Critically evaluate a peer-reviewed academic journal article published during the period XXXXXXXXXXfrom a ‘Philosophy of Social Science’ perspective, chosen from any one of the following three research areas:
Strategic and Digital Marketing
Accounting and Finance
Business, Strategy, Enterprise & Management
The assignment is worth 100% of your effort in a wordcount of 5,000 words (+/- 10%).
The assignment is in two parts. The first part (worth 30%) comprises an official abstract of the chosen paper (cut and pasted by you into the submission and not included in the word count) and your interpretative summary of the complete paper (without citation and references) as a reviewer. Your reviewer summary must include a critical synopsis of the following: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Findings, Discussion and Future Research Directions. In reviewing the paper to is best to keep two questions in mind: what are the researchers/authors trying to achieve in writing this paper, and how convincing are their claims and why.
The second part (worth 70%) is a critical evaluation of the chosen peer-reviewed academic journal article. It comprises your understanding of the worthiness of business research in general, and more specifically in terms of the
research paradigms and contribution as presented in their philosophical argument and foundations i.e., epistemology, ontology, methodology and methods. Finally, present a brief justified argument for taking an alternative approach or enhancing the researchers/authors approach.
Part 1
Your opinion is being sought based on your experiences and learning to date.
Part 2
We expect you to fully support your critical evaluation drawing from the available academic and practitioner literature to under pin your analysis.