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Can you please wriite an essay about 4 factors affecting International trade relating with Australia giving some examples

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Can you please wriite an essay about 4 factors affecting International trade relating with Australia giving some examples
Answered Same Day Aug 10, 2020


Soumi answered on Aug 12 2020
144 Votes
Table of Contents
Four Factors affecting International Trade with link to Australia    3
Globalisation    3
Technological Advancements    3
Economic Policies    3
Availability of Natural Resources    4
References    5
International trade is the modern trend of global business and is the result of oversaturated local markets. Despite the scope, international trade generates, for internal business organisations, the country of the ventured market casts influence on the organisational performance and decides the degree of success or failure. Therefore, it is important to understand and identify the factors that affect international trade.
Four Factors affecting International Trade with link to Australia
Australian economy flourished and degraded due to its tendency of restricted foreign trade policies. However, as globalisation took place and started generating scope for economic growth for counties, Australia, open up its market and became a lucrative market place for foreign companies. The globalisation not only generated scope of employment in Australia but also generated foreign markets for the country’s companies. As example, it can be observed that Vale, which is one of the biggest mining companies in the world, having its origin in Brazil, has been doing great business in Australia, as the local government has allowed it to set up business in the country (Vale, 2017). On the other hand, BHP Billiton, an Australian origin organisation has been able to do business in countries like China, UK and USA (BHP, 2018).
Technological Advancements
Technological advancement is very important for international business set up, expansion and...

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