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Grading Rubric for MGMT 3013 Short Paper 7 - HR Length and Format – Paper must be: · Between XXXXXXXXXXwords (works cited should be a separate page) · Double-spaced · 12-point Times New Roman font ·...

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Grading Ru
ic for MGMT 3013 Short Paper 7 - HR
Length and Format – Paper must be:
· Between XXXXXXXXXXwords (works cited should be a separate page)
· Double-spaced
· 12-point Times New Roman font
· 1-inch margins
· Name located in the heade
· Proper in-paper citations and works cited
    Length and Format
(4 points)
    4 points
    Paper meets all length and formatting requirements
    2 points
    Paper deviates from one (1) of the length and formatting requirements
    0 points
    Paper deviates from more than one (1) of the length and formatting requirements
(8 points)
    8 points
    The paper contains few or no grammatical or spelling e
ors (1-2)
    4 points
    The paper contains several grammatical or spelling e
ors (3-5)
    0 points
    Paper contains more than five (5) grammatical or spelling e
(8 points)
    8 points
    The paper covers all required aspects in adequate detail with examples.
    4 points
    The paper covers most of the aspects but fails to adequately give examples.
    0 points
    Very weak coverage of the needed aspects with few examples
Connection –
You should discuss (at least) the following aspects of the company’s activity according to several (at least 3) sources.
· Who are the top HR managers and leaders?
· What is their background? How did they wind up with this company (previous experiences)?
· Find a job posting for this company. How do they go about locating possible candidates? Website? Job farm (,, etc.)
· Do the job requirements and specifications compare favorably to their competitors?
· Any information about salary or compensation compared to their industry?
· Any news in regards to hiring practices – good or bad? EEOC involvement? Title VII or discrimination concerns?
· If so, how did they handle them? Provide evidence to support.
Answered Same Day Mar 16, 2020 MGMT 3013


Ricera answered on Mar 17 2020
150 Votes
Running Head: Human Resource
Human Resource
Student Name
Institute and Affiliation
Table of Contents
1. Human Resource (HR) Managers and Leaders:    3
2. Job Posting:    3
3. Hiring Practices:    4
References:    5
1. Human Resource (HR) Managers and Leaders:
Citigroup Human resource head is Michael Mu
ay. Mu
ay has joined Citigroup in the year 1996 and holds Citigroup’s all human resource functions. In recently Mu
ay has been appointed as the Global head of benefits, recruiting and compensation. After completing BA with Mathematics Mu
ay became an associate of Society of Actuaries in the year 1991. Before joining Citigroup Mu
ay was a consultant of employee benefits specialised in international business (Citigroup, 2018). In the years of financial crisis of Citigroup, Mu
ay helped to redesign the practices of Compensation to increase financial strength and it still continues now. Also, Mu
ay has improved the effectiveness and efficiency of the Human Resource Function    Comment by Administrator: previous experiences which led to HR managers and leaders ended up to Citigroup –Mentioned here
2. Job Posting:
Citigroup posted it jobs in and In this section,...

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