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6.1 Assessment details Assessment Event 1 – Marketing Materials Weighting: 30% Word length: 1800 words Due: Week 5 Learning outcomes: 1 and 2 For this assessment you will need to: x Create marketing...

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6.1 Assessment details Assessment Event 1 – Marketing Materials Weighting: 30% Word length: 1800 words Due: Week 5 Learning outcomes: 1 and 2 For this assessment you will need to: x Create marketing materials to market a hypothetical or real children’s service (with permission). The marketing materials will need to include information about the service such as operating hours, management and fee structure, staffing levels, service philosophy, the program and special activities and achievements. x Ensure the marketing materials are designed to capture the reader’s attention, with information written in a clear and accessible way and reflecting an understanding of key marketing strategies. Your assessment should show evidence that you have read widely on the topic beyond the supplied readings and texts. Your assessment must use correct referencing, in APA style. All submissions must comply with the requirements listed in the Student Handbook for this course. The criteria for marking the written component of this assessment are given below.
Answered Same Day Mar 26, 2020


Karan answered on Mar 29 2020
159 Votes

Marketing Materials
Table of Contents
Service overview    1
Email marketing    2
Newspaper ad    6
Service philosophy    7
Special activities and achievement    7
Brochure    8
Print Media    9
Poster for social media marketing    10
Brochure    13
In the present era, different services are rendered for the convenience and betterment of the children in the society (Lamb, et al. 2014). Further, for the promotion of such services effective marketing strategies are required to be undertaken by the providers of the service so as to influence the purchase behavior of the parents as they are the one who takes decision whether to purchase particular service for their children or not. This is one of the main reason due to which marketing and promotion plays one of the most significant role and it contributes a lot in building positive perception of the particular service in the mind of the target market.
In the present research, one service has been selected for the children named day care center for children from birth to 5 years in Australia where this technique is totally based on providing convenience to the small children and along with this their parents are positively supported with the help of this service. The new centre will be named as Child’s learning world. The report covers preparation of marketing materials for promotion of the new service selected so that parents can be attracted towards the service.
For the overall promotion and awareness in relation with the new service it is necessary to design effective marketing materials so that promotion and information can be shared with the target market in most effective manner (Alkon, et al. 2014).
Firstly online source will be adopted for delivering information regarding the day care center named Child’s learning world. One
ochure and pamphlet will be designed that will be the main marketing material of the new service that will be delivered to the children.
Service overview
The day care center service is mainly for the small children aged till 5 years. Further, it undertakes education as one of the main service where learning environment has been developed within Child’s learning world so that small kids can learn new things and they can gain basic understanding like learning alphabets etc (Tandon, Saelens, & Christakis, 2015). Along with this nutrition related services will also be delivered where lunch will be provided to them that will be healthy. Moreover, unique environment will be developed within Child’s learning world like grass, trees sunshine and other creative things as it can attract small children easily. Therefore, these will be the main services.
Email marketing
Give your child peaceful and learning environment to grow
Fully qualified staff
All Nutrition food provided
Vacation care
Try our free demo at
For more details
Contact: 1800641231
Contact form
Above shown is the key marketing material for the new business that will assist in delivering information about the new service and it can contribute a lot in generating trust and confidence in parents towards child day care in which nutritional food will be provided along with some basic education like playing cartoon videos, playing games for entertainment purpose etc.. No doubt this concept is developing at faster pace but every firm has to generate trust in parents so that they can prefer this service for the betterment of their children (Broberg, & Hwang, 2014).
Further, it is a well known fact that in day care center it is necessary that qualified staffs are mainly present for the overall development of the small children. Further, different options will be provided to the parents so that they can choose one of the most convenient options for the development of their children in the best possible manner. In short, environment like home will be provided to the small children till the age of 5 years and this make them comfortable with regards to accessing the services of the Child’s learning world. No doubt, development of children in the early stage like when they are small takes place at slower pace but the staff of the new business will provide them friendly environment where they can learn new things and can grow easily (Finn-Stevenson, 2018).
The day care services will be delivered through the physical store located in Australia in which all the essential facilities will be present from small children perspective.
Small playground will be there for the children where they can play and this activity will enhance their participation in the extra-cu
icular activities.
Below shown is the playground where small kids will play
Newspaper ad
Operating Hours: Morning 6:30 to 6 Pm Daily
Management: Founder, 15 staff members
Fees Structure
$8500 annually
Staffing level
: 15 staff members with unique skills to handle small children
Special activities
: Outside play, Toilet training, naptime, meals
The above shown is the description of the online tutoring business that provides all the relevant information that children along with the parents need while selecting any particular service. On weekly basis in evening 6 to 9 pm tutoring services will be delivered to the children as in the morning time they have to attend school. Furthermore, on Sunday during morning time tutoring service will be provided from 10am to 1pm as it is will be more convenient for the students in every possible manner. One of the main benefits associated with this service is that it is possible to focus on the development of the students who are weak in the field of academic (Chen, Chou & Cowan, 2014). Therefore, tutors can pay special attention to such students and they can surely perform better.
One of the main benefits of child day centre regular schedule and activities where it has been found that on daily basis activities are ca
ied out for the small children such as storytelling, songs and these types of tasks are considered to be essential in the overall intellectual growth and development of the child (Black, et al. 2014). Interaction with other children and young adults where the qualified staff fulfill their needs linked with nutrition food, education and other form of learning. This leads to faster development among the children and in turn is feasible for the parents also.
Generally the day care center like Child’s learning world has different type of activities for the children such as storytelling, singing, dancing which generates interest in the small children and in turn they are easily attracted towards all these type of activities.
Service philosophy
The service linked with day care center for children till 5 years is highly effective as through this children can easily learn new things. Further, the staff members within the day care center will be highly qualified that can assist them in learning new things like how to eat food by oneself and along with this other extra-cu
icular activities will be ca
ied out such as storytelling, singing, dancing etc that will be the major source of attraction for the small children.
It will prepare children for high school as it is one of the most difficult phase for the parents where they face lots of difficulties in developing their children for high school. Regular schedule will be present where on specific time different activities will be ca
ied out such as playing games, learning new things etc (Landry, et al. 2014).
Special activities and achievement
Different forms of special activities are present that are linked with the day care center. The range of special activities involves storytelling, playing games, presenting small stories, watching cartoons, eating nutritional food etc. All these special activities will surely provide remarkable experience to the children. For the children who are very small cartoons and other form of creative ideas will be used for imparting knowledge and learning to them. This will directly generate interest in the education and in turn children can learn new things
Time to time different activities will also be added to the present range so as to generate interest of small children with the help of this (Child care advantage, 2016). Further, social interaction will take place at faster pace where kids will make friends and they will play with them in safe and secure environment that parents mainly prefers. So, these will be some of the unique points of the new service
For effective promotion it is necessarily required to select the right platform for advertising. Mainly
ochures will be designed along with the website of the Child’s learning world that will assist in guiding parents and the children regarding the new service.
We are there to take care of your child
Register on
and avail 5% discount on the total fees
Additional benefits
24*7 hours support
Post query and we will respond quickly
Above shown is the template that has been mainly designed for promoting the day care center service. One of the best way that will assist in attracting children is by highlight the benefits of the service like better health of the child through nutritional meal, extra-cu
icular activity such as storytelling, singing etc (Babycenter, 2018). This template will be posted on the social media platform also where the scheme associated with 5% discount will directly assist in attracting parents and they can register for their children. One of the main motive behind this type of marketing is to influence the purchase behavior of the parents and they can understand the ultimate benefits of this service.
Print Media
Day care center within Australia has been mainly designed with the motive to provide assistance to the parents who are mainly working and they have very less to work on the development of their children. So, this type of service will be really advantageous for the parents where they children are cared from the experienced staff.
Above shown is the another posture that has been designed for promotion purpose.
Mainly social media, email marketing, distribution of pamphlets and designing banners will be used for marketing and promotion purpose. As the business is initially new for the children then in such case proper marketing is needed where the main reason behind the same is to make understand the parents in relation with the benefits of day care center and how their children can be benefitted through this.
For obtaining response of more parents and the children main focus will be on highlighting the key benefits associated with the day care center which will be highlighted with the help of
ochures and pamphlets designed.
Sales promotion technique will also be undertaken where scheme like 5% discount at the time of registration will be given. This will contribute a lot in enhancing the sales of the overall services. No doubt, the market is competitive and other businesses are also present in the market that are rendering day care service. Therefore, in this case the new business will highlight the unique attribute in the service range that will contribute a lot in gaining competitive edge over the rivalry.
Poster for social media marketing
We care for your child
Access your day care service for the development of your child
Attractive offers
Avail benefits for your valuable child
Above shown is the poster that has been mainly designed to highlight the uniqueness present in the services of Child’s learning centre. On continuous basis the experienced staff of the new business will support in the development of the small children. Further, different form of entertainment activities will be ca
ied out such as playing games, watching cartoons, storytelling etc. Through this the overall development of the child will take place at faster pace and will assist in learning in more better manner.
The main motive of the new business will be to equip children that they may have development, learning and the wellbeing outcomes that are necessarily required for life and school (Piptree, 2017). Moreover, the organization will rely on the different strategies goals that involves high quality in terms of food, entertainment, great people where qualified staff will take care of the children etc.
So, these are some of the main marketing strategies undertaken for the new service of day care center. The different marketing strategies undertaken involve email, social media, print media etc. All these strategies are quite effective and their proper use can provide many advantages to the business such as rise in the customer base level, increase in sales volume etc. Through all the strategies undertaken the unique features present in the service range will be highlighted along with the support to the children.
Child’s learning world provides a high quality program of care and education for children from six weeks to school entry age. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea is provided. Our centre is open fifty
weeks of the year from 6.30 am to 7

Child’s learning world provides a high quality program of care and education for children from six weeks to school entry age. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea is provided. Our centre is open fifty weeks of the year from 7am to 6pm.
) (
Parent participation
Child’s learning centre
has an open-door policy where parents are welcome to drop into the centre at any time. Our aim is to establish mutually supportive partnerships between parents and staff through open communication and respect. We encourage parental involvement in our educational program and our Advisory Committee.
) (
Why enrol your child at
Child’s learning world

We employ qualified, dedicated staff who are committed to providing professional, nurturing care and education for all children at
Child’s learning centre
. Our care and education programs are based on cu
ent early childhood education
Alkon, A., Crowley, A. A., Neelon, S. E. B., Hill, S., Pan, Y., Nguyen, V., ... & Kotch, J. B. (2014). Nutrition and physical activity randomized control trial in child care centers improves knowledge, policies, and children’s body mass index. BMC Public Health, 14(1), 215.
Babycenter, (2018). Daycare centers: Advantages and disadvantages. [Online]. Accessed through https: [Accessed on 31st March 2018].
Black, S. E., Devereux, P. J., Løken, K. V., & Salvanes, K. G. (2014). Care or cash? The effect of child care subsidies on student performance. Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(5), 824-837.
Broberg, A. G., & Hwang, С. P. (2014). The historical and social context of child care in Sweden. In Child care in context(pp. 45-72). Psychology Press.
Child care advantage, (2016). 6 Benefits of Daycare for Young Children. [Online]. Accessed through https:
enefits-of-daycare-for-young-children. [Accessed on 31st March 2018].
Finn-Stevenson, M. (2018). Schools of the 21st century: Linking child care and education. Routledge.
Lamb, M. E., Sternberg, K. J., Hwang, C. P., & Broberg, A. G. (Eds.). (2014). Child care in context: Cross-cultural perspectives. Psychology Press.
Landry, S. H., Zucker, T. A., Taylor, H. B., Swank, P. R., Williams, J. M., Assel, M., ... & Phillips, B. M. (2014). Enhancing early child care quality and learning for toddlers at risk: The responsive early childhood program. Developmental psychology, 50(2), 526.
Piptree, (2017). 5 Benefits of Sending Your Kids to a Child Care Centre. [Online]. Accessed through https: [Accessed on 31st March 2018].
Tandon, P. S., Saelens, B. E., & Christakis, D. A. (2015). Active play opportunities at child care. Pediatrics, 135(6), e1425-e1431.

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