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Comprehensive Case Study Read the case study onWal-Mart Storesand make suggestions to improve the company's strategy and competitive position. This case analysis will need to be XXXXXXXXXXpages...

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Comprehensive Case Study

Read the case study onWal-Mart Storesand make suggestions to improve the company's strategy and competitive position. This case analysis will need to be XXXXXXXXXXpages double-spaced and written in APA format.

When analyzing cases, be sure that you fully answer all questions listed below.

  1. How did Wal-Mart’s original strategy of locating stores in small rural towns help the company to achieve a competitive advantage?
  2. How would you describe Wal-Mart’s business level strategy and business model?
  3. What are the key factors (in addition to location strategy) underpinning Wal-Mart’s successful implementation of its business level strategy?
  4. Once Wal-Mart had saturated the opportunity presented by small towns, how did the company keep growing?
  5. What criticisms can be levelled at Wal-Mart’s business practices? How might the company respond?
  6. How should Wal-Mart respond to the rise of online shopping, and Amazon in particular?

You will also want to consider covering the following areas when answering the above questions:

  • Case History: Look for critical incidents in company growth, and determine why they are important.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses: Identify the company's internal strengths and weaknesses, and how they relate to the company's value function.
  • Opportunities and Threats: Identify the opportunities and threats that exist in the company's environment, and analyze them using the Competitive Forces Model and life-cycle model.
  • SWOT Analysis: Balance the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to create a competitive position for the company.
  • Corporate-Level Strategy: Identify the company's mission and goals, and evaluate the company's corporate strategy based on lines of business, subsidiaries, and acquisitions.
  • Business-Level Strategy: Determine if the company is using a differentiation, focus, or low-cost strategy, and what the company's investment strategy is. Decide if company's functional competencies are sufficient for achieving SWOT strategy.
  • Structure and Control Systems: Identify company's structure and control system, and specify how they match or don't match the company's strategy.
  • Financial Analysis: Analyze company's financial position based on profit, liquidity, activity, leverage, shareholder-return ratios, and cash flow. Make recommendations for improving the company's financial position.
  • Recommendations: Offer recommendations for improving the company's strategy and competitive position which flow logically from the SWOT and financial analyses. Analyze what the company must do to implement those recommendations.

Answered Same Day Aug 16, 2021


Ishika answered on Aug 17 2021
151 Votes
Wal-mart Case Report
Wal-mart Case Report
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Table of contents
1.    History:    3
2.    Mission and Vision:    3
3.    SWOT:    3
3.1 Strength:    3
3.2    Weaknesses:    4
3.3 Opportunities:    4
3.4 Threats:    4
4.    Corporate Culture:    4
5. Corporate Structure:    4
5.1 Board of Directors:    4
5.2 Management:    5
6.    Competitors:    5
7.    Strategies:    6
7.1 Strategies for supply chain:    6
7.2 Strategy for pricing:    6
7.3 Cost Leadership Strategies:    7
8.    E-commerce Revolution:    7
9.    Conclusion    8
1. History:
“Wal-mart” was Sam Walton’s company, an Arkansas businessman. In the late 1940s, in the USA a dealer who managed to get enough discount from the full seller for his goods sold the items to consumers at full cost, thus gaining significant benefit. During that period Sam Walton worked as a J.C retailer. Incidentally while employed in the Penney store in Des Moines, Iowa, a major retailer who had chains of various shops known as Ben Franklin and Sam was offered a business in Arkansas, and introduced to Butler Brothers.. It was Sam who exceeded the expectations in the operations of the stores and soon enormous sales were generated. However, there were a number of problems during the renewal of the rental shop, which prevented an agreement. This led Sam to open a Ben Franklin franchise, which he called "Walton's Five and Dime" in Bentonville, Arkansas.
2. Mission and Vision:
The Mission of “Wal-mart” Inc. is "to save people money to live better," representing the values of Sam Walton, the company's founding group. Strategic business decisions directly demonstrate that statement of mission, which is synonymous with the slogan "Save money." It is clear that “Wal-mart”’s marketing plan includes the use of rates as a point of sale for the recruitment of target customers. "Live better. Many of the company's tactics demonstrate the value of this selling point..
"Be the destination to save money, whatever they want to shop," “Wal-mart” Inc.’s corporate vision was formally articulated in the 2017 Investing Community Meeting of the company. The previous assertion of the company's vision was "To be the best retailer in customers' hearts and minds and employees." The update to its corporate vision represents strategic changes that “Wal-mart” makes in response to competitive market shifts and retail industry's overall condition. In the past, the business vision of the company became the industry's leading player. The Vision Statement of “Wal-mart” cu
ently has the same aim but emphasizes business versatility in customer accommodation.
3. SWOT:
3.1 Strength:
“Wal-mart”’s global size gives unmatched market power. “Wal-mart” also has one of the most valuable
ands. They have the ability fund growth opportunities. They also have an international presence which provides further
and expansion. They also have very competitive pricing that separates them for the competition (Smithson, 2017).
“Wal-mart” may depend on a large quantities of the merchandise sold as a result of the low sales price. In addition to the scale of “Wal-mart”, it is easy to replicate the business model. The only characteristic attribute is their scale (Smithson, 2017).
3.3 Opportunities:
Because of their size and their market position, “Wal-mart” has limitless possibilities to increase and develop. Their online presence could be expanded to more places outside of the United States. They could also expand into areas that are less developed (Smithson, 2017).
3.4 Threats:
Consumer expectations are the risks to the business of “Wal-mart”. A misrepresentation can cause the customer to go elsewhere. “Wal-mart” might also be threatened by a shift in consumer needs. However, “Wal-mart” will also have the chance to keep track of trends in the communities (Smithson, 2017).
4. Corporate Culture:
The business of “Wal-mart” was built on unique values and moral principles. “Wal-mart”'s ideals and principles helped him gain recognition as one of the world's most respected businesses. It is difficult to establish and maintain relations with stakeholders.

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