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Assignment Content Top of Form Develop your opening paragraph and background of the study or problem. Adhere to the Doctoral Phase 2 – Precis section found in the CDS Dissertation Guide on CDS...

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Assignment Content

Top of Form

Develop your opening paragraph and background of the study or problem. Adhere to the Doctoral Phase 2 – Precis section found in the CDS Dissertation Guide on CDS Central. Review the CDS Dissertation Guide on background of the problem.

Note: The opening paragraph/statement should bring the reader into the topic; the background of the study/problem should frame the problem and identify the gaps and/or deficiencies from prior research. It is important to present why the study should be pursued and for whom the study is important.

This section should be 3-4 pages long.

You may use previous coursework when developing dissertation phase deliverables.

Answered 8 days After Oct 02, 2021


Insha answered on Oct 11 2021
121 Votes
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Project Management Dissertation

Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Statement of problem    3
Parental involvement    3
Background    4
Target of the topic    4
Limitations of prior research    5
Significance of future research    5
Conclusion    6
References    7
This paper is focused on the research topic based on the problem many students faced due to lack of parental support during the summer reading activities and that resulting in a loss of reading growth. Further it will be discussed about the background of the issue, along with gaps in previous study or researches. Studies which took place to gain consensus among education experts on strategies, to reduce reading growth loss throughout the summer months in a school. Additionally it will be added the future research’s significance and aim. All this will be done considering the audience relating to the abstract.
Statement of problem
Educators are well aware of the concept of a reading achievement gap. The "summer reading setback," which accounts for about 80% of the reading achievement difference, is one factor contributing to this disparity. Extended vacations from formal education take youngsters away from the classroom's regular learning pattern and into a period when they are less likely to participate in official literacy programmes.
Parents reading with their children and the "availability and use of reading resources" are all part of a strong home literacy environment (Hillier, 2021). Gaining a better grasp of the situation
Different degrees of parental participation in a home learning environment that happens, as well as a child's lack of participation with texts during a prolonged vacation, might be useful in evaluating probable variables leading to summer reading setbacks. Conducting a comprehensive literature study, synthesising the findings, and disseminating the information to parents through a user-friendly guide are the most appropriate method to handle the issue.
Parental involvement
There are numerous elements that might influence a child's ability to read, but parental participation will be a major emphasis of this...

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