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Assessment 2 Boutique Build Australia was established in 2014 and is a boutique building company based in Sydney. It specialises in the design and construction of high quality designer homes for the...

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Assessment 2
Boutique Build Australia was established in 2014 and is a boutique building company based in Sydney. It specialises in the design and construction of high quality designer homes for the Sydney metropolitan and su
ounding areas.
The company cu
ently employs a number of staff including CEO, Operations Manager, Marketing Manager, Administration Officer, Site Manager and two sales consultants.
Boutique Build Australia has recently developed a Strategic and Operational Plan as part of a new focused approach to the business. There is a strong emphasis on green building services. The Strategic Plan will also be used to formulate a marketing plan as to date, limited investment and staff time have been put into marketing. The role of Marketing Manager (your role) has recently been established within the business, as it the importance of the marketing function has been recognised. The CEO has also indicated it may be possible to recruit a new marketing officer to assist with marketing functions.
To date, most business is generated through word of mouth. The company has a website which has also generated some business. At the beginning of the year a SEO expert was employed with the objective of increasing web traffic by 20%. The most recent data about customers visiting the web site during the preceding six months is as follows:
    Number of web site visits
    Number of email enquiries from customers about products
The company has also placed a number of advertisements in local community newspapers. The CEO has indicated that, during the time that the advertisement was placed (three times during consecutive three weeks), there were a number of enquiries about the company’s products and services but not leads. The CEO is unsure that this is the right medium for the company’s target group who are high income earners, seeking homes that are stylish, of high quality and innovative.
ently, about 1% of total revenue is spent on marketing. The company’s total revenue for the financial year 2014/2015 was $2,000,000 and gross profit was $40,000. Marketing costs to date comprise of ongoing website maintenance and the newspaper advertisements refe
ed to. The CEO recognises that he is committed to spending more on marketing and has indicated that the percentage could rise up to 3% depending on your recommendations.
Research shows that competitors are spending at least 5% of their budget
Regarding awareness of the company, market research has recently been conducted which showed that 4 out of 30 customers interviewed recognised the Boutique Building Australia name.
Write a
iefing report.
Review the scenario information and the Strategic and Operational Plan to conduct a strategic analysis and a review of the company’s marketing performance.
Use this to identify marketing opportunities, as this will inform the development of marketing objectives for the company.
Your report must include the following:
An overview of the company’s mission, vision and values, key products and services as well as strategic objectives and operational priorities as set out in the Strategic Plan.
An assessment of the company’s cu
ent situation and the range of factors impacting on the company’s directions and targets. Use the information included in the SWOT analysis and market conditions to inform your assessment. Ensure that your analysis includes an outline of key market opportunities and the strengths and weakness of cu
ent products and services.
An assessment of the company’s legal and ethical requirements in relation to marketing. Conduct research to identify requirements using the following website: http:
An assessment of the company’s marketing performance, including cu
ent marketing activities and positioning and effectiveness in relation to previous marketing objectives. You will also need to calculate the marketing return on investment for the figures provided. You may use examples of marketing plans and strategies and market analysis contained within these plans to assist you in in developing your performance review. A range of plans that can be used as examples are included at
An investigation of at least three potential marketing opportunities for the company based on your strategic analysis and marketing performance review including an outline of each opportunity that discusses:
Alignment with the company's objectives and goals and the objectives and goals described in the Marketing Plan
Overall benefits to the business of pursuing the opportunity
Anticipated effect of the marketing opportunity on sales, profitability, growth and market share.
Estimated effect on return on investment. This should be an approximate estimate taking into account how much the likely cost of the opportunity would be against anticipated return.
How market conditions impact on the marketing opportunity
How any external factors such as technological or legal factors may affect the marketing opportunity.
Risks associated with the marketing opportunity.
Identification of suitable marketing objectives based on your strategic analysis, marketing performance review and identification of marketing opportunities. The objectives you recommend must be SMART objectives and you must explain how the objectives you recommend are achievable and realistic for the company in terms of marketing budget and staff resources. In recommending each of the marketing objectives, you should also explain how these link to the organisation’s strategic vision and values, as well as objectives. You should develop a minimum of two marketing objectives.
Identification of performance indicators that can be used to measure each of the marketing objectives you have identified
Use the Briefing Report Template to guide your work.
1. Develop a risk management plan
The purpose of the risk management plan is to identify and document risks for the marketing opportunities that you have identified and determine appropriate risk control measures.
Include a description of the risk, likelihood, impact, priority and preventative action/contingency plan.
Review the Strategic and Operational Plan to ensure that your risk management measures are in accordance with this, and the Risk Management Policy and Procedures to assess the likelihood and impact of the risks that you have identified.
Use the Risk Management Plan Template to guide your work.

BSBMKG608 Strategic and Operational Plan Version 5.0 Feb 2019
Vocational Training Institute RTO 41111 CRICOS 03487C Page 1 of 11

Strategic & Operational Plan
Boutique Build Australia
BSBMKG608 Strategic and Operational Plan Version 5.0 Feb 2019
Vocational Training Institute RTO 41111 CRICOS 03487C Page 2 of 11
Welcome to the very first Strategic Plan for Boutique Build Australia.

This document sets out our vision for the next three years and how we hope to achieve it.

We hope you enjoy reading this document.
Boutique Build Australia
Executive Summary
Established in 2008, Boutique Build Australia is a building company specialising in the design and build of
high quality designer homes for the Sydney metropolitan and su
ounding areas.

Our vision to be the best home builder in Australia drives everything we do, from the friendly
greeting we give to customers at our display centre, to our supplier relationships and to our
employees’ professional development.
To be the best home builder in Australia.
Core values underpinning our activities are:
• Quality
• Innovation
• Leadership
• Respect
• Honesty and Reliability
Strategic Objectives
1. To increase revenue by 10% annually
2. To expand into the Brisbane and Sunshine Coast market
3. To expand into the environmentally sustainable market
4. To be well led, high performing, profitable and accountable
5. To be an employer of choice
BSBMKG608 Strategic and Operational Plan Version 5.0 Feb 2019
Vocational Training Institute RTO 41111 CRICOS 03487C Page 3 of 11
Operational Objectives
The following table identifies the operational objectives we plan to achieve in pursuit of our strategic
2018 Priorities Key performance indicator
June Employ at least 3 permanent site
Site staff in place
July Commence recruiting for key
positions in Brisbane and Sunshine
Key staff established for Brisbane and
Sunshine Coast
August Develop and implement work-life
alance programs
Increased employee satisfaction as
measured by surveys.
Oct Commence promotions in the
Brisbane and Sunshine Coast
Set up display centre in Brisbane
and Caloundra QLD
Presence in Brisbane established
November Staff performance reviews All staff performance reviews conducted
Jan Develop and implement strategies
for increasing number of women in
the workplace
Number of females in company increased
y at least 4 by mid-year.
March Commence design of
environmentally friendly homes
Designs completed
May Commence marketing
environmentally homes
Build at least 4 environmentally friendly
homes by the end of the year
November Staff performance reviews All staff performance reviews conducted
Feb Review other potential markets Potential markets explored
Sept Analyse workforce diversity Number of women in workforce continuing
to increase
Nov Staff performance reviews All staff performance reviews conducted
BSBMKG608 Strategic and Operational Plan Version 5.0 Feb 2019
Vocational Training Institute RTO 41111 CRICOS 03487C Page 4 of 11
The Market
The construction industry had been facing a stagnant phase in recent times, however experts predict a
turnaround, providing real opportunities in the sector. Although much of the construction industry is expected
to see real growth in the coming 12 months, it is the residential building sector that should experience the
The Housing Industry Association’s National Outlook and announced that this year would see a new record of
homes commenced. According to the statistics, a record number of new dwelling commencements are
forecast for the next financial year. It is also important to note that this represents the fourth year in a row
where residential construction has improved: a vital part of the overall Australian economy.
Although last year saw a rise in overall numbers, a significant portion of building approvals never started,
sparking further opportunities when these begin this year. Project Managers, Structures Forepersons and
Commercial Contract Administrators will be at the top of any wish list for construction businesses this year.
Although a number of states are set for an increase, the Sunshine State is set to experience the most growth.
The Queensland Government is providing support by offering first home buye
uilder grants as well as easier
procedures for development application approvals.
If you are to compare all the major industries of Australia - construction, manufacturing, engineering and
mining - construction is the only one that is expected to see real growth in the coming years.
Situation Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
➢ Value and quality
➢ Strong management
➢ Customer loyalty
➢ Friendly organisational culture
➢ Level of
Answered Same Day May 30, 2021 BSBMKG608 Training.Gov.Au


Lawrence answered on Jun 01 2021
145 Votes
Boutique Build Australia
Marketing Objectives Briefing Report
Vision: The vision of the company is to the best home builder in Australia.
Mission: The mission of Boutique Build Australia is to specialize in the design and building of high-quality designer homes for the Sydney Metropolitan Area and su
ounding areas.
Strategic analysis
The companies strategic objectives are to achieve a consistent expansion in revenue targets of 10 percent annually. Market expansion is also one of the key strategies for Boutique Build Australia. They are looking to expand in markets such as Brisbane and Sunshine Coast Market. The other strategic goal of the company is to establish its presence in the environmentally sustainable market. Boutique Build Australia gives a lot of importance to leadership along with being a performance-driven company. They would like to be profitable as well as accountable to their stakeholders across the organization.
Target Market
The company would be primarily targeting the affluent professionals and businessmen residing in Brisbane and Sunshine Coast markets. They would also like to incorporate newer products and services in their business line portfolio. The products that have a high potential for growth are environmental homes. These products would be a part of growing products that will be added by Boutique Australia. Apart from products, they would also like to venture into services such as Ceramic Tile retailing, interior decoration and home painting services.
· Value and high-quality products and services
· Strong leadership and top management
· High customer loyalty
· Flat hierarchy and friendly organizational policies and culture
· Good amount of finance available for investments
· Limited market focus as of now, concentrating only on Sydney Market.
· Brand name is not known yet to all the potential target market
· There is a relatively high turnover of workforce and labor
· There is lower diversity in the workforce
· Housing sector is experiencing good growth
· Potential for growth is seen in Brisbane and Sunshine Coast Markets
· There are innovations in environmental housing products and services
· There are potential environmental effects
· Changes in Government and industry legislation which might affect the construction industry
· Adverse effects of government policy formulation
· There is a high level of competition in the housing industry
· Various predicted uncertainties in the world economy lead to low demand for housing
· Low priced competitors exist
· Failure to satisfy customer demand
Legal and ethical requirements
Australian Consumer Law addresses the concerns and any unfair terms in customer contracts. This law upholds consumer rights while ensuring product safety and safeguarding the...

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