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Develop a relevant literature review dealing with the various aspects of your organisation “problem”, diagnosis and the theory around these issues. An absolute bare minimum of 30 references is...

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Develop a relevant literature review dealing with the various aspects of your organisation “problem”, diagnosis and the theory around these issues. An absolute bare minimum of 30 references is expected for this task and the majority of these research findings will appear in this section. The purpose here is to lay the intellectual/conceptual ground for understanding he managerial implications of the problem you’re looking at, what the literature sees as best practice for solving these issues and how you are going to diagnose.

Answered Same Day Sep 13, 2019


David answered on Nov 25 2019
143 Votes
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Literature Review    
According to Zinyemba (2014), recruitment is one of the most important functions of an organisation that aims to hire the best candidate for a particular job in order to contribute to the organization’s success. Induction, on the other hand, is all about making an employee familiar with the job environment, his/her responsibilities and the culture of the organization. (Ekwoaba, et. al., 2015). In words of Kavoo-Linge and Kiruri (2013), recruitment of inefficient personnel not only leads to the downfall of the individual’s performance but also the organization as a whole as it affects performance of other staff as well. (Kavoo-Lingeand Kiruri, 2013). Failure of an induction program in the organisation leads to negative impact on other employees as the new employees may make mistakes and leads to reduction in the efficiency of other employees (Influx, 2016). Failure in effective recruitment and induction increases the cost for the company as new employees might take more time to adjust, which might result in more e
ors leaving them more stressed on the job. The cost and productivity factor will also be affected as such a stressed employee might leave the job in few months due to inability to increase his/her performance level. (Discovery Graduates, 2015). As per Talentevo (2013), with employees leaving their jobs in a few months, cost of recruitment, selection and induction for the organisation will increase; which would create a negative image of the company in the market; ultimately leading to the failure of the company to achieve its goals in time (Talentevo, 2013).
According to Alshaher (2013), management should use McKinsey’s 7s Model to find out any problem which they might have. McKinsey’s 7s Model divides the organisation into seven verticals based on soft and hard areas (Singh, 2013). The 7s consist of the strategy, structure, systems, style, staff, skills and shared values (Alshaher, 2013).
Strategy: According to Hanafizadeh and Ravasan (2011), strategy is a long-term plan developed...

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