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BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems Assessment 1 – Project/Knowledge Candidate’s Name Assessor’s Name Date...

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BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems
Assessment 1 – Project/Knowledge
    Candidate’s Name
    Assessor’s Name
Submission Details
This assessment task is to be submitted online by the due date specified by your Traine
Assessor which is labelled on Moodle. Your assessor must approve any variations to this a
angement in writing.
Submit a file with the required evidence attached as per
· Specifications below
· Acknowledgement of original work, free from plagiarism. (Assessment plan)
· Special needs (considerations if required see Access & Equity Policy)
· Naming document files when submitting assessments (check Assessment Plan)
· Identifying the Unit, Assessment Number, student name, student number, date and page number (preferably) in the Foote
· Assessor’s additional and particular instruction/s.
General Instructions
· You are required to answer all questions within the Assessment Task and be assessed as “Satisfactory” for each criteria to gain competency in the unit.
Submit the completed Assessment Tasks to your Trainer & Assessor through MOODLE.
If you have any questions regarding this assessment, please contact your Trainer & Assesso
Assessment Instructions
You are part of a team that will be developing a work health and safety management system for an organisation of your choice. Read the following document, answer all the questions therein and complete all templates provided.
Safety Management System
There are so many aspects to creating and maintaining a safe working environment that sometimes it’s easy to get lost in it all. To truly succeed in creating a safe place of work, the key is to develop and implement an effective safety management system.
A safety management system combines all the different elements in your workplace that need attention to ensure you provide a safe working environment for everyone who enters it.
Safety management systems make health and safety an integral part of your business’s core operations. By designing, developing and implementing an effective safety management system, you will have methods for managing reporting, responsibilities, planning and resourcing to create a safer workplace.
Safety management systems have six elements:
· a safety plan;
· policies, procedures and processes;
· training and induction;
· monitoring;
· supervision; and
· Reporting.
It is not enough to simply adopt a satisfactory safety management system. You must also actively implement that system in your workplace. To do this, you must ensure that:
· workers comply with procedures and instructions;
· workers are appropriately trained; and
· Workers are subject to ongoing supervision.
1. Safety plan
A safety plan is a strategic action plan that forms part of the business plan. It analyses the cu
ent and prospective risk for a company and charts how the risks will be eradicated and controlled over a calendar period (the safety plan must have a budget).
This plan will ensure that there is a governance structure within your company that ensures every worker clearly understands their safety obligations (and how to comply) and is accountable to ca
y out those obligations.
Details of Managers at workplace with WHS responsibilities
    WHS responsibilities
Details of Contractors at workplace with WHS responsibilities
    WHS responsibilities
List all basic WHS responsibilities for all staff
All workers on this project (including those employed by contractors) are responsible for:
· .
Each worker has an obligation to:
2. Policies, procedures and processes
Policies, procedures and processes include all safety paper infrastructures within your company. This paperwork will describe all safety behaviour, expectations, record-keeping, incident reporting, and incident notification documentation.
Develop a work health and safety policy using the template below
This policy:
· Management (the supervisor and / or manager) is responsible for providing and maintaining:
· Workers are responsible for:
· We expect visitors and contractors to:
Date: ..........................................................................................
Signed Manager: .......................................................................
Signed Worker: ......................................................................
Date to be reviewed: ...................................................................
3. Training and induction
Depending on the nature of your workplace (whether it is low-risk or high-risk), everyone who enters your workplace should receive training on:
· the rules of your company;
· the rules of the site; and
· the rules of the location they are visiting.
The training content will depend on the level of risk the person is exposed to.
Please complete the Training and induction checklist below
Induction Checklist
Worker’s name:     
Employment start date:    
    BSBWH605 Assessment 1
    Version: v18.0
    Page 6 of 11
    Developed by: ACBI
    Approved by: DoS
    Issued: July 2018
    Review: July 2019
Explain your business:
List and introduce your key people and their roles:
Explain their employment conditions:
Explain their pay:
Explain your work health and safety administration:
Show your work health and safety environment:
Safe work procedures (SWPs) List:
Explain your security:
Show your work environment:
Explain your training:
Conduct a follow-up review:
Comments/follow up action
Induction Acknowledgment
Conducted by (Name):     Date:    
Signature:     Date:     
Position/Job:     Worker’s Signature:     
Induction review date:     Review comments:     
Conducted by (Name):     Date:    
Signature:     Date:     
Position/Job:     Worker’s Signature:     
4. Monitoring
Your obligations to monitor your workplace depend on circumstances and need. Always consider the level of risk. The higher the risk, the more frequent and detailed the monitoring needs to be.
Other times when monitoring will be necessary include:
· to ensure that all risk has been covered by a new risk assessment that has been ca
ied out due to a change in process, e.g. the installation of new workstations; and
· when an investigation takes place following an incident.
Work area:
Form completed by:
Date form completed:
    Hazard identification
    Risk Assessment
What is the harm the hazard could cause:
What is the likelihood of this happening:
Persons at risk:
Existing control measure:
    Control measures
Possible control options:
· Elimination
· Substitution
· Engineering
· Administrative or PPE
ed control option:
    Associated activities
    Resources required
    Person(s) responsible
    Sign off and date
Scheduled review date: 31 January 2011
    Are the control measures in place?
    Are the controls eliminating or minimising the risk?
    Are there any new problems with the risk?
5. Supervision
The only way to ensure your workers are ca
ying out their safety obligations is to have adequate supervision.
The level of supervision required in your workplace will increase if the level of safety control put in place to reduce a risk is low, i.e. the less effective the control measure used, the higher the level of supervision necessary.
Safety supervision plays a key role in reducing injuries and fatalities associated with maintenance and non-production tasks. However, the work environment can impact on its effectiveness
Explain the following:
What is the key to effective supervision
Empowering supervisors
Empowering Workers
Creating an environment for effective workplace supervision
6. Reporting
The governance structure of your company needs safety reporting at all levels, not just at the board level.
Your workers need to know what safety looks like – what’s going right and what’s going wrong. This can only occur when they receive safety feedback from you, e.g. how many hazards were identified, the risk levels associated with those hazards and what control measures were implemented.
Complete the following template
Business name:
    1. Who reported the health or safety issue?
    Time: _______:______am/pm                Date: _____/_____/_____
    2. Who was the health and safety issue reported to?
    Time: _______:______am/pm             XXXXXXXXXXDate: _____/_____/_____
    3. What is the health or safety issue? Location of hazard
    4. What is its priority? Assess the priority of the health or safety issue by identifying its most likely impact/consequence on workers and the chance of it actually happening.
    Date for remedial action to fix issue:
    4b. What has been done to rectify the health or safety issue?
    Signed:                            Date: _____/_____/_____
    5. What further action needs to be taken? (eg. Training, item creating hazard to be removed, manual task changed in a way that it no longer requires lifting, noise assessment, review of safe work procedures, training, etc).
    List XXXXXXXXXXResponsibility XXXXXXXXXXDate for completion
    BSBWHS605 Assessment
    Version: v18.0
    Page 11 of 11
    Developed by: ACBI
    Approved by: DoS
    Issued: July 2018
    Review: July 2019
Answered Same Day Aug 01, 2020 BSBWHS605


Rashmi answered on Aug 02 2020
143 Votes
Running Head: MANAGEMENT
Name of the student
Name of the university
Authors Notes
1. Safety Plans    3
Workers    3
2. Policies, procedures and processes    3
Goals    3
Responsibilities    3
3. Training and induction    4
Workers Responsibility    4
Expectations from the visitors and the contractors    5
The structure of the company    6
Explanation of the company    6
List and introduce your key people and their roles:    6
Employee’s condition    6
Pay of the employee    7
Work health and safety administration    7
Work health and safety environment    8
4. Monitoring    8
5 Supervision    11
What is the key to effective supervision?    11
Empowering supervisors    11
Empowering Workers    11
Creating an environment for effective workplace supervision    12
6. Reporting    12
References    14
1. Safety Plans
List all basic WHS responsibilities for all staff
All workers on this project (including those employed by contractors) are responsible for:
· To take care and give importance to their own health
· To ensure the fact that their actions do not affect the health and safety of other employees
· To be co-operative and abide by the policies and the procedure being mentioned
· Follow the given instructions in a diligent way
· To ensure the fact that new ideas are being introduced for the better functioning of the team
· Work in team and be focused on the goals of providing health and safety to own self and others
2. Policies, procedures and processes
The Work Health and safety policies of the organisation is committed to provide better safety and health to the workers, employees, visitors and guest. As stated by Pilarczy (2017). the Team would tend to eliminate the risk and the various hazards as far as possible.
The responsibility of the maintenance of the policies is burdened upon the health and the safety management team and workers are also one of the important part of the team.
The compliance to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 is one of the major aspect of the policy. The given Acts and policies are the guidelines policies and the procedures.
The management responsibilities
· To ensure that all legislation associated with the health and safety are being followed
· To take care of the fact that all hazards and risk are being eliminated in a practical and reasonable way
· To give proper instruction and training for the workers to work in a safe environment
· Take the responsibility of supervision for the safety of the workers
· Take the responsibility of Consulting with the workers who are associated with the work that links to health and safety challenges
· To ensure the fact that safety equipment and personal protection equipment are being provided to the workers
· To ensure that the right program are being conducted in the circumstances of injury and the injury management system is being implemented.
Date: ..........................................................................................
Signed Manager: .......................................................................
Signed Worker: ......................................................................
Date to be reviewed: ...................................................................    
3. Training and induction
Workers Responsibility
As stated by Burden et al. (2015) there are certain responsibilities in work place apart from the work done.
· To be responsible enough for self-protection and taking care of own safety and health
· To abide by the instructions and rules we can sure safe walk
· To take part in training program associated with safety
· Report issues associated with safety and...

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