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Discussion 4: NAFTA and the EU View Topic View Topic in Reading View Subscribe Must post first. Read the following: Countries of the EU from the European Union webpage North American Free Trade...

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Discussion 4: NAFTA and the EU

Must post first.

Read the following:

  • Countries of the EU from the European Union webpage
  • North American Free Trade Agreement from the Office of the US Trade Representative
  • the following threecases
    • In the Matter of Cross Border Trucking on pages XXXXXXXXXX
    • Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic on pages XXXXXXXXXXof your text
    • Dole v. Carter on pages XXXXXXXXXXof your text

Answer the following questions:

1) In the Cross Border Trucking case the court indicates that the United States cannot restrict Mexican trucking traffic. Why? In what year did NAFTA go into effect? What nations are part of the NAFTA agreement?

2) In Commission of the European Communities case, what has the nation of Italy done wrong according to the court? What year did Austria join the EU? In what year did Poland join the EU? What is the status of Macedonia with the EU?

3) What are the similarities between NAFTA and the EU? What are some of the differences between NAFTA and the EU?

4) The court in the Dole case agrees that a treaty by the President and another country must be ratified by the senate. Why then does the court find that the agreement with the country of Hungary does not need to be ratified by the Senate?

Answered Same Day Nov 16, 2019


David answered on Nov 30 2019
144 Votes
1) This was decided by the Supreme Court in the Department of Transportation v. Public Citizen, where the premier court said that the Mexican trucks were allowed to enter the United States under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It is a trade agreement between three countries USA, Canada and Mexico and came into effect on January 1st 1994.
2) In the case of Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic the court felt that the Italian republic had levied a tax on articles of historical value and archeological value which is in direct...

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