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Course Application Reflect on the important performance management theories and practices covered during the past six weeks. Describe one key point that you will apply to the work environment...

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Course Application

Reflect on the important performance management theories and practices covered during the past six weeks. Describe one key point that you will apply to the work environment immediately. Highlight the specific course learning outcome(s) that relate(s) to this important takeaway. Also, mention the specific reading materials and/or theories that you found to be most applicable. Post should be at least 300 words.
Answered Same Day Jun 14, 2021


Abhishek answered on Jun 16 2021
137 Votes
Table of Contents
Theories of Performance Management    3
Key Point Applicable to the work    3
Applicable Theories    4
References    5
Theories of Performance Management
Employee Development
    The first and the foremost measure for the development of the performances in the organization is the nurturing of the employees. Proper training sessions and practicums have been given for the development of the employees so that they are able to perform any kind of jobs, which are suitable for them.
Goal Setting
    The central part of improvement of the performance of the company is the setting of the goals. On what basis, the goals would be set, has to be clearly defined, along with the credentials, which should be a part of it, for accomplishing the short and the long-term goals of the business.
Self Determination
    In any part of the work in the organization, the act of self determination from the part of the part of the manager or the employees is direly needed (Mone, London & Mone, 2018). Self determination attitude or the theories has been significant in facing any kind of hardships or troubles in the...

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