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Answer the below question... APA format. Reference the study guide attached along with other sources. Please in-text cite references. What impacts do you think small businesses and entrepreneurs have...

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Answer the below question... APA format. Reference the study guide attached along with other sources. Please in-text cite references.

  1. What impacts do you think small businesses and entrepreneurs have on national economic growth and development? Why should multinationals consider entrepreneurship levels in target countries?
    Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

  1. What do you think the small business model is?
    Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

  1. What methods do you think a small business manager can use in developing contacts necessary to implement export strategy?
    Your response should be at least 75 words in length

  1. The use and benefits of the Internet are not limited to multinationals that are Fortune 500 companies. How can small businesses that are going international benefit from the Internet?
    Your response should be at least 75 words in length

  1. What do you think an aspiring exporter should know about the export market?
    Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

Answered Same Day Jul 26, 2020


Perla answered on Jul 27 2020
139 Votes
Discussion: Small business and International Entrepreneurship
1) Impact on national Economic Growth
Small businesses and entrepreneurs will impact in national economic growth and development. They will take up major part of the GNP of any country. They will provide employment to the locals who are semi-skilled and un-skilled as well. They will contribute to the increase in GDP and quality of the life of the people. This contributes to the increase in the national economic growth as well will also works on to sustain development. Entrepreneurs working in international business frameworks will contribute to the foreign exchange earnings as well (Burns et al., 2016).
2) The Small business model:
Small business is defined as enterprise having less than 500 employees by UN&OECD and it is said to have less than 100 employees in accordance with the popular press. US small business administration worked on to define small business which varied by industry and sales revenues.
Small business has two models,
· One that follows incremental stages of internationalization(Small business stage model)
· Company that begins as a multinational firm(Global start-up or Born global firm)
Small business model is international market developed after a strong domestic market...

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