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Brics and Mitsk Project Week 4 Guidelines and Grading Rubric (100 points) Guidelines Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation based upon a Brics and Mitsk Country: Brazil, Russia, India, China South Africa,...

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Brics and Mitsk Project
Week 4
Guidelines and Grading Ru
ic (100 points)
Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation based upon a Brics and Mitsk Country: Brazil, Russia, India, China South Africa, Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey, and South Korea. These countries have been identified as important emerging countries that are significant economic powers individually, as well as becoming the basis of an important new economic group. It is important to develop an understanding of these countries—for the purposes of understanding global business strategy, and the opportunities and threats they pose.
Selected country is INDIA,
· Please develop a set of slides that would help an organization contemplating doing business in the country you have been assigned.
· Please focus your analysis on Porter’s Diamond of National Advantage.
· Please provide images and key facts that capture the economic conditions and culture.
· Please develop a presentation with approximately 10 slides.
A successful project will earn a maximum points demonstrating
· accurate, relevant, and timely research; and
· PowerPoint slides that include good quality content, clear and compelling, yet professional presentation style.
Grading Ru
    Accurate, relevant, and timely research.
    PowerPoint slides
    Good content, professional, useful, and compelling presentation.
    A quality presentation will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2021


Swati answered on Jun 02 2021
147 Votes
Brics and Mitsk INDIA
Brics and Mitsk
Brics, formed in 2011 is an international political organization of leading emerging economy. Brics stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. It is an independent world organization that works for structured economical, social and environmentally stable
ics blocks. Main objective of Brics is to achieve regional development. Aim of this presentation is to study is to develop an understanding of India—for the purposes of understanding global business strategy, and the opportunities and threats.
INDIA & Porter theory
Nation’s prime role- Providing home base.
Home base- Nation with created and sustained competitive advantage.
Home base location- Most advanced skills, core technologies and most productive jobs.
Indian population 1.2 billion.
Labor force- 2nd largest in world.
Democratic country.
Availability of natural resources.
Broad knowledge economy.
For porter theory, nation plays a vital role as it provides a home base for business with created and sustained competitive advantage. Generally, the home base location is decided on the basis of core competencies, productive jobs and advanced skills as per the business requirement. India with a dense population and labor force provides ease of availability of labor. Unemployment force also adds to ease of availability of manpower.
Porter’s Diamond of National Advantage
Porter ‘s theory aims to analyze the reason an organization can establish in a country. Porter studied 100 industries in 10 nations and postulated that there are four major factors having impact on success in a country. These factors are-
Firm strategy, structure and rivalry
Factor conditions
Demand conditions
Related and supporting industries
Along with these 4 attributes, 2 external forces also plays vital role. These are government and chance.
Existence of these attributes leads to success.
Higher the attribute, higher success rate.
Reinforcing in mutual manner.
This theory helps to predict the international trade that is observable in real world.
1. Impact of Factor conditions
There are two type of factors
Major factors- Basic
Climatic conditions.
Availability of natural resources.
Geographic locations.
Changing demography.
Additional factors- Advanced
Impact of communication.

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