Assessment Task Two Guideline
Professional Advisor Studies
Due: Class Week 4.8
Type: Professional Advisor Literature Review
Value of Assessment: 40%
Rationale for Assessment:
This assessment will give you the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to meet
learning outcome 3 - Critically evaluate a range of evidence supported Professional Business Advisor frameworks, 4 - Critically evaluate research literature that examines effective Professional Advisor practices and 5 -Devise process maps to address a range of familiar and unfamiliar Professional Business Advisor challenges and problems from case studies. In this assessment task learners will critically evaluate research-based advisor frameworks and effective Professional Advisor Practice literature in order to develop the ability to formulate process maps that might support sustainability or productivity changes in a business. Learners will need to show the ability to formulate a map for both a familiar and unfamiliar scenario in this assessment task.
Guidelines for Assessment:
Learners are required to critically evaluate evidence-based Professional Business Advisor frameworks and effective Professional Advisor practice literature and develop process maps to address both a familiar and unfamiliar sustainability or productivity scenario from literature or a case study. The process maps should shown evidence of drawing on both sets of literature evaluated. This assessment requires the learner to create realistic process maps to implement proposed sustainability or productivity changes.
Core requirements the Assessment must include are set out below:
1. Review class notes, designated readings and preparatory activities and formative assessment task learning.
1. Critically evaluate 4 evidence-based Professional Business advisor frameworks and identify one to address a familiar and one to address an unfamiliar sustainability or productivity change
1. Critically evaluate 4 effective Professional Advisor practices and identify one to address a familiar and one to address an unfamiliar sustainability or productivity change
1. Identify specific familiar and unfamiliar sustainability or productivity scenarios.
1. Create process maps for the familiar and unfamiliar sustainability or productivity scenarios to support changes in the businesses.
1. Utilise flow diagrams in your Review.
1. Summarise learning from the literature and how it is applied in your process maps.
1. Provide a bibliography of sources used in this assessment task.
Marking Criteria
Marks may be awarded as set out below.
Assessment Requirements
Available Marks
1. Introduction to Review
(Up to two marks maybe awarded for articulation of the introduction and ‘planned Review structure).
2. Critically evaluate 4 evidence-based Professional Business Advisor Frameworks
(Up to two mark maybe awarded for the critical evaluation of each framework)
3. Critically evaluate 4 effective Professional Advisor practices
(Up to two mark maybe awarded for the critical evaluation of each framework)
4. Identify a specific familiar and unfamiliar sustainability business change scenarios described.
(Up to 2 marks maybe awarded for the accuracy and clarity of each of the business change scenarios provided)
5. Create process maps for the familiar and unfamiliar sustainability or productivity scenarios to support changes in the businesses identified and utilise flow diagrams in your Review
(Up to three marks maybe awarded for the articulation, appropriateness and diagrammatic representation of the 2 process maps presented).
6. Summarise learning from the literature and how it is applied in your process maps
(Up to 1 marks may be awarded for linking each of literature sources reviewed to the 2 process maps created)
7. Provide a Bibliography of all learning sources supporting the production of this assessment task
(Up to one mark maybe awarded for the organisation and accuracy of referencing in the Review)
Note to Assessor: Assessor should be informed by the generic Marking Ru
ic-Performance Criteria in the Learner Programme Handbook.