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Activity 5: ' Riding the waves of culture ’- Talk given by Fons Trompenaars at TEDxAmsterdam URL: Questions to consider: 1.Consider your experience with...

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Activity 5: 'Riding the waves of culture’-Talk given by Fons Trompenaars at TEDxAmsterdam


Questions to consider:

1.Consider your experience with cultural conflict or culture shock. What were the different viewpoints that you had to reconcile? And how did you overcome the differences?

2.What would be the benefits of connecting different viewpoints as Trompenaar suggests?

Activity 6:‘Building a cross-cultural web design for a wider audience’(Christian ArnoinDesignon 22nd Jun 2010)


Questions to consider:

1.Can the concept ofHigh and Low Context cultures be applied to other areas of business? – marketing and advertising, PR, customer and supplier relationship management, etc.

Answered Same Day Dec 17, 2019


David answered on Dec 24 2019
141 Votes
Higher Education Faculty
Assignment Cover Sheet
    Subject Title
    Management and Organisations in a Global Environment
    Subject Code
    Assignment Title
    Research Paper 1
    Due Date
    Friday Week 6
    Contact Details
    Student ID
    Student Name
    Student e-mail address
    [email protected]
I acknowledge that:
1. This assignment is my work. I acknowledged and disclosed fully any assistance received in its preparation and cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, words, either quoted directly or paraphrased.
2. This assignment was prepared by us specifically and only for this subject.
3. This assignment is identical with the work submitted via Self-Check on Blackboard.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary    3
E-learning Activities    3
Activity 5 – 'Riding the waves of culture’-Talk given by Fons Trompenaars at TEDxAmsterdam    3
Activity 6 –Building a cross-cultural web design for a wider audience’(inon 22nd Jun 2010)    3
Conclusion    3
References    3
Executive Summary
The report consists of two activities: Activity 5 and Activity 6.
First activity is a video talk by Fons Tromenaars on the topic ‘Riding the waves of culture’. It explains about how cultural diversity is expanding in each and every economy these days and how it is has influenced the views and mixing tendency. The speaker gives examples of many situations where valuing relationship and simultaneously obeying law of the land can vary with different communities.
Second activity explains how low context and high context can be included into business to influence the local public more effectively. The Mc Donald website’s homepage in UK and India is designed according to regional demand taste to attract local public. Moreover other factors like colour, Unicode, navigation, and content can be changed according to the country.
E-learning Activities
Activity 5 – 'Riding the waves of culture’-Talk given by Fons Trompenaars at TEDxAmsterdam
1. I have been facing...

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