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Emotional Intelligence (EQ) speaks to Empathy, Motivation/Passion, Self-Awareness, Self-Regulatory Management, and Social Skills: Given these components, which would you consider to be the most...

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Emotional Intelligence (EQ) speaks to Empathy, Motivation/Passion, Self-Awareness, Self-Regulatory Management, and Social Skills: Given these components, which would you consider to be the most crucial for effective leadership and why?
Answered Same Day Jul 12, 2021


Parul answered on Jul 13 2021
145 Votes
Emotional Intelligence & Empathy in Leadership
Emotional Intelligence is ability to acknowledge, realize and control our emotions and harness the energy appropriately such that optimum actions towards an external stimulus can be generated. It is undoubtedly most critical for anyone who is in the leadership position or aspire to become a leader at any level in the organization. I think out of all the component of Emotional Intelligence Empathy is most important and fundamental in leadership. If one aspires to become an effective leader then he or she needs to be empathetic. It allows leaders to put themselves in shoes of...

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