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Create an annotated table of applied management research methods Teams should discuss the types of problems each member has chosen to work with throughout the course and how...

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Create an annotated table of applied management research methods

  1. Teams should discuss the types of problems each member has chosen to work with throughout the course and how qualitative research can help solve each type of problem.

    1.  Discuss your

      Organizational Communication Channel. (2017, October 10).

      Epistemology, ontology, and axiology in research

      [Video]. YouTube.

      Epistemology, Ontology, and Axiology in Research

      (view of research) within your own ontological and epistemological belief system. Be sure to define your terms and provide credible support for your assertions

    1. What does this paradigm imply about the approach you have chosen for your management research project?

    1. Compare the quantitative and qualitative research traditions.

      1. How do the traditions differ and why are these differences important to the problem you are interested in?

    2. Compare your operating paradigm with those of others on your team.

      1. What opportunities and challenges appear to be associated with these differences?

      2. Do you think you may need to establish personal credibility in view of these differences?  How might you go about doing that?

  2. Synthesize your findings into your team paper. Develop an annotated table listing the pros and cons of using the six qualitative methods describe on Walle XXXXXXXXXXpage 22 for each person’s situation. Include a synopsis of your defense in each instance.

  3. Share your findings with the other Communities of Practice on the shared OneNote page.

  4. One team member should submit the findings in a Word document into the C1 assignment in D2L. Please indicate whether or not each team member has participated. This is a team-graded assignment.


Walle, A. H. (2015).

Qualitative research in business: A practical overview

. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

, J. G XXXXXXXXXXQualitative research in counseling psychology: A primer on research paradigms and philosophy of science.

Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52


Answered Same Day Feb 12, 2024


Shubham answered on Feb 12 2024
18 Votes
The importance of knowledge in management research includes navigating various philosophical perspectives that are epistemology, ontology, and axiology. The qualitative methods can demonstrate increased work productivity in businesses adopting 4-day work weeks that can be shaped by underlying beliefs about nature of reality, nature of knowledge and values guiding our research. Epistemology concerns nature of knowledge and the way it can be obtained. In the research, it includes adopting constructivist epistemological stance. It is believed that knowledge is socially constructed and focuses on importance of understanding subjective experiences of employees and employers in a 4-day work week setting. This aligns with idea that reality with objective entity that can be shaped by individual and collective interpretations. Ontology deals with nature of reality and lean towards social constructivist ontology for recognizing that reality is independent of human perception and interaction (Maarouf, 2019). This implies on investigation that acknowledges dynamic and socially influenced nature of work environment and perception of productivity. Axiology includes values for guiding research and hold values like employee well-being, work-life balance and...

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