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3. personal communication channels - including personal networks, the grapevine and written communication. What are personal communication channels? Individual communication styles and preferences....

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3. personal communication channels - including personal networks, the grapevine and written communication.

What are personal communication channels?

Individual communication styles and preferences.

What do we mean by the grapevine?

Different types of grapevines

What is its role in an organisation?

Answered Same Day May 27, 2020


Shivagya answered on May 29 2020
152 Votes
    Student Name:
    Amritpreet singh
    Student ID No.:
    Unit Name:
    Management Communication
    Unit Code:
    Tutor’s name:
    Dr Patricia Benstein
    Assignment No.:
    Assignment Title:
    Organisational communication
    Due date:
    Date submitted:
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    Amritpreet Singh
Personal communication channels - including personal networks, the grapevine and written communication.
Question 1. What are personal communication channels?
Personal communication channels are the ones in which there is a form of direct contact or communication between the customers or consumers and the company agents. This may assume many forms of communication and could be in the form of face to face, person to an audience, by telephone, fax, post, couriers, text messages, social, newsletter, chat rooms, internet, email, and many others. Personal communication channels are especially very effective and deliver results simply because of the fact that they make room for any type of personal addressing, communication and feedback.
( (2018))
Personal communications can also be segregated and categorized by the source of the information or message which these are,
· Advocate
· Expert
· And Contact from Social
The perspective of the salespeople of the company is that their form of communication is via the view point as the advocates of the product. When an independent and unbiased expert or person of authority expresses the communication to prospective buyers, be it known or unknown, about the merits of the product or service is refe
ed to as expert communication. Take for example a private research lab publishing its findings about the harmful side effects of a newly produced, launched, marketed and commercially available drug against cancer or AIDS. Consumers will perceive this information to be true and act accordingly while being completely impervious to the fact that maybe the research study had been funded by an investor who held a majority stake in a competition’s pharmaceutical company.
( (2018))
Companies undertake a variety of steps to initiate personal communications with consumers and customers about their products, services and
ands. These efforts may vary from one industry to another and one company to and below is given a few of the methods and techniques used by the salespeople to generate more customers which are quite popular.
1. They pick out influential and socially strong individuals who may or may not have authoritative power and devote extra care and efforts on them by focusing more of their problems and issues. These accounts are refe
ed to as key accounts and one may usually find a Key Account Manager (KAM) responsible for a small group of important clients.
2. They then proceed to create influencers or opinion leaders, which they do by giving the prospective opinion leaders & influencers the product or service on attractive terms which may include discounts or coupons etc.
3. There has been a widespread use influential, popular or believable people such as scientists, researchers, professors and industry experts in testimonial advertising which is another form of marketing.
4. They try to generate and develop WOM, or word of mouth publicity by requesting and urging satisfied clients to say good things or in other words promote their product...

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