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ASSESSMENT 2 – Set April 2017 Module code: HR5057 Module title: People Management & Performance in Contemporary Organisations Module leader/Tutors: Harinder Dhesi & Tricia Leman Due Date: 23rd May...

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ASSESSMENT 2 – Set April 2017

Module code: HR5057

Module title: People Management & Performance in
Contemporary Organisations

Module leade
Tutors: Harinder Dhesi & Tricia Leman

Due Date: 23rd May XXXXXXXXXXweek 14, day 2)


Deadline: XXXXXXXXXX:00hrs.

Submission: Turn-it-In / Weblearn e-submission

Assessment type: Written assignment based on supplied case study

Weighting: 80% of total marks

Materials supplied: Case Study

Warning: Ensure the work is adequately referenced. See
University website for details on referencing and

Instructions to candidates: This is a written individual assignment, maximum
2,000 words plus 500 words, reflective statement

Format: Academic essay

© London Metropolitan University
Case Study
Pearl & Mutual

As the Graduate Recruitment Manager for the Pearl & Mutual Benefit Insurance Company
(PMIC) you have recruited 15 to 20 Graduate Trainees over each of the past five years. An
analysis of their retention to the end of 2014 has produced the distu
ing data that over
60% have left the company, in many cases for careers in industries or sectors other than
the financial service sector.

Your cu
ent selection method has been to use a well-known test of General Mental Ability
on all candidates as an initial screening instrument and then to a
ange for panel interviews
with senior Line Managers for the best 50 applicants each year, as determined by the test
esults. These managers are given training in using a competency framework for this
interview process, designed to elicit and rate six behavioural and motivational competences,

• Drive to Achieve
• Selling Skills
• Interpersonal Strengths

You have recently reviewed the ratings given on applicants by members of the same panel.
There is evidence to suggest that Senior Managers Chairing these panels often seem to
impose their conclusions on the suitability of applicants when the final selection decisions
are made.

You have reported the levels of turnover o your HR Director, She has replied that her senior
Colleagues have begun to notice the trend and have expressed concern at the loss of these
expensively recruited and trained graduates, many of whom have not received high ratings
for their performance on their annual appraisals.

She has asked you to review the cu
ent recruitment and selection practices at Pearl and
Mutual and also look at how other organisation go about their graduate recruitment. From
this she wants you to produce detailed report that provides recommendations for the total
evamp of the graduate selection process, as to enable the company to recruit high
potential individuals who ‘fit’ the company’s hard driving and sales oriented culture. “We
don’t want egg-heads, we want go-getters, who can build our company
and and customer
ase and get our products sold”, she tells you.

Your Tasks:

(2000 words)

a) Basing your answers on the above case, prepare a report (with academic input) to
the HR Director, setting out your findings and recommendations for a revised
Graduate Selection Process, including the time scales and ‘estimated costs’ (or cost
considerations) involved and explain their likely predictive ability to meet these

(500 words)

) 500 word reflective commentary on your learning and experience on the module.

Report Guide

• Answer the question

• Look at different parts of the question

• Structure

o Beginning / Middle and End
o Cover Page
o Abstract/Overview
o Introduction/Background/Information
o Main body / discussion /
 X/Y/Z
 Pros and Cons – balanced insight
 Include theory
 Include Practice
 Organisational Examples
o Conclusion
 Nothing new
o Recommendations
o References
o Bibliography


Proof reading

• If you missed any of the taught and practical sessions, the necessary material is
available on web-learn for your use and reference.

• But you will have to go far beyond what has been provided to get a good grade.
Look at general text that cover recruitment, selection, journals and professional
magazines that illustrate graduate recruitment in theory and practice


University Undergraduate Marking Scale

The University’s assessment scale will be employed for grading both the coursework essay
and the group presentation; it is included below for your information.

Grade % Comment
A XXXXXXXXXXExcellent: outstanding performance with only minor e
B 60-69 Very Good: above the average standard but with some e
C 50-59 Good: generally sound work with a number of notable e
D 43-49 Satisfactory: fair but with significant shortcomings
E 40-42 Sufficient: performance meets the minimum criteria
R XXXXXXXXXXFail: some more work required before the credit can be awarded
R2 0-24 Fail: considerable further work required
HR5057 – People Management and Performance in Contemporary Organisations
Individual Assignment Marking Criteria
Student Name/No: Date:

Coursework Marking Criteria

Rating Scale
Good Satisf. Needs

Specification of the aims of the answer,
an indication of the arguments to follow
and the conclusion to be reached

Identification and coverage of key

Range of sources employed

Evidential support for the case being

Quality of the arguments (clarity and

Quality of the conclusion

Structure of the Answer

Style: Use of English
(Grammar, Punctuation)

Use of the Harvard System
(Reference Presentation &

General Comments/feedback on the written assessment


Comments/feedback (continued)

First Marker

Second Marke
    Deadline: XXXXXXXXXX:00hrs.
    Assessment type: Written assignment based on supplied case study
    Weighting: 80% of total marks
    Your Tasks:
    Report Guide
     If you missed any of the taught and practical sessions, the necessary material is available on web-learn for your use and reference.
    University Undergraduate Marking Scale
Answered Same Day May 12, 2020 HR5057


Sangeeta answered on May 17 2020
151 Votes
Recruitment Practices at PMIC
Workforce planning is very important in case if an organization wants to have in place highly competent employees and satisfy future needs of the employees (Levin, 2001). this particular paper attempts to provide a comprehensive report, which offers suggestions for the complete revamping of the graduate selection procedure, for enabling the corporation to appoint high potential candidates who very well ‘fit’ the corporation’s hard directing and sales driven culture. The results highlighted that PMIC requires having individuals with the co
ect abilities and behaviour to assist its development and growth. Moving ahead, PMIC should have in place apparent organizational frameworks, thorough job descriptions and individual specifications.
In the provided case, the Graduate Recruitment Manager of the PMIC (Pearl & Mutual Benefit Insurance Company) appointed 15 to 20 Graduate Trainees over each of the last five years. An assessment of their retention to the closing stages of the year 2014 has developed the distressing data that more than 60 percent individuals have left the corporation, in several situations for careers within sectors or industries apart from financial service segment. The present selection approach has basically been to employ a renowned test of General Mental Ability on all applicants like a beginning screening means and then a
anging panel interviews with top Line supervisors for the most appropriate 50 candidates yearly, as decided through the test scores/outcomes. These managers are offered proper training in making use of a capability model for this interview procedure, developed for eliciting and rating six behavioural as well as motivational abilities taking in Drive to Achieve, Selling Skills and lastly, Interpersonal Strengths
Moving ahead, there is proof for conclusions highlighting towards the fact that Top Managers Chairing like panels normally inflict their on the appropriateness of candidates at the time when decisions related to final selection are formed. The senior Colleagues have started noticing the issue and have shown apprehension at the loss of such affluently appointed and trained candidates, several of whom haven’t gained good ratings for their outcome on their yearly appraisals. Thus, the recruitment manager has been asked to review the present recruitment as well as selection procedures prevalent at the company and also look at how other organisation go about their graduate recruitment. Further, taking the above discussion into consideration this particular paper attempts to provide a comprehensive report, which offers suggestions for the complete revamping of the graduate selection procedure, for enabling the corporation to appoint high potential candidates who very well ‘fit’ the corporation’s hard directing and sales driven culture.
Taking into consideration the above discussed above it can be stated that the recruitment manager should focus upon recruiting Y Generation Employees. Generation Y includes young experts between the age group of 15 to 30 years and are just going entering the workplace. The recent statistics
ing to light the actuality that Generation Y is the highest mounting segment of the employees (To
ington et. al. 2011). This fresh generation occupies junior as well as mid-level management standings on the grounds of their expert training and educational background. Generation Y is
ight, imaginative, optimistic, accomplishment-oriented and tech-confident (Levin, 2001). They are believed to be the fortunate ones as they are in an idyllic situation to take advantage of the awaiting retirement of the baby boomers and they possess advance capabilities necessary for the jobs based on internet To
ington et. al. 2011). The employees categorized under Generation Y are very methodological and gel well with distinct groups. They are not usually
and-faithful and this section of Internet specialists is bendable and adjustable. They look forward to flexible workplaces and switch companies more often as compared to Generation X.
Generation Y has been
ought up, coddled and pampered with expensive things ever since they were kids. Supervisors should very well acknowledge the fact that they are accompanied with high-output and high-upholding. In contrary to baby boomers, who lay more emphasis on career, Generation Y, pay more attention on their family and non-work lives (To
ington et. al., 2011). They want jobs that are accommodating and have telecommuting options with the capability to go part time. They are usually positive, exceedingly social instead of being didactic. They make every effort for affluence and operate on their own conditions and can emerge to be - 'all about me' (To
ington et. al., 2011). They possess a multifaceted and powerful ethnic social configuration developed on their social networks. Separation among job and social life are unclear as their lives are publicized on the internet.
Characteristics of Generation Y
To begin with, they go all-out for ingenious challenges, character growth and considerable professions. This generation request advisers and managers who are greatly dedicated in their specialist...

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