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Grading Rubric for MGMT 3013 Short Paper 3 – Organizational Culture Length and Format – Paper must be: · Between XXXXXXXXXXwords (works cited should be a separate page) · Double-spaced · 12-point...

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Grading Ru
ic for MGMT 3013 Short Paper 3 – Organizational Culture
Length and Format – Paper must be:
· Between XXXXXXXXXXwords (works cited should be a separate page)
· Double-spaced
· 12-point Times New Roman font
· 1-inch margins
· Name located in the heade
· Proper in-paper citations and works cited
    Length and Format
(4 points)
    4 points
    Paper meets all length and formatting requirements
    2 points
    Paper deviates from one (1) of the length and formatting requirements
    0 points
    Paper deviates from more than one (1) of the length and formatting requirements
(8 points)
    8 points
    The paper contains few or no grammatical or spelling e
ors (1-2)
    4 points
    The paper contains several grammatical or spelling e
ors (3-5)
    0 points
    Paper contains more than five (5) grammatical or spelling e
(8 points)
    8 points
    The paper covers all required aspects in adequate detail with examples.
    4 points
    The paper covers most of the aspects but fails to adequately give examples.
    0 points
    Very weak coverage of the needed aspects with few examples
Connection –
You should discuss (at least) the following aspects of the company’s activity according to several (at least 3) sources.
· What is the company’s culture type based on the competing values framework?
· What about the company clues you in to their type of culture? Symbols? Heroes? Stories? Myths? Norms?
· How do they compare to their industry?
· Are they similar to others? Different? How? Background to support this?
· What formal and informal aspects of culture does the company utilize to strengthen their culture?
Answered Same Day Mar 04, 2020 MGMT 3013


Soumi answered on Mar 05 2020
146 Votes
Name:         5
Title: Organizational Culture of Citigroup
Table of Contents
Type of organizational culture of Citigroup    3
Clues to understanding the type of culture in Citigroup    3
Comparing Citigroup to its industry    3
Similarities and Dissimilarities with others    3
Informal and formal attributes of culture utilized by Citigroup for strengthening its culture    4
Works Cited    5
Type of organizational culture of Citigroup
    Based on the frameworks for competing values, it can be observed that Citigroup follows a culture of ethics in their organization. According to Naranjo-Valencia et al., an organization might foster the idea of earning profits by any means they think feasible or can opt for a path that might or might not always generate profits for them; however, strictly bases the organizational activities on ethical business processes (33). Viewing their value proposition, it is evident that they believe in not only their organizational profit, but also in the well-being of the community, in which they operate (Citigroup 2018).
Clues to understanding the type of culture in Citigroup
    The type of culture followed by Citigroup has been clued to us as readers, due to their stories that they have presented on...

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