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gred evelation peer 2/Individual Evaluation PART II.docx Individual Report PART II Student Name/ID ----------------------------- · Due date: 5th June 11:59PM Melbourne Time. · Your evaluation should...

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gred evelation peer 2/Individual Evaluation PART II.docx
        Individual Report PART II
Student Name/ID -----------------------------
· Due date: 5th June 11:59PM Melbourne Time.
· Your evaluation should respond to the below points
· Your response should be specific and use the same PPMP20014 terminology
· You need to fill in the details of the Group you are evaluating
· Give a score for each item out of 10

Your evaluation needs to provide proper understanding of the report you are evaluating
It should provide ad-hoc comments and feedback
The comments should be appropriate and constructive
You will evaluated based on the appropriateness of these comments and the level of your understanding
You can provide up to 1000 words MAXIMUM
Submissions made after the deadline will receive a 5% penalty for each day late.
        Group Numbe
        Were the complexity characteristics in line with the slide No 12 in week 5 as a guide.
        Identify the missing characteristics in the reports
        Provide a general feedback about this section
        How reasonable the weights assigned for each complexity characteristic in slide 12, week 5 are?
        Were these weights reviewed and are they mapped with the GERD case.
        Where the complexity characteristics grouped appropriately into the 4 complexity types
        Does the Radar Diagram reflect the above weights if the complexity types as grouped
        Has the report identified 4 main skills/ competencies needed for the PM in the GERD case
        Are there good reflection and connection between these skills and the GERD dam? Is there a Table explaining this point.
        Has the report touched on the effect of the case study on the cost and the time estimate in the GERD case.
gred evelation peer 2/peer 2.docx
PPMP20014, Answer to Question
Term 1, 2020
Assessment 1: Group discussion (Part 2)
Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD Project)
XXXXXXXXXXGroup members:-


XXXXXXXXXXTutor- Bijan Jamshid-Nejad
Campus (tick one): MEL SYD BNE DST Other (write): ____________
Table of Contents
Answer Question 1.    1
Data Preparation for Question 2 &3:    3
Answer to Question 2:    7
Answer to question 3.    8
Answer to Question 4.    9
Answer to Question 5.    11
Answer to Question 6.    13
Reference:    19
Answer Question 1.
The presence of colossal of relative components make a project complicated but the definition of complex project is associated with some more complications. The complex project have components those are woven together which means one component is related with other, these lead to an issue where solving one component will lead to another problem. All organizations have their own methodology to define the complexity of a project. In defining project complexity some organizations consider at least 5 attributes minimum and maximum up to 12 attributes. The weightage given to these attributes depending on their complexity.
Stakeholders: In GERD projects number of stake holder’s country is eleven. Name of the countries are: Uganda, Tanzania, Sudan, Rwanda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Egypt, Congo. The principal stake holders’ countries among them are Ethiopian, Egyptian and Sudanese Government, design, construction and erection companies and the people lived along the Nile Basin
Ambiguity : Ambiguity arises due to difference of opinion among the stake holders. In GERD project the ambiguity starts from the Egyptian government declaration, which states Ethopian Government should stop all activities including the ongoing construction work as a condition for settling issues through negotiations.
Political or influence of authority: Egyptian government tried to form a group in order to create a regional support and trying to convince their international allies.
Project features: One of the project feature that create ambiguity is the reservoir stack at its full capacity will destroy the lively hood as water crisis rises ((Khattak, Mustafa, and Shah, 2016).
Dynamic changes : The presence of huge number of stake holders required lengthy approval process and calls for reworking and delays.
External or International influence: The international pressure through UN on the basis of environmental issue.
New design technology for countries involved: This is new design and the countries involved have no previous experience to build such big dam.
Technology that not yet proven: The technology using for construction as well as operation not a proven one.
Over run of estimated time and cost: Due to ambiguities among stake holders and huge number of stake holders make each and every process or procedures are contested resulting delay and some time rework make the project run over stipulated time and cost.
Data Preparation for Question 2 &3:
New Survey Data from peers: Weightage scale 1 to 10.
Table 1.
Frequency Table:
Table 2.
Complexity of a project is defined by the Important Index (Ip). Higher the Ip higher will be its complexity. Important index can be calculated:
Ip = (af)/AF
Where a = Weightage
    A = Maximum possible weightage
    f = Frequency of possible weightage
    F = Number of sample
PPMP20014, Answer to Question
        After rea
        Multiple stakeholders
        Non Agreement of project features, phase and resources etc
        Political /authority influence
        External influences
        Dynamic project governance
        Highly regulated environment
        Project duration Delayed
        Weak Interpersonal or social influences among stake holders
        Not clear project features,resources,phases etc
        Technology that not yet proven
        Adopting a new technology
Characteristics of complexity of GERD Project:
Answer to Question 2:
Chart- 1 (Source: Author)
Answer to question 3.
Chart-2 (Source: Author)
Radar Diagram of complexity of GERD project
All calculation available in attached excel sheet
Answer to Question 4.
        List of Factors due to complexity
         Skill set required
        ( Ghosh,& Skibniewski 2010)
        International Project Management Association. (2006)
        1.Multiple stakeholders
        “Project Requirements
Scope & Deliverable
Leadership quality
Conflict and crisis management
Programme &
Portfolio implementation
        2.Non Agreement of project features, phase and resources etc
Conflict Crisis management
        3.Political /authority influence
        “Interested parties and stakeholders
Scope & Deliverable Communications
Leadership quality
Conflict and crisis management
        4.External influences
        “Interested parties and stakeholders Communications
Leadership quality
Conflict and crisis management
        5.Dynamic project governance
        “Scope, Deliverable Procurement and Contracts
Information Documentations Communications
Control chart &
        6.Highly regulated environment
        “Health, Security
        7.Project duration Delayed
        “Time schedule and Project phases
Programme & Portfolio implementations
Cost and
        8.Weak Interpersonal or social influences among stake holders
Leadership quality
        9.Not clear project features, resources, phases etc
        “Leadership quality
Conflict Crisis management
        10.Technology that not yet proven
        “Risk Opportunity and
Problem Resolution
Procurement and Contract Start ups
Quality Systems
        11. Adopting a new technology
        “Risk Opportunity and
Problem Resolution
Procurement and Contract Quality Systems
Product and Technology”
Answer to Question 5.
        According to IPMA Project Management as an organisation control and monitor all aspect of a project. Main goal is to reach the objectives of the project by a set of leadership, organisation, technical management tasks for the development and performance of the project (Sánchez et, al. 2017)
        Competencies are those capacities related to the attributes that help employees in the operation of their said task in the workplace. As the knowledge and knowhow part of technical competency, but their values and attitudes are behavioural Competency (Albino, 2018)
        It associated with intelligence with respect to the context, with knowledge, capabilities and aptitude to plan a change management. This competence helps to capitalize opportunity and prevent risk. It audit and validate the vision, core to the strategic planning and designing the underlying processes. (Motamedi,2018)
        Conflict Crisis, Negotiations
        Quality System
There are two types’ leadership theories adaptive leadership and complex leadership theory (Arena & Uhl XXXXXXXXXXThe adaptive leadership skill based on practicality that is how individual and organisation are adapting the change. This fulfills requirement of leadership in an effective manner. The principal purpose of this leadership is to crisis handling effectively and implements change management (Khan, XXXXXXXXXXThe complexity leadership theory is a framework that upgrades the completeness of an organisation. The complex adaptive systems are: open to learn, creative and informative. The theory targeted to sum up and solve new situation evolved due to chaos in an environment of bureaucratic organisation.
Conflict Crisis, Negotiations:
It is being established that multi organisational cooperation helping in fulfilling the organisational achievement which could not be happened by the single organisation (Bryson et al XXXXXXXXXXHowever, when the objectives of the organizations are significantly different then there may be some conflict. Often this conflict is acknowledged as flawed by all stakeholders and in this state of affairs all stake holders thrive for change in relation and attitude (Ackermann,et, al. 2016)
Any project is contract between minimum two organisatios, and a contract is a legal document. This document is stipulated by some special obligations. Normally contracts consists of a list of conditions like General (normally standard for all similar contracts), special (advising about some special requirement and conditions, technical ( regulation for executing materializing). The clauses are listed in both general and special condition. There are two
Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2021


Parul answered on Jun 04 2021
153 Votes
Group Numbe
    Were the complexity characteristics in line with the slide No 12 in week 5 as a guide?
    No, the complexity characteristic as explained in Slide No. 5 in Week 12 was not in line with the report. This is because the business problem taken into consideration by all the countries that are enrolled in GERD were focused more on constructing the dam. They didn’t consider the possibility of natural calamity anywhere. Moreover, Corona pandemic
ings one of the most unprecedented times and complexities that project hadn’t accounted for.
Although the report has appropriately justified details according to the GERD project. Dam is a complex project indeed and this report offers various range of justifications including continuous changes, scope not defined properly, lack of feedback and proper communication amongst various stakeholder. The report has not covered anything about external varieties as per Ashby Law. Thus, Key areas related to the case were discussed well. However, many recent developments related to the case were missing.
Feedback – The report is well structured explaining the complexities of the project as per the scope. Existence of interconnected components makes the project very complicated, if one issue is not solved properly then it will result into another problem. Report clearly identifies attributes that contributes to complexities from 5 to 12 attributes. There are weightage presented for these attributes as per the complexity. However, it does not mention the influence natural disaster can put on the project and its...

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