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2. the organisation as a whole and formal communication channels - establishing and maintaining formal and informal channels of communication downward, upward and horizontally. •What is organisational...

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2. the organisation as a whole and formal communication channels - establishing and maintaining formal and informal channels of communication downward, upward and horizontally.

•What is organisational communicaiton? •Formal communication channels •Informal communication channels •Strategies/tactics for communicating: –Downward –Upward –horizontally
Answered Same Day May 27, 2020


Shubhi answered on May 29 2020
147 Votes
Organisational Communication
Student ID -
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Organizational Communication    2
Introduction    2
Channels of Communication    3
iers to Communication    5
Recommendations    5
Conclusion    6
References    7
Organizational Communication
Organizational communication can be defined as “the sending and receiving of messages among inte
elated individuals within a particular environment or setting to achieve individual and common goals”. Another perspective on the same states that, the study of this field “is the consideration of how the context of the organization influences communication processes and how the symbolic nature of communication differentiates it from other forms of organizational behaviour” (Miller, 2006). This is not a definitive definition but can be used as a starting point for further understanding.
Organizational communication is highly dependent on culture and is extremely contextual. It helps in many ways:
· Completing tasks through maintenance of procedures, policies and regulations which support daily operations, becomes easie
· Developing relationships where “human messages are directed at people within the organization – their attitudes, morale, satisfaction, and fulfilment” (Goldhaber 20)
· Coordinating, planning and controlling the operations in the organization by management (Katz & Kahn, Redding, Thayer) etc.
Channels of Communication
1. Formal Communication Channel
Formal communication refers to the information that is organized and shared with particular individuals to ensure that there is coordination in the organization. These channels depend upon the role of that particular individual and distributed in a way that is acceptable according to protocol.
The structure of an organization has a great influence on the communication trends and patterns within that organization (Greenberg & Baron, 2011).
The organization structure should ideally provide three directions (distinct) for communication: Upward, Downward and Horizontal. These directions usually lay the groundwork within which the communication can take place.
Downward flow – This refers to communication that flows “downward” from executives to managers to staff. It can be regarding any instruction or company direction etc. It is also useful while giving performance feedback.
Upward flow – This is communication that goes from the staff to the managers to the directors (this is an example). These can be in the form of reports or data. This type of flow solves many purposes, for e.g. while giving suggestions for improvement, solving problems/grievances etc.
Horizontal flow – Downward and Upward flows usually follow the official hierarchy within that organization. However, organizations that are greater in size and more complex require communication diagonally or laterally across the departments and the official chain of command. This communication generally takes place between the employees and is known as the horizontal flow. Here the information is mainly for coordination purposes.
2. Informal Communication Channel
Informal communication typically happens in a manner that is more unstructured and is outside the formal convention. This type of communication can take place through chats and conversations, instant messaging etc.
Grapevine is also one kind of informal communication. It generally spreads through rumours and gossip. The...

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