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Assessment Task 1 (BSBMGT502) Assessment Task 1 BSBMGT502 Manage people performance Allocate work and provide feedback Submission details Candidate’s name Phone no. Assessor’s name Phone no....

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Assessment Task 1 (BSBMGT502)
Assessment Task 1    BSBMGT502 Manage people performance
Allocate work and provide feedback
Submission details
    Candidate’s name
    Phone no.
    Assessor’s name
    Phone no.
    Assessment site
    Assessment date/s
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this a
angement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
You will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to allocate work and provide informal feedback to employees in the context of managing people performance.
Assessment description
In response to a simulated workplace scenario, you will meet with a peer manager to role-play consultation on acquiring a (human) resource, setting performance expectations and risk management. You will then participate in a second role-play to provide initial, informal feedback to the newly acquired human resource and set performance expectations for ongoing work within your team.
1. Review the Australian Hardware simulated business documentation provided to you by your assessor.
2. Review the scenario below.
    You are the Hardware and Homewares Manager at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store. One of your customer service and sales representatives is taking a year’s absence. A garden products employee, Kim Smith, has been seconded to you after expressing an interest in the temporary hardware and home products position to her manager.
    You will need to meet with Kim’s manager to discuss the secondment and Kim’s fitness for the role you have in mind.
You have a role description for the position (Appendix 1).
One of the main concerns you have is Kim’s ability to transfer the customer service skills practiced and learned in the garden centre, and to learn new homewares-specific product and service knowledge. Probably one of the key determinants of whether the secondment will be a success will be Kim’s attitude to acquiring new skills and knowledge and persevering through a period of adjustment to her new work conditions.
After meeting with Kim’s manager, you will need to meet with Kim to negotiate a work plan (Appendix 2), including two to three goals and KPIs, consistent with the organisation’s operations planning. You are prepared to accept that during a six-month transition period (one performance appraisal period) sales performance may be as much as 20% off target. Cu
ently sales representatives in the hardware and homewares division are expected to generate $10,000 of revenue monthly. Other objectives and KPIs may be drawn from and negotiated on the basis of the role’s position description.
Finally, you will need to identify and analyse two to three risks associated with the secondment and record the analyses (Appendix 3).
3. A
ange with your assessor:
a. a time and place to conduct the two role-plays:
i. a consultation with the garden products manager.
ii. a meeting to set performance expectations with the seconded employee.
. timeframe and format requirements for submitting supporting documentation, as set out in the specifications below.
4. Ca
y out the role-play with the peer manager. Ensure you:
a. Discuss your expectations for the employee and your needs for filling the position with this resource:
i. Discuss the position description.
ii. Gather a sense of the employee’s aptitude.
. Gather informal feedback to relay to the employee that will allow the employee to start off with a realistic sense of the expectations of the position and how hard they may have to work to close any performance/skills
knowledge gaps.
5. Ca
y out the role-play with the seconded employee. Ensure you complete the following:
a. Briefly summarise how performance is measured and performance objectives are set within the organisation.
. In accordance with those processes, set performance objectives and complete a work plan in consultation with the employee.
c. Discuss general expectations and code of conduct with employee.
6. After role-playing with the manager and employee, identify two to three risks associated with the secondment in accordance with the organisation’s risk management plan. Ensure you identify at least one compliance risk.
7. Submit supporting documentation to your assessor in accordance with the agreed timeframe, format and the below specifications.
You must:
· participate in two role-plays:
· one with the garden products manage
· one with the seconded employee.
· submit an agreed work plan
· submit a risk management plan.
Your assessor will be looking for demonstration of your ability to:
· consult with relevant stakeholders to identify work requirements, performance standards and agreed performance indicators
· develop work plans and allocate work to achieve outcomes efficiently and within organisational and legal requirements
· provide constructive feedback on performance
· outline how performance is measured and performance objectives are set within the organisation.
Adjustment for distance-based learners
· No changes to the assessment procedure or specifications are required.
· Role-plays may be conducted via video or teleconferencing.
· Documentation may be submitted electronically.
· A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).
Appendix 1: Employee position description
    Position Description
    Job title:
    Customer Service Representative
    Job level:
    Reports to:
    Manager Homewares
    Hardware and home products
    Summary of position
Provide expert advice to customers on hardware and homewares products, process sales and refer sales to checkout staff.
    Essential job requirements
· Determine customer needs.
· Provide expert advice to customers.
· Take and process orders.
    Required competence/education
What are the minimum competence/educational requirements for this position?
    Product knowledge
    Ability to describe the use of each product; (on rare occasions, where necessary) able to refer to others on team with more expert knowledge and with minimal inconvenience to customer.
    Customer focus
    Can develop rapport, inspire confidence; Up-sell and cross-sell when appropriate to meet customer’s needs.
    Point-of-sale technology
    Able to complete and process orders within two minutes.
    Learning and development
    Expected to take a self-directed and continuous approach to learning on- and off-the-job in consultation with management
    Health, safety, security and environment
    Can follow relevant policies and procedures for WHS, recordkeeping and financial procedures, sustainability policies and procedures.

    Physical requirements
Must be able to stand for four-hour shifts; minimal lifting: 20 kg.
    Mental requirements
    Equipment used
point-of-sale terminal, telephone, forklift, fax machine, power tools.
    Supervisory responsibilities
    Working conditions
· Indoor warehouse environment.
· Occasional outdoor work.
Assessment Task 1    BSBMGT502 Manage people performance
© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd    1st edition version: 1    
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Appendix 2: Employee work plan
    Internal process
    Customer focus
Appendix 3: Risk management plan template
    Risk likelihood
    Risk impact
© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd    1st edition version: 1
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Assessment Task 2 (BSBMGT502)
Assessment Task 2    BSBMGT502 Manage people performance
Design and train performance management systems
Submission details
    Candidate’s name
    Phone no.
    Assessor’s name
    Phone no.
    Assessment site
    Assessment date/s
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this a
angement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
You will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to design and train others on performance management systems.
Assessment description
In response to a simulated workplace scenario, you will design a performance management system and train peer managers.
1. Review the Australian Hardware simulated business documentation provided to you by your assessor, particularly policies and procedures relevant to the cu
ent performance management system.
2. Review the scenario below.
    It has been noted by senior management that employee performance has generally fallen behind targets. Particular areas of concern are sales revenue and customer satisfaction.
    Looking at the results of organisational climate measures taken by Australian Hardware’s HR team, employees complain of:
· the lack of apparent management commitment to training and advancement
· the lack of meaningful rewards and recognition
· the lack of management presence and ongoing feedback on work performance.
A large proportion of employees, 45%, always or often feel disengaged from work; their sense of self-confidence and optimism is low.
There is a high risk of the organisation being unable to attract, retain and enact a succession plan if trends continue.
You are the Hardware and Homewares Manager at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store. As the most knowledgeable manager on matters of performance management, you have been asked to deliver a short training session (15–20 minutes) on the cu
ent performance management system and your plans to improve the cu
ent system to take account of HR information.
Your managerial audience is generally familiar with the cu
ent system, but would benefit from a refresher as an introduction to learning about your approved amendments.
3. A
ange with your assessor:
a. a time and place to role-play the training
. a timeframe and format requirements for submitting supporting documentation, as set out in the specifications below.
4. Make appropriate amendments to the performance management system to address the identified deficiencies.
5. Plan a short training session to convey the important features of the cu
ent performance management system and your amendments. Assume that your amendments have been approved and are supported by senior management for piloting at the Wollongong store.
Ensure you cover the following in your session:
a. Introduction to the main features of the performance management system in place, including:
i. goal-setting and performance measurement processes
ii. formal and informal feedback
iii. performance appraisals
iv. monitoring training and development
v. recordkeeping needs and requirements
. Discussion of the amendments you have made to the cu
ent system, including a focus on developing potential through positive development options rather than on identifying and co
ecting performance weaknesses.
c. Prepare to answer questions on the amendments you have made, particularly the purpose of your system (What do you hope to achieve? What problems does it address?) and how your amended system is designed to achieve that purpose.
6. Deliver a 15–20 minute training session. Lead others by gaining support for your amended system: explain and argue for the benefits of your amendments.
Note: For example, you could demonstrate amendments to the existing performance management system by amending existing processes in response to the scenario and then using these amendments in a training presentation. You could present these amendments on PowerPoint slides or create a revised performance management flow chart to present to managers.
7. Submit supporting documentation to your assessor in accordance with the agreed timeframe, format and the below specifications.
You must:
· participate in a training session
Answered Same Day Mar 07, 2020 BSBMGT502 Training.Gov.Au


Ckreta answered on Mar 08 2020
139 Votes
Assessment 1 Allocate work and provide feedback
Table of Contents
Business documentation    1
Role play with the garden product manager    1
Role play with peer manager    1
Role play with Kim    2
Compliance risk    2
Supporting documentation    2
References    4
Business documentation
It is crucial for Australian Hardware to meet all the necessary requirements under documentation process (Baruch and Gregoriou, 2017). It is also vital so that changes can be made in the area of customer service management. All the required information about the new work process should be provided to Kim so that he can handle all the tasks and activities in effective manner.
Role play with the garden product manage
Initially questions regarding the qualifications for the sales representative will be asked so as to get knowledge about the things which holds crucial importance in handling customer services. Discussion will also be made regarding the duties and responsibilities which Kim will handle at Australian Hardware Wollongong store (Liao and Ai Lin Teo, 2018).
Kim will be then invited for the consultation meeting in which information about performance standards will be given to Kim so that he can manage each and every aspect in effective manner. Information will be given regarding roles and responsibilities of sales representative and how the same job profile can be improved (Brewster and Cerdin, 2018). Within the period of 8 days, the process of documentation should be completed.
Role play with peer manager
The employee is expected to identify all the needs of customers so that accordingly services can be delivered. There should be proper communication with the clients to make specific changes in service dimensions. While communicating with the clients, it is crucial to emphasize on taking and receiving the orders as client satisfaction is...

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