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Reflective report Note: The UniSA Harvard referencing style is the recognised form of referencing for this Assessment Assessment Instructions: Consider an organisation or group to which you belong. It...

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Reflective report
Note: The UniSA Harvard referencing style is the recognised form of referencing for this Assessment
Assessment Instructions:
Consider an organisation or group to which you belong. It is preferable to select a group within a workplace but if you do not work then choose one that exists within the university or a social or voluntary group in which you are a member. It is important to choose a group where you and other members work together regularly. Analyse the influence of specific factors in terms of the interpersonal communication within the group. For example, you may wish to consider the influence of:
*cultural factors, relationships and personality of group members
*Gender issues among members
*Conflict matters
*Intergenerational issues
Depending on the context you decide to analyse, you may choose whether to focus on one or more of the factors presented above. The context will determine how many of the diversity issues you select.
Clearly, if you choose to focus on one issue then you will be expected to have developed more of an in-depth understanding in that area than if you select multiple factors from the list provided. Analyse the impact of the factors you choose from the list (culture, age, or individual factors such as emotions, relationships, conflict, for example) on the communication that occurs within the group. You may also include any organisational or management policies or practices that affect interpersonal communication in the workplace and amongst group members. Finally, suggest how individuals or the organisation, including yourself, might contribute to improving communication, paying special attention to the factors stated. You may use first (I) person or third person where appropriate to do so.
Write a reflective report using the following headings:
Title: Reflective Report
Introduction: Indicate whether you intend to refer to one or all of the factors above in your reflective report. Provide background information on the context. For example, explain what kind of organisation it is and the work that
ings your group of individuals together. You may wish to
iefly describe each individual, their role at work and then the name you have chosen for them (a pseudonym). DO NOT REVEAL THE TRUE IDENTITY OF THE ORGANISATION OR ANY EMPLOYEES.
Analysis: Consider each of the factors identified in turn, or if you have opted for only one, then address each aspect of that factor. If you were considering culture for example, you may want to include paragraphs that relate to high/low context culture, individualism/collectivism or power distance or other aspects of cultural theory that seem relevant. Analyse how your chosen factors (gender, age, culture and individual characteristics, etc.) affect interpersonal communication in the group or organisation. Are there any organisational policies or practices that influence the impact and nature of these factors on the communication? If you are a direct participant, include reflective observations about how any of the listed factors are relevant to your own communication in the analysis. You MUST draw upon academic literature to support your observations and analysis. While you may describe an incident or behaviour for example, you need to support your analysis of what is happening and why with the literature (that is, referencing).
Conclusion and Recommendations: Summarise the main issues raised in your analysis, provide an overview of the nature and quality of the communication you observed suggesting those aspects of the communication that worked well and those that were problematic. Make recommendations on how communication with the group (and organisation) might be better managed. Your recommendations must be supported by literature - to strengthen their credibility. You will need to have a rationale (justification) for your recommendations too. E.g. explain why you suggest them. Indicate if there are any limitations that may make it challenging to implement your recommendations.
Reference List (or References): UniSA Harvard referencing style, thoroughly and co
ectly used; minimum 10 references. These references, not including your textbook, must be selected from academic, reputable sources to support your work such as peer reviewed journal articles, textbooks and research books.
Please do not cite course ppt slides as a source.
Assessment Criteria:
1.The paper contains appropriate information consistent with assessment instructions (25%)
2.The analysis is written by drawing upon well argued points conveyed in a clear, logical manner supported by academic literature (45%)
ectly edited in terms of English grammar and spelling (15%)
4.Referencing using the UniSA version of the Harvard style (15%).

    Reflective Report Feedback Form
    COMM 2072 Communication and Organisational Practices
Assignment : Reflective Report
    The course objectives being assessed by this assignment are objectives 1, 3, 4, and 5, 6.
Graduate qualities associated with these learning objectives are identified in the course outline.
    Key components of this assignment
Not all areas are weighted evenly.
    Performance on this component
    1. Task Achievement
· All parts of the task addressed
· Relevance of content to the task
    2. Critical reflection
· Clearly expressed ideas and well developed reflection
· Analysis is supported with appropriate referenced evidence
    3. Research
· The reflection provided in addressing the requirements of the report has been researched widely and skilfully from a range of academic sources
    4. Language
· Co
ect English expression, grammar, spelling and punctuation
    5. Referencing
· Use of UniSA Harvard style
· Co
ect in-text referencing
· Complete and accurate reference list
    Summary comment
    Assignment Grade:

Harvard Referencing Guide
Developed by Language and Learning Advisers and Li
arians © UniSA, January XXXXXXXXXX
L3 Language Literacies Learning
Harvard referencing guide UniSA

This guide will help you apply the Harvard referencing style to your writing at UniSA. It is designed to
help you understand the conventions and principles of this style and make decisions about
eferencing. There are many different versions of the Harvard style. This guide presents one
consistent version for use at UniSA, which conforms to the Australian Government standard
guidelines presented in Snooks & Co (eds) 2002, Style manual for authors, editors and printers, 6th
edn, Wiley & Sons, Australia.
Table of contents
What is referencing? ...................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX2
How do we reference? ................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX3
Sample extract from an essay ......................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX5
What if your source does not match? ............................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX7
Harvard referencing UniSA examples .............................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX8
Print ................................................................................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX8
Book ...................................................................................................
Answered Same Day Apr 03, 2020 COMM2072


Karan answered on Apr 14 2020
154 Votes
Communication and Organizational Practices
Cultural factors    3
Gender issues among member    5
Conflict Matters    6
Intergenerational issues    7
CONCLUSION and recommedation    7
The success and effectiveness of a group rely heavily on the quality of interpersonal communication within the same. It can be expressed that active interpersonal communication process helps the members of a group to ca
y out the smooth flow of all their operations and activities. In simpler terms, interpersonal communication is defined as the process in which exchange of information takes places between individuals (North and Fiske, 2015). The interpersonal communication assists members in a team to become aware of the objectives and goals of a group. In addition to this, interpersonal communication also plays a vital role in making the team members aware of their roles and responsibilities. However, it can be critically argued that ca
ying out effective interpersonal communication in a group is not an easy task and there are different factors which can influence the communication within the group.
The present study will outline the impact of cultural factors, relationships and personality of group members, gender issues and conflicts matters on interpersonal communication with a group. I am working in Woolworths which is Australia’s leading and popular chain of supermarket retail. In the organisation, I am working with different people, and the work which
ings us together is related to delivering satisfactory customer services. My name is Jeff, and I am working as resource investigator in the team. My role is to find innovative ideas and opportunities through which we can deliver satisfactory, fast and appropriate services to all customers of Woolworth. Ross is another member of the group, and her role is of team worker where she is responsible for making sure that all people in team gel easily with each other. Jacob is also a team member, and his role is of co-ordinator where Jacob is responsible defining team objectives and delegating work to the team members. David, Stephen, Mark and Mini are some other players in the team, and they are performing the role of the shaper and complete finisher.
Cultural factors
I believe that effective interpersonal communication within the team is vital to make the workplace more productive. Most of the time, team or employees in a group fail to deliver desired results or outcomes, and the standard reason for this failure is considered as ineffective or poor interpersonal communication within the team (Goodboy and Kashy, 2017). Culture is an essential factor which can promote or hinder interpersonal communication in a group. In simpler terms, culture is defined as the set of values, belief and perception which guides attitude and behaviour of an individual. At the time of working in Woolworth, I have witnessed that culture can result in creating prejudice and biases within a team and this can further lead to ba
iers to interpersonal communication within the same. The statement can be justified by the example of David who belongs to Japan which has Masculine culture. People in such culture believe that women are inferior in comparison with males. It can be stated that David even had different issues and difficulties while working as equal with women in Woolworth (Giles, 2016). The impact of the culture here is that it has resulted in creating different types of issues in promoting and maintaining effective interpersonal communication within the team. Some members of the team of Woolworth belong to different cultural background whereas some team mates share same cultural background and communication in such situations becomes very complicated (Hargie, 2017).
The differences in personalities also resulted in restricting effective interpersonal communication within the team. For instance, team members such as David and Mark are from the different cultural background, and they display disruptive personality within the group. David and Mark belong to a culture where Individualism is more popular, and the culture has resulted in changing their behaviour.
Effective interpersonal communication in the team has become a challenge because Mark and David are more inclined towards satisfaction of individual goals and objectives. While working in the team, David and Mark used to keep relevant information with them, and they are less interested in passing the information to other members of the team (Braithwaite and Schrodt, 2014). Sometimes, it resulted in developing a situation of conflict and dispute among the members of the group working in Woolworth. Stephen belongs to a culture which is short-term oriented, and this also results in creating obstacles to interpersonal communication within the team.
I have witnessed situations where Stephen took decisions only by short terms benefits associated with the decision. Cultural and personality behaviour also affected interpersonal communication within the team as some member prefer using direct channels of communication where others are more interested in using a nurturing approach to communication. I believe that relations between members of a team are also a factor which can promote or hinder interpersonal communication within the group or team (Fussell and Kreuz, 2014). The smooth and more effective flow of information can be assured in situations where team members have developed an excellent and cooperative relationship with each other. On the other side of this, communication cannot be considered as reliable and authentic in situations where team members do not share a healthy relationship...

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