the project lifecycle. The group presentation is an opportunity for you to demonstrate that you can interact effectively...

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Goal:To communicate your understanding of project management and apply this to the project lifecycle. The group presentation is an opportunity for you to demonstrate that you can interact effectively in leadership and/or subordinate project roles.

Product:One 15 minute group (around 3 to 4 students) presentation.

Format:This is a group assessment delivered in either a face-to-face format or pre-recorded mixed media performance. The group will be awarded the same grade.SeeBlackboard for more information.

Criteria:Application of an advanced understanding of the project management body of knowledge, including recent developments; participation in a project team to achieve project objectives and balance project constraints; and presentation of complex material in a professional cohesive informative manner.

Generic skill assessed:Communication, CollaborationSkill assessment level: Developing, Developing

Note: Each group can self-nominate and will need to self-manage all the issues that arise from working in groups. You might also like to engage is some academic research around group development strategies starting with the pioneering work of Bruce Tuckman XXXXXXXXXXrenown for work on progressive team development.Practical examples can be found at:

Assessment Case Study Overview

This assessment task requires you to develop and present a preliminary project charter based on the case study around Elon Musk’s pledge in early 2017 to fix the electricity problems in South Australia (SA).You are employed by the Department of Energy Resources in your state and work as part of a small project team reviewing and evaluating the different energy initiatives implemented by other state governments across Australia. Your manager has been closely following the Tesla battery project in South Australia and has requested that your team thoroughly research how this project was initiated and documented as your state government is considering inviting Tesla to deliver the same storage solution state-wide. You have been asked to develop and present a project charter that captures the similar type of project management methodology, information and documentation that would have been jointly developed by the SA government and Tesla in getting their project approved.

The design of the plan and the information presented must demonstrate evidence of both commercial and academic research in completing and presenting the document.

Answered Same Day Apr 12, 2020 PRM701 University of the Sunshine Coast


Sundeep answered on Apr 14 2020
154 Votes
Project Charter Form Template
    1. General Project Information
    Project Name:
    To Power Australia
    Executive Sponsors:
    Government Of South Australia
    Department Sponsor:
    Impact of project:
    Reduced Electricity Problems in Soulth Australia
    2. Project Team
    Project Manager:
    Jay Weatherill
    Team Members:
    3. Stakeholders (e.g., those with a significant interest in or who will be significantly affected by this project)
    South Australia Government ,
    Elon Musk
    Jay Weatherill and the Project Team
    Citizens of South Australia
    4. Project Scope Statement
    Project Purpose / Business Justification Describe the business need this project addresses
    Â· To provide efficient and steady power supply to the community.
· To increase revenue collection for the state government.
· To improve power capacity supplied to the community.
· To stabilize the cost of power hence reduce the cost of doing business for the community.
· The main objectives for the project is to store power and provide efficient and steady supply of power to households and businesses across the state.
· Other objectives are:
· To reduce the waste of power due to lack of storage capacity.
· To improve economy (GDP) of the state, through increased revenue collection.
    Objectives (in business terms) Describe the measurable outcomes of the project, e.g., reduce cost by xxxx or increase quality...

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