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Critically evaluate a peer-reviewed academic journal article published during the period XXXXXXXXXXfrom a ‘Philosophy of Social Science’ perspective, chosen from any one of the following three...

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Critically evaluate a peer-reviewed academic journal article published during the period XXXXXXXXXXfrom a ‘Philosophy of Social Science’ perspective, chosen from any one of the following three research areas:

Strategic and Digital Marketing

Accounting and Finance

Business, Strategy, Enterprise & Management

The assignment is worth 100% of your effort in a wordcount of 5,000 words (+/- 10%).

The assignment is in two parts. The first part (worth 30%) comprises an official abstract of the chosen paper (cut and pasted by you into the submission and not included in the word count) and your interpretative summary of the complete paper (without citation and references) as a reviewer. Your reviewer summary must include a critical synopsis of the following: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Findings, Discussion and Future Research Directions. In reviewing the paper to is best to keep two questions in mind: what are the researchers/authors trying to achieve in writing this paper, and how convincing are their claims and why.

The second part (worth 70%) is a critical evaluation of the chosen peer-reviewed academic journal article. It comprises your understanding of the worthiness of business research in general, and more specifically in terms of the
research paradigms and contribution as presented in their philosophical argument and foundations i.e., epistemology, ontology, methodology and methods. Finally, present a brief justified argument for taking an alternative approach or enhancing the researchers/authors approach.

Part 1
Your opinion is being sought based on your experiences and learning to date.
Part 2
We expect you to fully support your critical evaluation drawing from the available academic and practitioner literature to under pin your analysis.

Answered 28 days After Apr 20, 2024


Shubham answered on May 11 2024
10 Votes
Table of Contents
Part 1    3
Introduction    3
Literature Review    3
Individual Factors    4
Gaps in Existing Knowledge    4
Methodology    4
Findings    5
Discussion    6
Future Research Directions    7
Part 2    8
Introduction    8
Research Question and Hypothesis    8
Evaluating Credibility on Internal Audit Quality    8
Philosophical Foundations    9
Research Design and Methods    11
Contribution to Business Research    12
Enhanced Approach    14
Conclusion    16
References    18
Part 1
Internal audit is required for ensuring providing better financial health and better operation in the organization. This will help in ensuring effectiveness of the audit hinges for ensuring quality. It includes key factors that can help in influencing calculation of internal audits. The article highlights importance of individual and organizational characterises that will help in formation of internal audit. It includes describing factors like resources and independence for completion of audit. It includes describing about time pressure that will help in showing shows for describing complexity and scope. The commitment of organization includes describing management support for ensuring quality of the work.
The study describes about commitment of the organization and support of management for influencing quality of the work. This includes important approach for highlighting better quality of audits. It describes positive impact of organizational commitment on quality of work. It can be considered as key determinant for creating a better working environment that ensures providing high-quality audits. It ensures auditor is independent and it provides resources for supporting internal audit function. This includes development of steps for building secure environment for organization.
Literature Review
Internal audits are important for corporate governance. It can help in providing better assessments for risk management, controls and organizational effectiveness. The quality of audits is required for ensuring value. It can help in describing aspects of internal audit quality. The research focuses on role of internal audit independence to ensure objective and unbiased assessments. Internal audit lacks independence from management. The risk of biased and compromised audits can hinder effectiveness. The study highlights importance of use of resources for internal audit quality. This includes sufficient staffing, budget allocation and access to technology for conducting thorough audits. Time constraints causes resource limitation with research that suggest that time pressure can lead to shortcuts and lower quality work. The risk profile of organization can influence nature of internal audits. Entities that are operating in high-risk environments are required to have more frequent and in-depth audits as compared to organization that are working on lower-risk settings.
Individual Factors
The knowledge, skills and experience are required for conducting effective audits. It can help in exploring link between auditor competency and audit quality. This can help in development of a positive relationship. Internal auditors are required to stay motivated for ensuring commitment to organization. It can help in ensuring and producing high-quality work. The lack of organizational commitment can create negative impact on audit quality. The risk profile of individual auditors can help in influencing approach. Risk-averse auditors are required to conduct thorough audit work that can leading to higher quality audits and provide better results.
Gaps in Existing Knowledge
In the previous research that have were done by individual and organization there were some gaps that have been found. Limited research does not describe psychological factors properly and this can influence internal auditor behaviour. This has effects of factors like management support on relationship between individual characteristics and audit quality for ensuring further investigation.
The cu
ent study should aim for development of knowledge gap by investigating impact of organizational and individual factors on internal audit quality. This should include focus on role of management support. It can help in determine factors that contributes for development of comprehensive understanding of determinants of internal audit effectiveness.
The study uses quantitative research design for structured questionnaire to gather data from internal auditors. It is the approach that allows collection of standardized data from large sample. It enables statistical analysis for identification of relationships between variables. The data was collected through online questionnaire that was provided to members of Portuguese Institute of Internal Auditors. The questionnaire was designed for getting the information from internal audit quality of organizations. This can help to gather information about organizational and individual factors that can influence audit quality. The collected data was analysed using statistical techniques. This includes including descriptive statistics, co
elation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Descriptive statistics provides information of the data. Co
elation analysis can help in determine strength and direction of relationships between variables. Multiple regression analysis can identify significant factors for internal audit quality. The study follows ethical guidelines for research involving human subjects. Informed consent was obtained from all participants for ensuring confidentiality of responses that are obtained from participants. The research was conducted according to guidelines and this follows ethical principles of Portuguese Institute of Internal Auditors.
The methodology of the study includes development and testing of research model that is based on five hypotheses. Data was collected through web-based survey questionnaire that was distributed to Portuguese internal auditors. Measures were taken for addressing method biases. Descriptive statistics were used for analysis of data. The target population included Portuguese internal auditors and non-probability sample of 112 responses. Measurement of variables included factors like organizational commitment, organizational support and risk profile. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling was implemented for assessing quality of measurement variables and testing hypotheses. The has provides support to hypotheses indicating factors like organizational commitment and organizational independence that has influenced internal audit quality. The methodology is integrated with theoretical frameworks and empirical analysis for understanding determinants of internal audit quality in the sampled population.
The study focuses on determinants of internal audit quality and finding positive effects of internal audit on commitment and independence of organization. Time pressure has increased the likelihood of risky audit quality practices. Organizational support and risk profile do not affect audit quality. Organizational commitment is considered as most impactful determinant and this is followed independence and time pressure. The study developed scale for measuring risky audit quality practices and utilization of robust statistical analysis. Practical implications include importance of quality assurance programs and organizational policies that can help in enhancing audit quality. Policy implications suggests strengthening of internal audit independence. This requires implementing external quality control measures. Future research can help in exploring factors like personality and training of internal auditors. It can help in ensuring better organizational ethics culture and career opportunities.
The study provides information about determinants of internal audit quality. This includes development of framework for organization that are looking to enhance internal audit function. The selected determinants like organizational independence, auditor competence, adequate resources, management support, effective audit committee oversight and quality assurance program can help in representation of elements for achieving high-quality internal audit. The study focuses on organizational independence for describing the importance of internal audit function. This will help in ensuring objectivity and unbiased assessments. Competent auditors and determine important skills and experience. It is essential for conducting thorough and effective audits. Sufficient resources including time, budget and staff can help in empowering internal auditors for fulfilling responsibilities effectively. Management support plays an important role in ensuing supportive environment for internal audit function. This can recognize value for providing requires backing. Effective audit committee can help in ensuring accountability for continuous improvement of internal audit process. This will help in development of quality assurance program that is required for ensuring internal audit practices. It is important for meeting highest standards to maintain consistency and credibility.
The study acknowledges complex interplay between all selected determinants. This can help in highlighting influence of moderating factors like corporate governance for ensuring effectiveness. The recognition can help in ensuring need for development of holistic approach to enhance internal audit quality. It can help in considering specific context of organization for development of strategies. The findings of the study can help in determining implementation for organizations that are looking for strengthening internal audit function. It includes focusing on identified determinants that will help in addressing moderating factors. Organizations can create environment for development of high-quality internal audit. It enables to achieve objectives with confidence and assurance.
The study describes about important contribution for understanding internal audit quality determinants. It includes providing framework for organizations for enhancing internal audit function. This requires recognition of importance of determinants and this can help in addressing moderating factors. Organizations can describe benefits of robust internal audit function. This can help in development of improved governance, risk management and organizational effectiveness.
Future Research Directions
Future research directions require exploring control for social desirability that can affect measurement by using scales like social desirability scale. This requires investigating factors like personality, training, ethics culture and career opportunities in organizations of r internal auditors that can help in providing important information. It is important to address aspects that can enhance understanding for influencing on internal audit quality. This requires exploring impact of factors on performance of internal auditors. It shows the occu
ence of risky audit quality practices that could contribute for providing comprehension for audit quality dynamics. In the future studies it is important to focus on
oader range of variables that will help to discover new information about additional determinants. It will help to refine existing models of internal audit quality because less research on the topic has been done. This should include examining factors like organizational culture and leadership style for interacting with individual characteristics and external pressures. Longitudinal studies can help to track evolution of internal audit practices. It can describe the right impact on organizational outcomes along with dynamic nature of audit quality.
Part 2
Business research is important process that can help in analysis and gathering of information that can help in making business decisions. It has important role for understanding competitors, markets, internal operations and customers. The article can help in exploring factors that can influence effective of internal audit that is an important element for corporate governance. The business relies on the research for making decision in the dynamic environment. The article focuses on investigating on factors that can contribute towards effectiveness of internal audit. This can help business for enhancing quality of internal audit for strengthening the risk management practices. The business research can help in understanding uncertainties. It provides valuable information about customer and markets along with internal operations. The valuation describes the importance of internal audit quality. It can help in exploring factors for influencing effectiveness of internal audit that is the critical component for...

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