Topic: The role of ethical decision making in becoming an effective manage
In this assignment you are asked to discuss the concept of ethical decision-making and how this influences a manager’s ability to be effective. This will require you to review the literature on ethical decision making so that you understand how it contribution towards demonstrating effective managerial practice. Using some of the questionnaires you answered in the class, you will evaluate your potential to demonstrate ethical decision making as a manager by closely looking at your cu
ent managerial capabilities and your personality (Please relate my cu
ent position as a Bank Manager in a developing country). Finally, based on your evaluation, you will create a thorough plan for developing these skills and abilities to help you become an ethical manager, and eventually become an effective manager.
Essay section
1. Introduction (300 words)
· Make a general statement about ethical decision making and why it is important in business contexts.
· Make a statement about the possible links between ethical decision making and its contribution toward effective managerial practice.
· Write a thesis statement. Start by indicating that this essay reviews literature about the importance of ethical decision making to effective management. Say which particular skills and personality factors you are focussing on.
· Indicate that the review is followed by an evaluation of your own capability. You need to say what methods you have used to evaluate your managerial capabilities (skills and personality). You also need to state that you have created a plan for further development of your skills and competencies as an ethical and effective manager. (Remember to write in Bank Manager prospective)
2. Literature Review (1000 words)
· * Review recent and relevant literature about ethical decision making; include both hard and soft skills. It is better to start
oad and then na
ow to some key skills. This will allow you to be critical rather than simply listing skills. It is helpful to pick skills that you are keen to develop. (You may have identified these skills by doing some of the quizzes in the unit.) This will help to build cohesion through your essay.
· Review the literature on ethical decision making in a business context. Start
oad and then na
ow your focus. (It is helpful if you choose an area that is particularly relevant to you personally and professionally). A na
ower focus will allow you to critically analyse the literature. (possible search terms to try include: ethics, ethical management, ethical behaviour, managing ethically, ethical dilemmas in business)
· Remember to cover
· How ethical decision making relates to effective managerial practice
· What capabilities/skills are needed to promote good ethical decision making
· How personality relates to ethical decision making
· One-paragraph summary
· This section of your essay is where you demonstrate your research skills. You need to start early in order to find appropriate literature. Most of your references will be journal articles.
· Write approximately 1,000 words.
· Cite at least 10 non-textbook references (in addition to your textbook). These should be dominated by recent peer-review journal articles. All paragraphs in the lit review must have in-text references.
3. Evaluation (600 words)
· An evaluation which is based from a minimum of three questionnaires that you are instructed to take during the class (My summary results are in the appendix). Think critically about the results.
· This section is about you, so it is appropriate to use 1st person voice.
· It includes an analysis of your personality and the level of the skills and competencies you have identified as being relevant to your ability to become an effective manager who makes ethical decisions.
· You should include a discussion of relevant in-class questionnaire results (include them as ONE table in an Appendix).
Your task in this section is to think critically about your results, in light of what you have read about ethical decision making in the literature
4. Plan of action (650 words)
· Use the plan section to specify a minimum of two and up to three goals (using the SMART goals framework), skills or competences you will focus on
· Informed by your evaluation, you will review your cu
ent capabilities and focus on two skills/abilities that you will plan to improve upon
· You will also indicate how and when you will learn them, and how you will know you have learned them
5. Conclusion (200 words)
Your conclusion should
ing your essay to a close by summarising the key points:
· Why was this analysis undertaken?
· Where did you get your information/evidence?
· How consistent is the evidence?
· What did you learn? Did it surprise you or confirm what you already knew?
· What you intend to do with this knowledge and why?
Total word count: 2750 (excluding reference & appendix)
6. Reference
· You must have a reference list which is formatted according to APA 6th guidelines.
· Should have at least 10 non-textbook references, in addition to the textbook
7. How will your essay be graded? STRUCTURE & STYLE
· Some
oad ideas of what the marker will be looking for are as follows:
· Introduction: Is the purpose apparent to the reader? Have you concisely stated this purpose in an engaging and thought-provoking manner? Has the groundwork you’ve laid made it easy for your reader to predict important topics you’ll discuss?
· Lit Review: Do you use clear examples to support specific topic sentences? Do these topics cohere toward an overall purpose and insight? Does your analysis pose new and innovative ways to think about the material in depth? Do you integrate your quotations?
· Evaluation: Does what you write show a personal response to the issues? Are professional awareness and personal growth reflected in your discussion of concepts? Do you account for a wide range of perspectives?
· Plan: Have you provided a clear management development plan? Do you clearly describe how competencies will be learned and how you will grow personally in both the short and long term?
· Conclusion: Do you give succinct and precise conclusions that tie together the lit review with your professional practice? So you offer suggestions for future action?
Questionnaires summary result tables
1. The Big Five Inventory (BFI) questionnaires
Big Five Dimensions
Facet and co
elated trait adjective
Extraversion vs. introversion
My total scoring = 28
Gregariousness (sociable)
Assertiveness (forceful)
Activity (energetic
Excitement-seeking (adventurous) Positive emotions (enthusiastic)
Warmth (outgoing)
Extraversion vs. introversion
My total scoring = 42
Trust (forgiving)
Straightforwardness (not demanding) Altruism (warm)
Compliance (not stu
Modesty (not show-off)
Tender-mindedness (sympathetic)
Conscientiousness vs. lack of direction
My total scoring = 36
Competence (efficient)
Order (organized)
Dutifulness (not careless)
Achievement striving (thorough)
Self-discipline (not lazy)
Deliberation (not impulsive)
Neuroticism vs. emotional stability
My total scoring = 27
Anxiety (tense)
Angry hostility (i
Depression (not contented)
Self-consciousness (shy)
Impulsiveness (moody)
Vulnerability (not self-confident)
Openness vs. closedness to experience
My total scoring = 37
Ideas (curious)
Fantasy (imaginative)
Aesthetics (artistic)
Actions (wide interests)
Feelings (excitable)
Values (unconventional)
For more information about the Big Five, visit this website: http:
2. Emotionally Intelligent Questionnaires
My Total Scoring = 51
35 – 55 = Your emotional intelligence level is... OK. You probably have good relationships with some of your colleagues, but others may be more difficult to work with.
The good news is that you have a great opportunity to improve your working relationships significantly. Read more below to boost your EI still further.
3. Stress Management Questionnaires
Respectful and Responsible: Managing emotions and having integrity
Managing and communicating existing and future work
Managing the individual within the team
Development Need
Reasoning/Managing difficult situation
In order to improve your effectiveness at preventing and reducing stress at work, we suggest the following steps: 1 Look for the behavioural area in which you received the lowest score and focus on this as top priority. If you have identified several Development Needs or areas that you would like to move into the ‘Effective’ zone, take them one at a time – you don’t have to change everything at once!
Under Managign the individual within the team I have scored 75 which is below reasonable and therefore development is needed in the following fields:
· Personally accessible : Available to talk to personally
· Sociable : Relaxed approach, such as socialising and using humour
· Empathetic engagement :Seeking to understand each individual in the team in terms of their health and satisfaction, motivation, point of view and life outside work