Part A
      1.     Review the CoffeeVille simulated business documentation provided to you in Assessment Task 1.
      2.     Form a group of learners to act as a selection panel as per your assessor’s instructions. Your assessor may need to provide direction on identifying suitable learners to convene a selection panel with if you are separated from selection panel members by distance or time. Seek approval for the composition of the selection panel from your assessor before continuing.
      3.     With your selection panel, read and review the résumés (provided in Appendix 1) to determine who you would consider to be the strongest two applicants for the role. You will then interview these two applicants in Part B of this Assessment Task. During this stage, you will need to:
                         a.      short-list applicants based on the requirements of the job role and the needs of CoffeeVille (as documented in the scenario in Assessment Task 1 and in the CoffeeVille policies and procedures)
                         b.      adhere to principles of EEO and anti-discrimination legislation
                         c.      negotiate for your preferred two applicants
                         d.      take notes to document how the selection panel determined the most appropriate applicants to be interviewed; you will need to refer to these notes to write a selection report in Part C of this task.
      4.     With your selection panel, determine which interview questions (of the questions you individually developed for Assessment Task 1 and documented in the interview guide) you will choose to ask applicants during the interview. During this stage you will need to:
                         a.      assign a weighting (from 0 to 5; 5 being most important) for each question
                         b.      ensure that the group’s questions comply with legislative requirements, e.g. are not directly or indirectly discriminatory
                         c.      edit your interview guide and replace your original questions with the final questions that are agreed on as a group
                         d.      take notes to document how the selection panel determined the most appropriate questions to ask the applicant during the interview. You will need to refer to these notes to write a selection report in Part C of this task.
      5.     Once the group has selected applicants to be interviewed and agreed on interview questions, the group needs to schedule the interview role-plays with your assessor (who will act in the roles of the part of your chosen applicants).
      6.     You will need to make two copies of the interview guide and update the correct time, date and selection panel for each interview.
Part B
      1.     At the times scheduled for the interview, conduct the two interviews with your assessor (playing the role of your chosen applicant) using your amended interview guide. You will need one copy of the interview guide for each applicant (to be completed electronically or in hard copy). Each interview should take 10–20 minutes. During interviews, ensure that you:
                         a.      participate in asking questions
                         b.      take notes of the applicants’ responses
                         c.      give each response a score (from 0 to 5; 5 being the best response)
                         d.      ask each applicant for referee contact details and record them in the interview guide (your assessor)
                         e.      advise applicants of the next steps as the interview comes to a close.
      2.     Discuss your scores with the panel (the learner group) and come to an agreement on the best applicant for the role.
Part C
In this part, you will work individually to contact referees and prepare a selection report
      1.     Conduct a reference check by emailing a questionnaire to the applicant’s referee (your assessor who will act the part of the applicant’s referee). Ensure that you specify in your email who it is that you are seeking a reference for and ensure that your questionnaire seeks to determine:
                         a.      the applicant’s employment period with the previous employer
                         b.      the applicant’s reason for leaving the company
                         c.      the applicant’s job responsibilities
                         d.      issues impacting job performance
                         e.      if the applicant supervised other employees
                          f.      if the applicant showed an ability to handle conflict
                         g.      what the applicant’s strengths and weakness are, based on their performance in their previous role.
      2.     Write a selection report that recommends an applicant for selection. In your report, include:
                         a.      the names of the members of your selection panel
                         b.      a summary of the process taken in Part A to identify the two strongest applicants for the role
                         c.      a summary of how you negotiated with the selection panel to agree on the two applicants to be interviewed
                         d.      a summary of the process taken in Part A to decide on the questions to be used in the interviews, including how the selection panel ensured that interview questions comply with relevant legislation
                         e.      a description of your role in assisting to ensure that interview questions comply with legislative requirements
                          f.      a description of your role in interviewing the applicant
                         g.      a summary of how the panel came to a consensus regarding your selected applicant
                         h.      why you recommended your selected applicant; identifying why they are suitable for the role.
      3.     Submit all documentation as per specifications below. Keep copies for your records.Â