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Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a My Business College (MBC) ABN: XXXXXXXXXX CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368 Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000...

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Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a
My Business College (MBC)
CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368
Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Email: XXXXXXXXXX Website:
Assessment tasks for BSBMGT407 Apply digital solutions to work processes Version 1.1
Approved date: 01 July 2020 Review Date: 01 July 2022
Approved by CEO Page 1 of 38

Student Assessment Tasks
BSBMGT407 Apply digital solutions to work

Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a
My Business College (MBC)
CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368
Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Email: XXXXXXXXXX Website:
Assessment tasks for BSBMGT407 Apply digital solutions to work processes Version 1.1
Approved date: 01 July 2020 Review Date: 01 July 2022
Approved by CEO Page 2 of 38
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Assessment Information 3
Assessment Instructions 5
Student Assessment Agreement 7
Assessment Task 1 Cover Sheet 9
Assessment Task 1: Workplace digital applications project 11
Assessment Task 1 Instructions 15
Assessment Task 1 Checklist 19
Assessment Task 2 Cover Sheet 21
Assessment Task 2: Online meeting project 23
Assessment Task 2 Instructions 26
Assessment Task 2 Checklist 30
Assessment Task 3 Cover Sheet 32
Assessment Task 3: Intellectual property project 34
Assessment Task 3 Instructions 36
Assessment Task 3 Checklist 38
Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a
My Business College (MBC)
CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368
Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Email: XXXXXXXXXX Website:
Assessment tasks for BSBMGT407 Apply digital solutions to work processes Version 1.1
Approved date: 01 July 2020 Review Date: 01 July 2022
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Assessment Information
The assessment tasks for BSBMGT407 Apply digital solutions to work processes are included in this
Student Assessment Tasks booklet and outlined in the assessment plan below.
To be assessed as competent for this unit, you must complete all of the assessment tasks satisfactorily.
Assessment Plan
Assessment Task Overview
1. Workplace digital
applications project
You must conduct research about up to date and innovative digital
applications for the workplace, prepare a
iefing report and identify and
use a cloud computing system to share their
iefing report with their
2. Online meeting project You must research online meetings software, develop instructions for use,
including online meeting protocol. You must also use the software to
conduct an online meeting.
3. Intellectual property project You must answer a series of questions on copyright.
Assessment Preparation
Please read through this assessment thoroughly before beginning any tasks. Ask your assessor for
clarification if you have any questions at all.
When you have read and understood this unit’s assessment tasks, print out the Student Assessment
Agreement. Fill it out, sign it, and hand it to your assessor, who will countersign it and then keep it on file.
Keep a copy of all of your work, as the work submitted to your assessor will not be returned to you.
Assessment appeals
If you do not agree with an assessment decision, you can make an assessment appeal as per your RTO’s
assessment appeals process.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if they feel they have been dealt with
unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a
My Business College (MBC)
CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368
Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Email: XXXXXXXXXX Website:
Assessment tasks for BSBMGT407 Apply digital solutions to work processes Version 1.1
Approved date: 01 July 2020 Review Date: 01 July 2022
Approved by CEO Page 4 of 38
Naming electronic documents
It is important that you name the documents that you create for this Assessment Task in a logical manner.
Each should include:
ï‚· Course identification code
ï‚· Assessment Task number
ï‚· Document title (if appropriate)
ï‚· Student name
ï‚· Date it was created
For example, BSBMGT407 Briefing Report Joan Smith 20/10/18
Additional Resources
You will be provided with the following resources before you begin each Assessment Task.
Assessment Task 1
ï‚· Briefing Report Template
Assessment Task 3
ï‚· Information Technology Policy and Procedures
Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a
My Business College (MBC)
CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368
Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Email: XXXXXXXXXX Website:
Assessment tasks for BSBMGT407 Apply digital solutions to work processes Version 1.1
Approved date: 01 July 2020 Review Date: 01 July 2022
Approved by CEO Page 5 of 38
Assessment Instructions
Each assessment task in this booklet consists of the following:
Assessment Task Cover Sheet
This must be filled out, signed and submitted together with your assessment responses.
If you are submitting hardcopy, the Cover Sheet should be the first page of each task’s submission.
If you are submitting electronically, print out the cover sheet, fill it out and sign it, then scan this and submit
the file.
The Assessment Task Cover Sheet will be returned to you with the outcome of the assessment, which will
e satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U). If your work has been assessed as being not satisfactory, your
assessor will include written feedback in the Assessment Task Cover Sheet giving reasons why. Your
assessor will also discuss this ve
ally with you and provide advice on re-assessment opportunities as per
your RTO’s re-assessment policy.
Depending on the task, this may include
ï‚· resubmitting inco
ect answers to questions (such as short answer questions and case studies)
ï‚· resubmitting part or all of a project, depending on how the e
or impacts on the total outcome of the
ï‚· redoing a role play after being provided with appropriate feedback about your performance
ï‚· being observed a second (or third time) undertaking any tasks/activities that were not satisfactorily
completed the first time, after being provided with appropriate feedback.
Assessment Task Information
This gives you:
ï‚· a summary of the assessment task
ï‚· information on the resources to be used
ï‚· submission requirements
ï‚· re-submission opportunities if required
Assessment Task Instructions
These give questions to answer or tasks which are to be completed.
Your answers need to be typed up using software as indicated in the Assessment Task Instructions.
Copy and paste each task’s instructions into a new document and use this as the basis for your assessment
task submission. Include this document’s header and footer.
If you are submitting electronically, give the document a file name that includes the unit identification
number, the task number, your name and the date.
Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a
My Business College (MBC)
CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368
Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Email: XXXXXXXXXX Website:
Assessment tasks for BSBMGT407 Apply digital solutions to work processes Version 1.1
Approved date: 01 July 2020 Review Date: 01 July 2022
Approved by CEO Page 6 of 38
This will be used by your assessor to mark your assessment. Read through this as part of your preparation
efore beginning the assessment task. It will give you a good idea of what your assessor will be looking for
when marking your responses.
Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a
My Business College (MBC)
CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368
Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Email: XXXXXXXXXX Website:
Assessment tasks for BSBMGT407 Apply digital solutions to work processes Version 1.1
Approved date: 01 July 2020 Review Date: 01 July 2022
Approved by CEO Page 7 of 38
Student Assessment Agreement
Make sure you read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement
If there is anything that you are unsure of, consult your assessor prior to signing this agreement.
Have you read the assessment requirements for this unit?  Yes  No
Do you understand the requirements of the assessments for this unit?  Yes  No
Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?  Yes  No
Do you have any specific needs that should be considered?  Yes  No
If so, explain these in the space below.
Do you understand your rights to re-assessment?  Yes  No
Do you understand your right to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?  Yes  No
Student name
Student number
Student signature
Assessor name
Assessor signature
Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a
My Business College (MBC)
CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368
Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Email: XXXXXXXXXX Website:
Assessment tasks for BSBMGT407 Apply digital solutions to work processes Version 1.1
Approved date: 01 July 2020 Review Date: 01 July 2022
Approved by CEO Page 8 of 38
Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a
My Business College (MBC)
CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368
Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Email: XXXXXXXXXX Website:
Assessment tasks for BSBMGT407 Apply digital solutions to work processes Version 1.1
Approved date: 01 July 2020 Review Date: 01 July 2022
Approved by CEO Page 9 of 38
Assessment Task 1 Cover Sheet
Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
 I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded
with any other student(s).
 I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded
Answered Same Day Aug 14, 2021 BSBMGT407 Training.Gov.Au


Sunabh answered on Aug 21 2021
145 Votes
(TASKS 2 & 3)
Table of Contents
Task 2    3
1. Internet Meeting Options    3
2. Protocol Document for Online Meetings    4
3. Short Presentation on PowerPoint    4
Name of the Application    4
Its Description and Use in Workplace    4
Benefits of Using Zoom    5
Accessibility of Zoom    5
Involved Costs    5
4. Email to Assessor & 6. Email to Team    6
Task 3    7
1.    7
2.    7
3.    7
4.    7
5.    7
6.    8
Bibliography    9
Task 2
1. Internet Meeting Options
ent pandemic situation has provoked the need to identify and use internet-meeting options. This is majorly because team members, supervisor, managers or other company staff might belong to different locations and cu
ent pandemic has hampered the in-office functions in every company; therefore, in order to conduct business effectively even during this pandemic, online meeting options or internet meeting options needs to be manipulated and used. This report will present some of the prevalent and most commonly used internet meeting options, which can be used by the company easily and effectively for conducting business operations.
GoToMeeting –
This is one of the popular online conferencing tools used by individuals to conduct business operations. This is majorly because it is freely available and provides easiest methods to conduct or host conference calls. Likewise, this tool provides the host with screen sharing capabilities where presentations or slides can be presented to all the team members and one-click solution makes it easier for even the beginners to use it. This software can be used through mobile application or web and the meetings can be initiated through chat links, emails and even Microsoft office programs.
Skype –
Skype is among one of the few software, which existed in the market from a very long time. This software provides online conferencing solution free of cost; however, one major drawback is that it does not allow screen sharing. Therefore, the host would not be able to present the presentation slides to the members in conference. In order access or even join any meeting, individual’s needs to make a new Skype account with specific Skype IDs and while conducting a conference call participants needs to be added in the contact list.
Zoom –
One of the major online conferencing tools, which received hype during this pandemic, is ‘zoom’. One of the major feature of this tool is that it offers both paid and non-paid plans. However, the non-paid plan does not allow more than three participants and only offers 40 minute of conferencing. On the other hand, its paid plan is much cheaper than ‘GoToMeeting’ and allows businesses to have as many users as they want with unlimited video conferencing. New features such as, dual stream, active speaker view, full screen views are also provided by this tool. Meetings can be recorded, links to the meeting are specific and it also provides free mouse and keyboard sharing option; however, meetings are time bound and only 40 minutes of conference call can be done.
Therefore, Zoom would be the chosen option for conducting online conferencing or internet meetings.
2. Protocol Document for Online Meetings
Setting up or using Zoom application is very easy and following procedures need to be followed—
· Download the Zoom application from the link mentioned here.
· After...

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