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Forum Post 6 View Full Description Objective: Evaluate the relationship between social responsibility and corporate performance Prompt: Review this article on Corporate Social Responsibility: Freeman,...

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Forum Post 6View Full Description

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  1. Evaluate the relationship between social responsibility and corporate performance

Prompt: Review this article on Corporate Social Responsibility: Freeman, R.E. & J. Liedtke XXXXXXXXXXCorporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Approach. Business Horizons. Jul/Aug91, Vol. 34 Issue 4, retrieved from XXXXXXXXXX&site=ehost-live&scope=site


  1. It is tempting to praise the benefits of CSR. After-all, who wouldn’t want to help the community or environment? However, what is the primary purpose of a for-profit corporation?
  2. Using the concepts learned in the required readings, discuss whether a company should attempt to solve the world’s problems, while at the same time working towards a profit for the shareholders.
  3. Outside research may be required to thoroughly answer questions posed.
Answered Same Day Apr 09, 2020


Ritika answered on Apr 12 2020
137 Votes
This article based on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) discusses important aspects of its use in the society. Unlike the usual practice where we see CSR being adopted, this article motivates readers to stop using such practices in their life. Rather this article provides alternatives to the use of CSR as a concept. As per the author of the article, with the understanding of one’s own responsibilities, it isn’t necessary that people will opt for creation of new economic life that involves mingling with the society and even creating a better place for humans to survive(Leonard;, 2018).
A for-profit corporation as the name suggests is that functions business for...

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