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Businesses often encounter ethical dilemmas. Depending on the industry, there may be consequences to business behavior that ignores ethical standards. For your project this week you will need to do...

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Businesses often encounter ethical dilemmas. Depending on the industry, there may be consequences to business behavior that ignores ethical standards.

For your project this week you will need to do the following:

  • In a minimum of 2 pages, prepare an essay explaining to the leadership at MovieFlix why it's important to take an ethical approach to solving their business problem (the problem that you are helping them to solve).
  • Make sure to discuss how using good business ethics can enhance their profitability.
  • Also, describe some of the consequences that they could face if they behave unethically when trying to solve the problem that you've selected for your project.
  • Discuss how you, as their consultant can help them to take an ethical approach to solving their problem.
  • Make sure to include an APA formatted title page and reference page for sources that you may have used for your research. Remember to follow APA guidelines when paraphrasing or quoting information. Don't forget to cite your sources and include in-text citations as necessary.
Answered Same Day Jul 15, 2021


Swati answered on Jul 16 2021
144 Votes
Ethical approach for MovieFlix
The issue to be solved is Risk identification, assessment as well as mitigation which are majorly associated with unethical content sharing of MovieFlix content. It is really crucial to take ethical approach while solving the problem keeping in mind the strengths of organization which includes good reputation, wide li
ary, good customer base and market value. To maintain these, ethical approach is much required.
As per the issue, there is need to understand the risk of losing customers because of content sharing, assessment of risk is spread to unethically getting access over content by competitors as well as customers and to mitigate risk, alternatives are to be used instead of DVD mail which is causing major content loss and ease of access to the non-buyers.
Ethically, stopping this method of offering the DVD over postal mail may hamper the customers who don’t have access to internet much plus there may be decline in sales as well but if an alternate is offered, the sales can be controlled and even raised much along with maintaining loyal customer base.
MovieFlix needs to go ethically as per standard norms by announcing...

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