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Discuss a leader who you would consider to be transformational.If possible,choose a leader located in the Middle East other than His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum as he was featured...

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Discuss a leader who you would consider to be transformational.If possible,choose a leader located in the Middle East other than His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum as he was featured prominently in the week’s assigned readings. In your paper, respond to the following:

  • Determine the key transformational qualities the leader possesses.
  • Based on your research, explain the impact the leader has had on his or her organization.
  • Examine the background of your selected leader and explain how he developed the skills to be a transformational leader.
  • What are the components of being a transformational leader? Thinking about yourself, determine if you are a transformational leader based on these components.
  • Next, examine your potential as a transformational leader and suggest ways for you to develop this type of leadership skill. What would need to happen in order to become a transformational leader?


Write a three-part essay (i.e., an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph) that addresses the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question and answer format.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be three to five pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements
please after any paraphrasing of the information write the citation in the same sentence and thesources in the references and by max 24%plagiarism.
Answered Same Day Nov 03, 2019


David answered on Nov 30 2019
138 Votes
Running Head: Qualities of transformational leader: Rafia I
Qualities of transformational leader: Rafia I
Qualities of transformational leader: Rafia I
Student’s Name
University Name
There are different leadership styles which are being used by the leaders of a society or the organization achieves the targets and goals in a successful manner. The main focus of the transformational leadership style is to develop the relationship between the leader and that of his follower. There are few factors which have positive or negative impact over the existing form of relationship between them. These include the consideration of employees and co-workers at individualized level, stimulating the intellectual capabilities, motivating people to inculcate zeal to improve, and finally influencing them in idealized manner. It means that followers will show developmental features through prime focus over the intrinsic motivation of the followers and transformation in their vision.
In the paper, there will be discussion about the qualities and component of the transformational leadership style of Rafia I
ahim who is a leader is Middle-East Ericson
and. Also, her background will be discussed and the way she developed this kind of leadership style in her professional life.
About Rafiah I
Being the President of the company Ericsson in the Middle East and Africa region, Rafiah I
ahim has the qualities of the transformational leader as can be described in the following discussion about her life and the capabilities that she had generated. She is not only successful in her professional life in the form of business woman but she has been an inspiring change for all as she possesses the qualities of a transformational leader.  She was born in Malaysia where she had received her school education and then she had graduated from London’s Imperial College of engineering.  She was an only female in her batch of post-graduation which made her quite intriguing. She then worked in Telecom Company in Malaysia after seven years of experience in Electrical Engineering Company in London. She learnt a lot in those years of servicing to the industry (Rafiah I
ahim: Transformational Leader, Inspiring Change, 2016).
Qualities of a transformational leade
Rafia had the qualities of a transformational leader because when she took up the managerial post to handle the networking...

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