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Analyse and evaluate how technology, and cloud computing technology in particular has been a force responsible for driving globalization. Refer to globalization theory and give examples in your...

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Analyse and evaluate how technology, and cloud computing technology in particular has been a force responsible for driving globalization. Refer to globalization theory and give examples in your analysis and evaluation.
* I don't need Introduction and conclusion just the main body
Answered Same Day Apr 29, 2020


Sundeep answered on Apr 30 2020
136 Votes
There is immense influence of the technological changes on the process of globalisation that is taking place in the world. The technology is the driving factor which is changing the way the goods are organised, traded, investments are done and also the development process of the products change. With the advancement in technology, the developments in the growth factors because of globalisation is hugs.( Schroeder, R. (2018). ) Improved air and sea transportation has greatly accelerated the movement of people from one place to another. Newer technologies are moving the idea of production at point, i.e production at the time of consumption. We also need the development in the technology to increase the production line and also to manufacture the better products at a much faster rate. Technology improves the capacity to produce. Be it food, clothing, vehicles, products and as well as services. The development of technology has been possible because of development of the knowledge in the human beings. Technology also has a major part to play in the instruments. Whenever a new instrument is manufactured or used, technology is involved. The instruments are mostly objects such as computers, televisions and the automobile vehicles.
The organisations who are the developers of the technology also possess it and may or may not share it with the world. The organisation may share the output from the technology. Control of the technology has relations with the economics and the politics that take place in an...

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